Dynamic update based on today's date - excel

I have the following table
Payments left is calculated by matching the first occurrence of value zero and returning the index of that row (I am subtracting 2 because first payment is on row 2).
This works now because first payment is on June 1, 2020 but If I open this spreadsheet 3 months from now it will still say payments left 15. That will not be correct anymore since at that time 3 payments are made so should say payment left 12.
Is there any way to dynamically know at what row should the calculation of "Payments left" start.
With other words if today is August 15 2020 (I can manually enter today's date if needed), then calculating Payments left should start from September 1, 2020 until the end.

After playing a little bit around I was able to accomplish that with this formula:
where Last Payment Sent is: =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY()),1)

DATEDIF() function returns the time period between 2 to dates in the units specified.
You can keep today's day in one cell with the TODAY() function, and sum in your formula
the index of the table plus the months elapsed since the last payment.
Pesudocode example would be:
your formula + DATEDIF(LastpaymentCellAddress; TODAY()StoredCellAddress, "m")
The third argument "m" is to return the time elapsed in months.
Take into account that the dates in the arguments must follow an order fo the function to work, and the smaller date goes first. It is time from-to function.
Hope that helps

This should do the trick:


Excel formula for entering bi-weekly dates

I have the following worksheet:
The grid is filled with the following formula (this example is from cell H4) that populates the grid based on inputs from the table on the left, =IF($A4="","",IF(AND($E4="Daily",H$2>=$D4,H$2<=$G4),IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="30",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2)&"/",IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="00",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2),$F4)),IF(AND($E4="Weekly",H$2>=$D4,H$2<=$G4,TEXT(H$2,"DDD")=TEXT($D4,"DDD")),IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="30",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2)&"/",IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="00",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2),$F4)),IF(AND($E4="Bi-Weekly",H$2>=$D4,H$2<=$G4,MOD($D4+14,H$2)=0),IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="30",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2)&"/",IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="00",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2),$F4)),IF(AND($E4="Monthly",H$2>=$D4,H$2<=$G4,TEXT(H$2,"MM/DD/YYYY")=CONCATENATE(TEXT(H$2,"MM"),"/",TEXT($D4,"DD"),"/",TEXT($D4,"YYYY"))),IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="30",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2)&"/",IF(RIGHT($F4,2)="00",LEFT($F4,LEN($F4)-2),$F4)),IF(COUNTIF('PowerPoint Gantt'!$A$5:$A$12,$A4)=1,IF(H$2=VLOOKUP($A4,'PowerPoint Gantt'!$A$5:$E$12,5,FALSE)+31,"R",""),""))))))
The only part of the function that isn't working is the Bi-Weekly selection. I can't figure out how to get recurring entries. I can get the start date and one 14 day period after. I've tried using the CEILING function also but still only gets me the next 14th day marked, instead of every 14th day. And ideas?
In your rule for Bi-Weekly meetings, it seems that
should be replaced with
The latter takes the difference between the starting date and the actual date and checks to see if that can be divided by 14, the number of days in 2 weeks.
Your rule for Weekly meetings could be approached similarly, which seems simpler to me than a rule based on the name of the day, like you are using now.

Formula that translates a date to Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, and Fiscal Week

Working on a formula that will take a date and translate it to the format FYxxPxxWx.
For example. Input the date of 03/22/20 and the formula will give you FY20P06W4 which is correct.
However if you input 02/02/20 the formula will give you FY20P05W2. The correct output would be FY20P05W1. This issue also rears its head with the date 09/29/19. It gives you FY20P12W5. The correct output would be FY20P1W1.
Something else weird happens when you put in the date 04/5/20 you get FY21P07W2 when it should be FY20P07W2.
The formula is
I think this issue is caused by the strange weeks where the the month ends and another begins throwing off the formula.
I do have a formula that calculates the years fiscal year start date
This outputs 09/29/19 as the start date of the Fiscal year as its the same week as 10/1/19 which is the first month of the fiscal year. IF that makes sense.
The separate formulas are
For FY and grabs only last two digits of year
For Period (gives me a two digit Period
For Week
I believe I have a solution for you. Discussion to follow, but here's the full formula:
One issue is that this still calculates 2/2/2020 the way you said was incorrect. When I verify it against a calendar, though, it seems that FY20P05W02 should be correct. If the week that includes the first of the month begins a new pay period, that would mean 2/1/2020, falling on a Saturday, would be the last day of fiscal week 1. That would make 2/2/2020 the first day of fiscal week 2.
To calculate fiscal year, I used RIGHT(YEAR(D5+91+WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR(D5),10,1))),2). Since you can count on there always being 91 days from the beginning of October to the end of December, it helps with this calculation. In your formula, you had MONTH(D5)+(10-1), which would push you 9 months out past the month in D5. This explains why your result for 4/5/2020 was off by a year.
Fiscal period was a bit trickier, requiring a couple nested IF statements. I used IF(MONTH(D5+(7-WEEKDAY(D5)))<>MONTH(D5) first to account for days at the end of the month that would fall into the next fiscal period, then IF(MONTH(D5)=9 to account for the few days at the end of September that might fall into the next fiscal year. Days at the end of September would default to 1, days at the end of a month that are included in the next fiscal period use the first CHOOSE function (they need the next month's number), and everything else gets the CHOOSE function as you wrote it.
The fiscal week took a bit more, but in the end I evaluated the beginning of the current fiscal month and subtracted it from the date in D5, then divided by 7 and added 0.01 so that even numbers would round up correctly.
I tested this out over a few years of dates and it seemed to be functioning correctly, but let me know if you have questions or issues.
One thing to consider when using WEEKNUM is that you'll have a week that is counted twice at the beginning of the year unless you use option 21 or ISOWEEKNUM. These give the same result as each other, and ensure that only one week number is assigned to any given day, no matter the year.

Excel Date difference without weekend days

Last time I posted a quite vague story about a date difference challenge which I haven't solved yet. I will try to elaborate since I have tried everything in my power and the problem still isn't fixed.
I currently have three columns.
Column 1 (F)
the date a car starts its repairs (format DayOfWeek-DD-MM-YYYY)
Column 2 (G)
the number of days in which the car is repaired (service level agreement [SLA]; the standard is 10 days)
Column 3 (H)
the output, which is the date the car should be finished. So the number of days after the startdate*
*Th thing which makes this case difficult is that only weekdays are included.
So, for example:
If a car starts repairs on Monday 1st of August, the finish date is Tuesday the 14th of August.
I tried to solve this with the following formula:
In other words:
If startdate = Monday then startdate + 11,
if startdate = Tuesday then startdate + 12, etc.
This works, but I have 300+ rows and dragging this function down doesn't change the cell references.
I know about the NETWORKDAYS and WEEKDAY functions, but I encounter problems with any Monday where only 1 weekend passes and other days where 2 weekends pass.
First of all, I am assuming that your first day - whatever day that may be - is considered day one (1). So in my scenario, if a SLA states 2 days to complete a repair and the start date is a Monday, I'm assuming the repair should be completed by Tuesday.
My assumption is based off this comment by #RonRosenfeld:
...although you might have to subtract 1 from the number of days
With all that being said, try this formula in your cell instead:
 NOTE: You may need to change things like commas and semi-colons to adjust for your region.
What it does:
First we want to find out exactly what day the repairs should be completed by if weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) were included. This part of the formula will simply give us a place to start.
$F2 is your repair start date
$G2 is the number of days a repair is supposed to take (you may need to add a column for this, because, as you stated, the SLA may change and you need the formula to be easily adjusted)
The WORKDAY function from above is wrapped inside a WEEKDAY function. This WEEKDAY function is written to account for each day of a week to be assigned numbers. The [return_type] parameter of 16 tells Excel to label them as "Numbers 1 (Saturday) through 7 (Friday)". We chose 16 so that our LOOKUP function is easier to write. This part of the formula only returns a one-digit number, which in turn will be used to figure out what day of the week we actually want when excluding weekends.
We finish the formula by adding the result from a LOOKUP function using the first form of the function: LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector,[result_vector])
We found our lookup_value in the previous bullet point using the WEEKDAY function. Now we want Excel to use the lookup_vector - {1;2;3} in our formula - to find the correct value to add to the first part of our formula (which is found using the [result_vector] - {2;1;0} in our formula).
The lookup_vector only has three values: 1, 2, and 3.
1 signals Saturday
2 signals Sunday
3 signals all other days
Think of the lookup_vector and [result_vector] as forming a matrix/table from which our value is found:
1   2
2   1
3   0
If our number of repair days pushes us to:
a Saturday (1), the formula adds 2.
a Sunday (2), the formula adds 1.
any weekday, the formula adds 0 (since weekdays are acceptable).
Hopefully all of this makes sense. Best of luck to you!

Complicated excel equation with multiple conditions

I have a sheet that I use to calculate my taxes, deductions, and 401k based on a timesheet. It also calculates my PTO, sick, and comp days (I don't get overtime, when I work overtime I get that time back at the end of the year as extra paid days off). My issue is that with the timesheet, it's tough to calculate my sick days, all other times are hour for hour or based on the pay period. But with sick days I get a specific amount every year.
Basically, I get 10 days (80 hours) per year. So I take that 80 hours, divide it by 26, and that gives me how much sick time I get per pay period. Problem is, since I get a biweekly pay, that's not actually correct. So for example, this month I have 2 paychecks, I'd get .92 days of sick time, but I should actually get 1. On the 2 months out of the year where I have 3 paychecks I would get 1.38 days of sick time, which of course isn't correct either.
So the issue is I'm trying to figure out how to write a formula to give me the the correct number of days. Refer to the screenshot:
So basiclaly on G6, the formula takes the rolled over sick days from the previous year (G39) and adds the current sick time to it. It decides that by checking if the gross pay for that pay period is there, then multiplies that amount by the sick time accrual rate (G40) and divides that by 8 to give me the days.
But what I want to do is to check how many months have been filled out and return that. So in this example May has been completed, so it would return 1 day. Since September has 3 pay periods, you will need to have all three September paychecks filled out for it to increment from 4 to 5 (may, jun, jul, aug makes 4).
Any ideas? Everything I've tried to do this it just fails. Keep in mind that those dates are dynamic, next year when I change the start date for the tax year, the months that have 3 months will change to match the actual pay periods for that year. So this formula will need to actually be able to count that any month has 3 pay periods to advance the sick day count, otherwise to do it if there are only 2 that have been filled.
Attempt #2 to answer! >8(
The end equation to do this all in one cell is going to get ugly,but it will work. In order to explain this and basically how I developed it, I am going to break it down into parts. At the end the parts will be back substituted into the big equation.
The first thing I did was determine what row was last filled, or as per the comments what is the last row of column P that has a value greater than 0. In order to determine this I used the aggregate function in a temporary cell of T15 (yes, in the middle of your spreadsheet but it wont matter in the end):
To break this function down:
14 tells it we want to do an array type calculation sorting the array from largest to smallest.
6 tells it to ignore errors
(P5:P30>0) tells it to build a true (or 1) and false (or 0) array of cells greater than 0
(ROW(P5:P30)-ROW(P5)+1) generates an array listing row numbers
1 tells it to return the largest value in the array, if it was 2 the second largest.
Now the important thing here is what happens when you multiply the greater than 0 array with the row number array. You wind up getting only the row numbers where there is a value in P greater than 0. And when we sort that and ask for the largest number we get the last row you have completed. Something to work with.
So now we can look up the last date completed, do some checks to see if its the end of the month or not and figure out how many sick days. The ugly formula starts out as:
The logic test here is to find our if the last filled out date and the date 14 days in the future are still the same month. If they are the same month, you are not at the end of the month yet and there for have only earn up to the previous month's number in sick days. As such this part will tell us the previous month's number os sick days:
Now if the date 14 days in the future is not the same month then we know the last entry for the month has been completed and therefore we have accrued that month's number in sick days and use basically the same formula:
well I can see we have called on cell T15 4 times just to determine if we are subtracting 1 or 0. While the IF formula may feel more inline with your thought process, we can rearrange things and still get the same results but shortening the formula, reducing the calls to cell t15 by 1 and dropping the IF all together. This only works because we are dealing with 1 and 0 which is also true and false.
Now lets bypass that T15 calculation and back substitute it in to the month formula above to get:
Not done yet. That only tells you the number of days you have accrued this year. Not what you really want to know. you need to convert it to hours. It also need to be reduced by the number of sick days used. The following need to be added to the big ugly above:
*8 for 8 sick hours to a sick day
-sum($L$5:$L$30) to account for sick time used
this results in:
Now I did notice during testing that if no entries are in the spreadsheet, then the row of the last entry become 0 and this is simply not acceptable as it causes some strange results. So we will wrap this whole formula in a small error catcher to make sure 0 is the results when no payperiods have been completed.
The icing on the cake is adding on the accrued sick days from the previous year. Since I am not sure how the sick rate and sick start work together I will leave that calculation up to you and simply let you know that whatever number gets carried over from the previous year, simply add it to the above formula after the very last ).
Here is my test bed showing proof of concept:
WARNING: This method ##WILL## produce false results for a pay period is =0 before the last date with a pay period >0 see example below:

Dynamic Date To Track The Maturity Date of Automatic Rollover Deposit

Suppose that I open an automatic rollover time deposit (ARO TD) account in a bank on January 17, 2017 (the value date). The funds in this account must be held for 3 months (the tenor). Since it's an ARO TD, the maturity date will be automatically renewed with no action required by me if I choose to do nothing. Today's date is July 18, 2017. So, my account will mature on October 17, 2017. If I open it on January 19, 2017, it will mature on July 19, 2017, and so on.
How do I track the maturity date of my account in Excel with only using inputs: deposit period and value date? Meaning, the maturity date will continually update to the next period each time it matures. I'm able to find the Excel formula for this:
The above formula works perfectly but it's too long. Could anyone here come up with a nicer and shorter formula than this?
You can use the DATEDIF function to do this. For reasons I don't understand, Excel doesn't suggest it when you're typing, but it exists and is documented.
DATEDIF is useful because you're interested in the number of months between dates. The earlier date of interest is the value date; the later date is today (actually yesterday, because as in your first example you want the date to tick on on the expiry date).
Once you have this number of months, you can get the exact number of tenors that is, add one, and then add that many months to the value date.
A formula is actually easier than the above text!
Your C2 cell should be:
=EDATE(B2, A2 * (FLOOR( DATEDIF(B2, TODAY()-1, "m") / A2, 1) + 1))
Working outwards from the middle, the DATEDIF gets the number of months from the value date to yesterday, we divide it by the tenor and floor to get the number of tenor periods that have passed, we add one to get the target number of tenor periods, we multiple by the tenor to get the number of months to add, then finally EDATE does the month-adding.
The result will be a date serial (eg 43025) so will need appropriate cell formatting.
