Excel Date difference without weekend days - excel

Last time I posted a quite vague story about a date difference challenge which I haven't solved yet. I will try to elaborate since I have tried everything in my power and the problem still isn't fixed.
I currently have three columns.
Column 1 (F)
the date a car starts its repairs (format DayOfWeek-DD-MM-YYYY)
Column 2 (G)
the number of days in which the car is repaired (service level agreement [SLA]; the standard is 10 days)
Column 3 (H)
the output, which is the date the car should be finished. So the number of days after the startdate*
*Th thing which makes this case difficult is that only weekdays are included.
So, for example:
If a car starts repairs on Monday 1st of August, the finish date is Tuesday the 14th of August.
I tried to solve this with the following formula:
In other words:
If startdate = Monday then startdate + 11,
if startdate = Tuesday then startdate + 12, etc.
This works, but I have 300+ rows and dragging this function down doesn't change the cell references.
I know about the NETWORKDAYS and WEEKDAY functions, but I encounter problems with any Monday where only 1 weekend passes and other days where 2 weekends pass.

First of all, I am assuming that your first day - whatever day that may be - is considered day one (1). So in my scenario, if a SLA states 2 days to complete a repair and the start date is a Monday, I'm assuming the repair should be completed by Tuesday.
My assumption is based off this comment by #RonRosenfeld:
...although you might have to subtract 1 from the number of days
With all that being said, try this formula in your cell instead:
 NOTE: You may need to change things like commas and semi-colons to adjust for your region.
What it does:
First we want to find out exactly what day the repairs should be completed by if weekend days (Saturday and Sunday) were included. This part of the formula will simply give us a place to start.
$F2 is your repair start date
$G2 is the number of days a repair is supposed to take (you may need to add a column for this, because, as you stated, the SLA may change and you need the formula to be easily adjusted)
The WORKDAY function from above is wrapped inside a WEEKDAY function. This WEEKDAY function is written to account for each day of a week to be assigned numbers. The [return_type] parameter of 16 tells Excel to label them as "Numbers 1 (Saturday) through 7 (Friday)". We chose 16 so that our LOOKUP function is easier to write. This part of the formula only returns a one-digit number, which in turn will be used to figure out what day of the week we actually want when excluding weekends.
We finish the formula by adding the result from a LOOKUP function using the first form of the function: LOOKUP(lookup_value,lookup_vector,[result_vector])
We found our lookup_value in the previous bullet point using the WEEKDAY function. Now we want Excel to use the lookup_vector - {1;2;3} in our formula - to find the correct value to add to the first part of our formula (which is found using the [result_vector] - {2;1;0} in our formula).
The lookup_vector only has three values: 1, 2, and 3.
1 signals Saturday
2 signals Sunday
3 signals all other days
Think of the lookup_vector and [result_vector] as forming a matrix/table from which our value is found:
1   2
2   1
3   0
If our number of repair days pushes us to:
a Saturday (1), the formula adds 2.
a Sunday (2), the formula adds 1.
any weekday, the formula adds 0 (since weekdays are acceptable).
Hopefully all of this makes sense. Best of luck to you!


Excel - SUMIF Function

I made a worksheet covering meal expenses for a set period of time (01-08-2020 until 31-08-2020.)
The company will pay up to 75kr, Monday-Friday.
The list covers expenses 7 days a week, If the amount is greater than 75 on Monday-Friday, I have to pay the extra expenses. (This I have figured out correctly). Saturday and Sunday I have to pay fully.
So my question is, how can I sum this and exclude Saturday and Sunday?
Attempt 1:
I tried this formula (Norwegian excel. Summerhvis = SUMIF. Lørdag = Saturday):
=SUMMERHVIS(B2:B32,"<>lørdag", G2:G32)
It seems to be partly correct however, I miss Sunday, how can I add Sunday to this equation?
Attempt 2:
I used this formula:
It gave the correct answer but the answer was layered in 5 rows. I then summed this in P8.
Where I want the answer is in G32. So in G32 I wrote =p8.
It must be an easier way of doing this?
You can use SUMPRODUCT and the WEEKDAY function:
According to the Microsoft function translator, this might be, in Norwegian:
If you really want to use SUMIF and your text days, one way would be (in English):
or, if your weekday days are in b4:b8:
but I'd advise against it as it would only work in the language of the text days of the week. Also, I note your days of the week don't seem to match up with what the days of the week were in the US. For example, here 1 Aug 2020 was a Saturday, so another possible cause for error (unless I am not understanding the dates correctly).
The above is the same as summing five separate SUMIF equations, each for a desired day of the week.

Dynamic update based on today's date

I have the following table
Payments left is calculated by matching the first occurrence of value zero and returning the index of that row (I am subtracting 2 because first payment is on row 2).
This works now because first payment is on June 1, 2020 but If I open this spreadsheet 3 months from now it will still say payments left 15. That will not be correct anymore since at that time 3 payments are made so should say payment left 12.
Is there any way to dynamically know at what row should the calculation of "Payments left" start.
With other words if today is August 15 2020 (I can manually enter today's date if needed), then calculating Payments left should start from September 1, 2020 until the end.
After playing a little bit around I was able to accomplish that with this formula:
where Last Payment Sent is: =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY()),1)
DATEDIF() function returns the time period between 2 to dates in the units specified.
You can keep today's day in one cell with the TODAY() function, and sum in your formula
the index of the table plus the months elapsed since the last payment.
Pesudocode example would be:
your formula + DATEDIF(LastpaymentCellAddress; TODAY()StoredCellAddress, "m")
The third argument "m" is to return the time elapsed in months.
Take into account that the dates in the arguments must follow an order fo the function to work, and the smaller date goes first. It is time from-to function.
Hope that helps
This should do the trick:

Week number of a quarter

I'm trying to get the week number of a given quarter based on the date.
I currently have this formula
But for January, it should be giving me 1 but it's giving me 10. Any suggestions?
How do you expect this to work at the start and end of the quarter? Default WEEKNUM function starts week 1 on the 1st of January every year and week 2 starts on the next Sunday after 1st January.
Assuming your quarter week numbers should work the same way, i.e. week 1 starts on the 1st of Jan/Apr/Jul/Oct and week 2 starts on the next Sunday then that's actually equivalent to counting Sundays since 6 days back into the previous quarter.
You can do that using NETWORKDAYS.INTL function, i.e. with this formula:
format result as number with no decimal places
NETWORKDAYS.INTL function is available in Excel 2010 and later versions - for older versions of Excel you can get the same results with this formula:
(Expanded from comment)
when you choose a date in January, it's going back to December. 12 in your lookup array gives 10 as the result. Perhaps instead of EDATE, you should use EOMONTH(Y4,-1)+1, so you look at the 1st of the current month for your calculation
=1+(WEEKNUM(EOMONTH(Y4,-1)+1))-(WEEKNUM(DATE(YEAR(EOMONTH(Y4,-1)+1), LOOKUP(MONTH(EOMONTH(Y4,-1)+1),{1,4,7,10}),1)))
This is fairly interesting, since it changes with the year, and changes with what day of the week is the "start" of the week. So if a quarter starts on Saturday, and the week starts on a Saturday, the entire week is week 1. However, if it starts on a Sunday, week 1 is only one day long, and week 2 starts on Sunday.
The first question we have is, what day is it?
Additionally, I'm going to call the start of each quarter the following:
Q1Start = Date(Year(DayCheck),1,1)
Q2Start = Date(Year(DayCheck),4,1)
Q3Start = Date(Year(DayCheck),7,1)
Q4Start = Date(Year(DayCheck),10,1)
The next question is, what's the first day of the week? We have some control over this with the Weekday function. For the sake of keeping it simple, Sunday is the start of the week.
Ok, that's our day. Next, what quarter is it?
This gives us 1 for Q1, 2 for Q2, etc.
What day of the week is it now?
Ok, and now, what week are we on?
I'm going to put it together in a not very elegant fashion. I'm sure there's a better way out there.
Try this:
This will get the week number of a given date within a quarter.
I used this in one of my applications so you might be able to use it too. HTH.
Note: If you use 1st day other than Sunday, then adjust the WEEKNUM formula.
Can try this as I got this as combination of 2 formula
second part - INT((MONTH(A1)-1)/3) gives us the quarter number of previous quarter which then multiplied with 13 weeks/quarter gives us how many weeks have passed in all previous quarter before current quarter.
First part - "WEEKNUM(A1,1)" gives us the week number of current week in the year.
so by deducting all the previous weeks in previous quarters from current week number of year, we get the current week number in current quarter.

Using a dynamic single formula to calculate a date

This is a follow up to an earlier question.
#ForwardED I am trying to convert your original single static formula into a single dynamic formula.
Unfortunately my employer's filters will let me up certain things to a hyperlink, but will not let me download or view from the same site. I am also trying to come up with a formula for floating dates.
Below is a copy of the expanded explanation I gave on the original question. I am not sure if you missed it or not. It deals with holidays that have a set date like Christmas, 25th of December of every year. However if it fall on a Saturday the time of work is the Friday and if it is on a Sunday the day off is the Monday.
Dealing with a holiday falling on a Saturday or Sunday
Again we need to refer to some cell in your spreadsheet with the year so I will again use Q10 as the example and we will assume a date of 2014/10/24.
The formula checks first if the weekday is a Saturday. We do this using a function that will return the day of the week See step 2) from the original question. It is this part from the equation above:
It will return a single integer 1 through 7 corresponding to the day of the week the date function results in, in this case. If its a 1 we known its Sunday, if its 7 we know its Saturday. So the check for Saturday is:
If WEEKDAY()=7 is true then we provides the date of the day before which is really just subtracting 1 from the date we were looking at. We use this part of the formula to calculate that:
notice how I changed the day from 25 to 24. An alternate way would be to recycle our date and make the computer do one more calculation using this formula:
That all sits in the TRUE portion of the if statement. so if the date does not fall on Saturday then we wind up in the FLASE portion of the IF statement. Here we check with a second IF for the date falling on a Sunday. we use the same theory and process as we did for the Saturday check.
Placing an IF statement inside an IF statement is commonly referred to as "nesting". This whole IF statement happens in the FALSE portion of the previous IF that checked to see if it was Saturday. This time we checked for Sunday:
When this is true, then we need to increase the date by 1 day instead of decreasing it like was done for Saturday:
So that was the true portion of the Sunday check. Logically speaking the only way to get to the FALSE portion of this nested IF statement is to fail the Saturday check and then fail the Sunday check. Which means you do not need to go through and check if is the WEEKDAY comes out as 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6! Its one of those by the process of eliminating Sunday and Saturday (1 and 7). And if the date falls on Monday-Friday we dont need to change the date and can leave it just as is:
And I realized I did not explain how the date function works, though I think I tried to in one of the previous questions...regardless! DATE(arg1,arg2,arg3) requires three different arguments as integers or other functions that return integers.
arg1 is the year so 2014, 1995, 1965 are all acceptable integers. Also we could use YEAR(Q10), where the cell Q10 holds the date of 2014/10/24. In this case YEAR(Q10) would return 2014.
arg2 is the month and needs to be an integer in the range of 1 to 12. Again you can always use a formula that returns an integer in that range as well such as MONTH(Q10) which from our previous value of Q10 would return 10.
arg3 is day and similar to the above it needs to be an integer. A formula such as DAY(Q10) would return a value of 24.
What this means is if we know what day a holiday is on we can force it to a date by supplying a set month and day, and letting the year be determined by a formula that supplies the year you are interested in. So if you look at the last formula you can see we fixed the month at 12 and the day at 25. They year will be determine from the year of the date supplied in cell Q10.

Lookup formula to subtract last input data point

I am trying to write a formula that will subtract my current value from my last data point. I run a production report and over the weekends we do not produce any product. I would like the value typically from a Friday be used for calculating the change in production for Monday.
I have an input page for all the data and then a calculation page for the reports.
(Input page)
Thursday 1000
Friday 5000
Saturday "blank"
Sunday "blank"
Monday 2000
Ideally the output page would look something like this:
Friday 4000
Saturday "blank"
Sunday "blank"
Monday -3000
Having the last inputted data (being the 5000 value from Friday) subtracted from the Monday value of 2000.
Please try:
with adjustment of cell references to suit.
My idea was:
Imagine you've got your days in column A, and production in column B.
Copy and paste this from cell C2 onwards.
What this does, is first test if there was any production on a given day, if there was 0 production, or in your above example, "blank", then it will give the value "nonproductive". If there was production on that day, it will test if the day prior had any production, if it did, it will simply deduct yesterdays from today. If the day prior had no production, it will count the number of times that "nonproductive" has occurred in the 3 days prior and add that to the number of days in the past it looks.
On a long weekend, it would count 3 nonproductives, so it would compare Monday to Thursday.
Monday - (1 (default offset for the day prior) + 3 (due to nonproductives)
Monday - 4 = Thursday.
This will not work for the first 2 rows because the offset will be trying to find cells that don't exist. Even if
The only problems arise when a break greater than 3 days happens, or you have a day off, then a day on, then a day off, then a day on, such as a Tuesday bank holiday, this is because there are 2 "nonproductive" days in the 3 days prior, but we only want it to increase the offset by 1. This could be avoided through continuing a chain of "if" condition checks, but it doesn't sound as though that is required.
This will work for a 2 or 3 day weekend, and some mid-week holidays
