automating testing website that require OTP, using Selenium, Node.js, Lambda(AWS) - node.js

My project is automating testing website using Selenium in AWS lambda(Node.js)
However, The testing website require mobile OTP(Google Authenticator) when users sign in.
I searched how to write code to automate sign in with OTP. but most of answers are using Python or java (pyotp or aerogear)...
We can't use another language and must use Lambda
Please help me!

You can run the python script in Lambda no problem there.
Write a python file, zip it, upload it to Lambda function.enter image description here
Just select the version(runtime) of python you want to use in configuration tab of the lambda function.


Launch External Apps like Notepad, System Properties etc using NodeJs

I have just started using the NodeJs and curious to know if NodeJS can be used to open the system apps. I an aware that this can be achieved using Python and Java.
Please assist.

Running VBA on AWS

I am totally a novice when it comes to cloud computing. I want to run a VBA code that performs some calculations and excel operations on an excel file . I want to deploy this code in AWS server and run this VBA code on 600+ excel files located across 4 different local machines. Is this even feasible? I couldn't find anything meaningful(or maybe I did but did not understand) clue towards solving this problem.
Please help me .
AWS does not expose a VBA lib. However, if you are interested in .NET development, you should use the AWS SDK for .NET. You can find examples in the Github repo located here:
If you want to manipulate Excel files, look at using a .NET Excel lib. Then you can write logic on the cloud that uses the .NET lib. Purhaps write a Lambda function.

Can you link a Python script to Android Studio?

My aim is to create a recommendation app for Android which communicates with a script from a server to perform the Machine Learning parts and to generate recommendations for the current user. My original idea was to use Tensorflow but I am wondering if I could also write a Python script which can be called as a REST API? Would the data be best passed in JSON format?
You can create a Python Flask API and sent a POST Request to it. From that, you can use the data passed to run your ML parts on that data. However, you will need to find a way to run those ML parts after you pass your data to your Flask API. To get started, I would watch a youtube tutorial on how to make and use a Flask API. It is not terribly difficult to get up and started.

Python integration in Qlik on MacOS

I'm very new to using Qlik and at the moment I've only used the cloud via my browser. I would like to integrate python and Qlik such that I can run my code on data in the QlikCloud and visualize using Qlik. I am using a Mac, therefore I can not install the desktop version of Qlik to do the integration.
Do you have any suggestions on how to integrate python in Qlik while using a Mac?
Any suggestions are highly appreciated, I have not been able to find any complete answers yet.
Thank you!
Use Data Load Script
When I first started Qlik, I had a very similar situation. My goal was to manipulate data to do calculations in Python, then basically import that into Qlik. What I ended up learning and realizing is that there's a 90% chance what you're trying to calculate outside of Qlik can be done in Qlik's data load script.
Get started with the Qlik data script:
In my opinion and experience, Qlik Community Forum is more active than Stack Overflow. I highly recommend checking it out for help:
But If You Still Need External Calculation...
That said, if you do have crazy calculations and math to do and/or need to use an external "thing", Qlik has a repo for a server-side extension. Repo at: (Docs and instructions in the link)
It has extensions for Java, C++, C#, Go, and Python.
I highly recommend this Server Side Extension developed by Nabeel which you can run in a docker on your machine.

How to make a python application distributable

My question pertains to distributing a python application the proper way. i have done research, but the answers appear to be vague and usually instruct the user to upload projects to the python package index. I simply want to make sure i research the proper methods instead of steering in the wrong direction.
I have been writing a stock analysis application with stored text files, and a dozen or so python scripts that interact with each other. Outside computers are to communicate with my servers through a random port (not the internet ports). all the imports work properly and the communication works properly, but i have no clue how to approach the distribution/setup or the GUI.
As an application with dozens of python scripts, should i write each script as an executable via pyInstaller, or should i add a python environment to the application to install python on all the user systems?
I need to add 'README', and 'LICENSE' to the application. What is the point of set up? is that a resource so python knows what is going on or does it actually setup the application? Does it need a URL, and what is the point of using the URL? Do i need anything else for the setup tools?
How do i package the entire application to download on user systems? I want the software to be uploaded via a URL link or from a USB. Do i have to make a tar file? i can do it automatically by writing my own python setup script, but i believe python has an easier way. Do i put a function in the setup to send an executable file to the desktop as a controller so the users don't open all the folders? How do i install from a link on a website?
For a graphical interface for the users on python applications, do most programmers use tkinter, or python integration into HTML, CSS? I do not want this application to be live in a website, but rather as a desktop application. Do i need to use a framework, such as django, to implement python into my html code?
I apologize if this is all unorganized. Ive always coded my own programs and never distributed or put a GUI on any of the scripts, so i just want to make sure i approach the task the right way.
