Show all constructor overloads - android-studio

In Android Studio, when I start typing a class name, it shows the possible constructors:
Now, imagine I decided to go with the first constructor, only passing in context:
Now I again need to see which constructors are available. How can I now display all possible constructor overloads without first deleting the context parameter?

Press Ctrl + Q it will show the popup again ...


Type Hierarchy stopped working in Android Studio

As you can see in the Type Hierarchy (right side), I don't see any dropdown button which can show ImageProvider's subclasses.
However, you can see (in the middle window) that there are many classes which extends ImageProvider. I should be seeing them in the Type Hierarchy but I don't. What am I doing wrong?

How to add a new method in Pharo?

In the Nautilus System Browser (Pharo 6) there's a right-click command to Add package... as well as Add class... and even Add protocol..., but I can't find anywhere a way to Add method....
Where is that command?
In Pharo, adding a method is not as explicit as the other elements. To add a new method:
Select the protocol for the method, and you should see a template in the editor pane:
"comment stating purpose of message"
| temporary variable names |
Edit this template to make a new method,
Save (Right-click Accept) it using Ctrl-S.
In fact, any time you change a method's definition (e.g., messageSelectorAndArgumentNames) and save it in the editor (Right-click Accept or Ctrl-S), it will create a new method.
For more details, see the section 1.3 of Developing a simple counter document (emphasis is mine):
Create a method
Now let us create the accessor methods for the instance variable count. Start
by selecting the class Counter in a browser, and make sure the you are editing the instance side of the class (i.e., we define methods that will be sent to
instances) by deselecting the Class side radio button.
Create a new protocol by bringing the menu of methods protocol list. Select
the newly created protocol. Then in the bottom pane, the edit field displays
a method template laying out the default structure of a method. As a general
hint, double click at the end of or beginning of the text and start typing your
method. Replace the template with the following method definition:
"return the current value of the value instance variable"
^ count
This defines a method called count, taking no arguments, having a method
comment and returning the instance variable count. Then choose accept in
the menu to compile the method.

How to get UIVisualizer to use the View Model passed to it

I'm attempting to create view/viewModel pair to act as a MessageBox replacement which will be called by the UIVisualizer Service. The viewModel has five different constructors, one being the default, and the others to define the different attributes of the MessageBox(e.g. Type, Image, Message, Title, etc.). I will be creating the viewModel using one of the four non-Default constructors each time I desire a MessageBox to popup. I am doing this versus using the built-in MessageService is because I'm using third party controls for my application and I want the MessageBox look-and-feel to match the rest of the application.
My problem is that even though I'm creating the viewModel, Catel is not using the viewModel I pass in to UIVisualizer, but is creating a new viewModel from the default constructor.
Does anybody know how to get this behavior to stop.
The best thing to do is create your own version of the IMessageService (create new class deriving from MessageService and override the Show method).
Catel should re-use the passed in view model. If you think you have found a bug, please report it at

How to automatically generate getters and setters in Android Studio

Is there a shortcut in Android Studio for automatically generating the getters and setters in a given class?
Using Alt+ Insert for Windows or Command+ N for Mac in the editor, you may easily generate getter and setter methods for any fields of your class. This has the same effect as using the Menu Bar -> Code -> Generate...
and then using shift or control button, select all the variables you need to add getters and setters
for macOS, ⌘+N by default.
Right-click and choose "Generate..." to see current mapping. You can select multiple fields for which to generate getters/setters with one step.
Android Studio & OSx :
Press cmd+n > Generate > Getter and Setter
Android Studio & Windows :
Press Alt + Insert > Generate > Getter and Setter
create the variable
right click
select "Generate" and then select "Getter and Setter" option
Android Studio & Windows :
fn + alt + insert
You can generate getter and setter by following steps:
Declare variables first.
click on ALT+Insert on keyboard placing cursor down to variable declaration part
now select constructor and press Ctrl+A on keyboard and click on Enter to create constructor.
Now again placing cursor at next line of constructor closing brace , click ALT+INSERT and select getter and setter and again press CTRL+A to select all variables and hit Enter.
That's it. Happy coding!!
Position the cursor under the variables -> right-click -> Generate -> Getter and Setter -> Choose the variables to make the get and set
Alt + Insert -> Getter and Setter -> Choose the variables
As noted here, you can also customise the getter/setter generation to take prefixes and suffixes (e.g. m for instance variables) into account. Go to File->Settings and expand Code Style, select Java, and add your prefixes/suffixes under the Code Generation tab.
Using Alt+ Insert or Right-click and choose "Generate..."
You may easily generate getter and setter or Override methods in Android Studio.
This has the same effect as using the Menu Bar Code -> Generate...
This answer deals with your question but is not exactly an answer to it. =) It's an interesting library I found out recently and I want to share with you.
Project Lombok can generate common methods, such as getters, setters, equals() and hashCode(), toString(), for your classes automatically. It replaces them with annotations reducing boilerplate code. To see a good example of code written using Lombok watch a video on the main page or read this article.
Android development with Lombok is easy and won't make your android application any 'heavier' because Lombok is a compile-time only library. It is important to configure your Android project properly.
Another example:
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
public class Profile {
#Getter #Setter
private String username;
#Getter #Setter
private String password;
Android development with Lombok is possible. Lombok should be a compile-time only dependency, as otherwise the entirety of Lombok will end up in your DEX files, wasting precious space. Gradle snippet:
dependencies {
compileOnly "org.projectlombok:lombok:1.16.18"
In addition you may want to add the Lombok IntelliJ plugin to support Lombok features in your IDE at development time. Also there is Hrisey library which is based on Lombok. Simply put, it's Lombok + Parcellable support.
You can use AndroidAccessors Plugin of Android Studio to generate getter and setter without m as prefix to methods
Ex: mId;
Will generate getId() and setId() instead of getmId() and setmId()
Use Ctrl+Enter on Mac to get list of options to generate setter, getter, constructor etc
use code=>generate=>getter() and setter() dialog ,select all the variables ,generate all the getter(),setter() methods at one time.
Another funny way
Type the parameter name anywhere in the object after definition, you will see setter and getter, Just select and click enter :)
I tried with Android Studio 2.3
Right click on Editor then Select Source -> Generate Getters and Setters or press Alt + Shift + S
Just in case someone is working with Eclipse
Windows 8.1 OS | Eclipse Idle Luna
Declare top level variable private String username Eclipse kindly generate a warning on the left of your screen click that warning and couple of suggestions show up, then select generate.

Can you add to GestureRecognizer of the same type to one view?

I need to detect long-press on a UITextView, which already recognises long-press thus it has a long press recognizer, can I create a new one and add to it? How will it work then, two recognizers will get the same callback when you long-press?
Just add two UILongPressRecognizers with different selectors (initWithTarget:selector:) to the view. It should work just like you think it will work. You may need to return YES from your delegate's -gestureRecognizer:shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: when both of your UILongPressRecognizers are invoked simultaneously.
Note that you will likely encounter problems with Apple's recognizer for popping up the magnifier loupe.
