How are command-line GUIs made? [closed] - linux

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've always wanted to know how CL GUIs like top or nano or vi are constructed? I have a need to actually make one and am looking for a guide or tutorial on the general idea behind them.

Here is a bunch of them.
Also there is a list.
Newt, a widget-based toolkit
Turbo Vision

You could start by reading about ncurses, it’s a very well-known library to draw on the terminal

Check out TWIN (apparently, inspired by Turbo Vision) by Massimiliano Ghilardi. More screenshots are available here. Be sure to use the GitHub version, as SourceForge repository has been unmaintained since 2002.
If you don't mind your GUI running in a JVM, take a look at Lanterna (Java and Clojure bindings).
I've also seen a post about Turbo Vision "ported" to (or rather rewritten using) C# and XAML, but haven't had a chance to examine it.


Language / libraries to do simple console UIs? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I've been over time developing bash scripts here and there to make things easier for me, but they pretty much always just take some input and calculate some output.
I was wondering how to do more fancy stuff like:
Writing and updating the progress of an operation to the same pixel of the screen (instead of being only able to "append" new text or lines to the screen);
Allowing the user to select from a set of options (similar to using a List component in standard UIs);
From what I've gathered these things are not the simplest to be done just with bash. Is there any kind of library I could use that would take care of them for me? Maybe even in other languages (such as Python, perl, go, etc?) I've looked into zenity but that one is popping actually UI dialogs and that's not what I'm looking for.
For bash, I'd encourage you to look at dialog. It might be everything you need:
Linux Journal: Dialog: An Introductory Tutorial Dialog
Another option is Zenity
In general, ncurses is often an excellent choice. It's native to C, but there are ncurses bindings to most languages, including C, C++, Python and Perl (to name just a few).
whiptail seems to be another option:

Use case diagrams [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What are the free options for creating use case diagrams under Windows? I need some simple use case diagrams for a school project.
Why install anything when you can use free online tools such as
There are multiple options, but not yet mentioned are:
Cacoo - web tool for creating various diagrams,
Dia - standalone toolf for creating diagrams, with Win32 version also available in downloads,
When I remember right, there is a community edition of Magic Draw (the leading app?):
I already used Poseidon (Community) and ArgoUML, both not really convenient.
Recently I found a great tool called yEd: This can be run via web start. Not really UML but use cases are perfect with yEd.
Apparently there is already something in Eclipse: I did use it to test. Not yet convincing usability.
Wikipedia says:
Don't miss the stackoverflow search top right of this page.
There's a pretty nice tool called UML Pad.

Good framework for the game of Go (weiqi, baduk)? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I enjoy the game of Go (also known as weiqi in China or baduk in Korea). I want to create a program (an evaluation function) to play it.
I would prefer if the framework handled two important tasks:
Handle rules for the game, including captures, ko rules, and final scoring.
Handle communication between a server like KGS and my program.
Also, my home machines run Linux or Mac OS X; I cannot use any only-Windows platforms.
Thank you!
GNU Go is a great open source Go program. Its evaluation function is well-documented and it provides an easy way to output the explanation for every move the program made. You can either replace the evaluation function from scratch with your own, or tinker with the existing one.
Open Go is an open source tool with code for communicating using the Go Modem Protocol. I believe that's what you need for the second part of your question.
This is an old question, but for people out there interested in an Android implementation of Go (Baduk/Weiqi) take a look at my project on
It's a simple validator with a user-interface attached. Drawbacks are: No AI; no scoring; no server connection.

Automated transcription software [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've noticed that the wiki transcriptions for some of the recent Stack Overflow Podcasts are kind of weak. Clearly, this task calls for a computer program. Is transcribing audio to text (ideally with speaker labels so we know who said what) something that could feasibly be accomplished in software? Are there any active open-source software projects attempting to implement such functionality?
Believe me, I have searched for this before. There are slim to none text to speech that are open source or free to use. From my search there weren't any free speech to text synthesizers. These things are so hard to code and expensive that they can't really be made with an open source approach. If you really need this you would have to purchase it from a company. (although I don't know any off the top of my head).
I've looked into this a little. I tried the Microsoft Speech API but got very poor results. I've been wanting to look into the CMU Sphinx project, especially the Transcriber demo.

Open source Magic Eye generator [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Do you remember those Magic Eye images that contain a 3D object? I love them!
Are there any open source programs for generating Magic Eye pictures, which ideally work on Linux.
I found a Gimp plugin, but haven't managed to get it working yet.
There's a package in Ubuntu for a program called Stereograph. It's website is here:
Here's a tutorial on how to make them using GIMP, Blender and Stereograph:
It's pretty basic, but you should try openstereogram, it's OS independent:
There's also this JavaScript app: (use the "Magic Eye" option)
