Suggent me vimL tutorial or documentation [closed] - vim

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Where to find good tutorial or documentation of vimL . any one has experience making plugin for vim or neovim ?

Official documentation is pretty good for Vimscript itself and also for some aspects of plugin writing see :help usr_41.txt (or
Learning Vimscript The Hard Way is good too. It does not cover everything in detail, just goes through concepts and expects you to self-study on topics as you go through it - so you will still need to refer to usr_41.txt. From Chapter 41 it is about creating complete new plugin.
For plugins, there are many techniques to grasp in. I think best way how to learn is to take some recent and maintained plugin in area you are interested in (syntax, code completion, integration with other software, interface enhancement, etc.) and read and play with its code, hack it to understand how it works. My favorite one for this is vim-go as it covers a lot of areas and while it is pretty big it is fairly easy to understand, well commented and generally readable.

The best one I know of is And reading vim helppages is always helpful


SnapSVG Tutorial [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just starting Working with SnapSvg plugin, But it seems the plugin very little teaching resource,
Is there any Ebook or course about SnapSVG?
look these links maybe help you
Snap is quite new, so you won't see a lot of established resources. The one Mohammad links should be a good start. I've also been compiling some of the test Snap stuff I do here. It has quite a few examples that are relatively self explanatory.
Its also worth reading things on Raphael. Raphael was written by the same author, and is good for compatibility with older browsers. A lot of the examples and things like transform strings are basically the same, so in many cases you can do similar things. So if you read an ebook on Raphael, it will be quite helpful.

How are command-line GUIs made? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've always wanted to know how CL GUIs like top or nano or vi are constructed? I have a need to actually make one and am looking for a guide or tutorial on the general idea behind them.
Here is a bunch of them.
Also there is a list.
Newt, a widget-based toolkit
Turbo Vision
You could start by reading about ncurses, it’s a very well-known library to draw on the terminal
Check out TWIN (apparently, inspired by Turbo Vision) by Massimiliano Ghilardi. More screenshots are available here. Be sure to use the GitHub version, as SourceForge repository has been unmaintained since 2002.
If you don't mind your GUI running in a JVM, take a look at Lanterna (Java and Clojure bindings).
I've also seen a post about Turbo Vision "ported" to (or rather rewritten using) C# and XAML, but haven't had a chance to examine it.

Is there an interactive way to learn Vim? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Years ago I was looking for a way to learn Vim that didn't involve a wall of text, or scrolling through vimtutor without knowing the commands to do so. I wondered if anything else existed for such a purpose.
I programmed a game just for this purpose! It's an online game where you move the cursor using vim commands and motions. Check it out on
The first couple of levels teach hjkl and word navigation. The rest is planned to cost money.
Interactive tutorial:
HJKL-learning game:
To answer your question: vimtutor is the good way to interactively learn vim. If you read through it, it gives you all the necessary commands to go through it, and you actually learn to use vim.
If that's too much effort, I really doubt vim is for you.
Old question, but for others looking for something similar that has not been mentioned:
Spiked this mid 2011, around time vim adventures was made, but never went nearly as far as vim adventures did. Never got much play, but still a free alternative for anyone interested in getting over the vim learning curve - basic movement and changing modes.
haven't used it, but it looks close to what you're asking for
For the very beginner is also a nice one.
It will interestingly improves the muscle memory for keys h,j,k,l, esc and i
Now after getting prepared for those keys, we can move to for learning. It is just similar and alternative for and more it is vim specific.

Use case diagrams [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What are the free options for creating use case diagrams under Windows? I need some simple use case diagrams for a school project.
Why install anything when you can use free online tools such as
There are multiple options, but not yet mentioned are:
Cacoo - web tool for creating various diagrams,
Dia - standalone toolf for creating diagrams, with Win32 version also available in downloads,
When I remember right, there is a community edition of Magic Draw (the leading app?):
I already used Poseidon (Community) and ArgoUML, both not really convenient.
Recently I found a great tool called yEd: This can be run via web start. Not really UML but use cases are perfect with yEd.
Apparently there is already something in Eclipse: I did use it to test. Not yet convincing usability.
Wikipedia says:
Don't miss the stackoverflow search top right of this page.
There's a pretty nice tool called UML Pad.

Does an updated 'vimtutor' exist? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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vim comes with a nice built-in interactive tutorial. You can access this tutorial by just running:
$ vimtutor
It is very easy to use because it creates working cases for basic commands. Is there a more advanced tutorial? Has any one thought to build one to help uses take their VIM skills to the next level? Most tutorial and cheat-sheet sites out there for vim only show commands but not necessarily specific uses and examples.
Is there an advanced tutorial out there?
Is this the type of project that could be an open source document that everyone can add examples to? Like a Vim Interactive Wiki or similar to the RegEx sites that have the built in regex testers.
It's not exactly a tutorial, but I've been impressed with #nelstrom's growing collection of screencasts at
Each short video covers a single topic (or a small set of closely-related topics), and the ones I've watched have been informative and enjoyable. The author says that "the aim is to provide something in each episode that you can take away and use," and I'd say he's succeeding.
Try the interactive vim tutorial online here:
If you're interested in a game for Vim, there's Vim-Adventures. As of April 22, 2013, it has 12 levels and covers a wide berth of topics. If you like it, you can buy it. There is also VimGolf for sharpening very specific golfing skills. It's not useful on average, but take a look at some of the impressive entries.
I've been working on a more modern and interactive system for tutorials inside vim, vim-tutor-mode. The goal is to provide an updated tutorial for newcomers, and a way for third party developers to create tutorials for plugins. It currently has an updated version of vimtutor, and some more things.
Have you read the various stuff in :help? :help to get a general table of contents, :help usr_toc to access the table of contents of the User Manual -- chapters 20 through 32 of the user manual are on advanced editing topics, as is everything under the "Advanced Editing" heading in the main TOC. Chapters 40-44 of the manual discuss programming vim.
For those of you who prefer books I think Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought by Drew Neil does the perfect job as a continuation for vimtutor
