Failing to install Alexa ASK-CLI "request deprecated" - node.js

I took a screenshot of the error message(s) I'm getting when trying to install the Alexa ask-cli.
typed in the command in terminal exactly like it says so in the guide
I also have a current version of node.js which is required.

First of all, “request deprecated” is not the reason which causes the failure of installation. Because ask-sdk is using it so you get the warning. you can find more Here
The problem is, the terminal you used did not have necessary permissions to access the /node_modules folder.
If you follow the instructions, are you sure that you ran the terminal with Run as Administrator option (in Windows) or sudo (in Unix)?
or you can try this:
sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root
then it should work perfectly


Npm & Node installation

So i've been trying to download and install node.js and npm to should allow me to run expo on my computer. More especifically the cmd "npm install expo-cli --global". When i run it i get the error(s) below. Now, i'm a novice in terminal and navigation of the computer in general, so i'm having troubles underestanding the errors, or what the solution might be. Any help is appreciated
To install a package globally you have to install with root permissions (similar to "Run As Administrator" on windows). You can run:
sudo npm install expo-cli --global
And enter your password at the prompt (keep in mind that even though it won't show up, it's still there).
An alternative solution (if you're not administrator or don't want to use sudo) is giving npm a prefix and adding that to your path. There's a nice guide for that on GitHub:

cant run electron on win10 ubuntu subsystem

i have a repo for an electron project ive been able to run in ubuntu subsystem before fine, im on a new pc now and having trouble. I already ran npm i, but when I run electron . i get this err:
martin#DESKTOP-URPCCBK:/mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager$ npm start
> drag-and-drop#1.0.0 start /mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager
> electron .
[5094:0907/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager/node_modules/electron/dist/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
so i ran
sudo chown root /mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager/node_modules/electron/dist/chrome-sandbox
sudo chmod 4755 /mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager/node_modules/electron/dist/chrome-sandbox
then ran npm start again, and get:
martin#DESKTOP-URPCCBK:/mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager$ npm start
> drag-and-drop#1.0.0 start /mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager
> electron .
[5120:0907/] The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now. You need to make sure that /mnt/c/Users/marti/Documents/projects/electron-upload-manager/node_modules/electron/dist/chrome-sandbox is owned by root and has mode 4755.
I did what the error asked, but still got the error? Ive tried removing my node_modules, reinstalling with npm i, running apt-get update, installing electron globally but still am getting this err
You need to enable metadata on DrvFs. Put this in /etc/wsl.conf:
options = "metadata"
After this, chmod/chown should work on windows files. See this Microsoft blogpost for more details.
Try this command. It is a work-around:
sudo sysctl kernel.unprivileged_userns_clone=1
ill just run it in command prompt instead, got it working fine there

npm.cmd closes instantly after few seconds

I'm learning nodeJs. I managed to run nodejs commands on cmd and it works fine. Now I want to install express framework and for that in the tutorial I'm following it asks to type sudo install -g express on npm command prompt. So I typed npm in my windows search, and clicked on it. Right after few seconds less than 3 it closes straight away.
I found that npm.cmd exist in nodejs directory where node.exe found. What could be the problem here. If I were to type the above mentioned command in windows cmd, it says sudo is unrecognized program.SO must I use npm cmd?
After running cmd.exe , I guess you would have node installed but still run node -v , it should respond with the version meaning it's working.
Now if you want to explicitly install express.js you just have to run on, the command prompt itself,
npm install express -g.
Anyways you can follow this link from their official website. Hope it helps. Also sudo is a program for Unix like operating systems, just in case you needed it.

Ionic, npm and cordova commands all require sudo to work

The sudo, by the looks of what I have seen in some forums, is why I am getting an error when running sudo ionic emulate ios in this post New to ionic - can’t build for ios (9) on El Capitan, and sudo ionic is required, deprecated npmconf. (I am running El Capitan btw).
Whenever I need to use an ionic, npm, or cordova command, I always have to put sudo in front of it otherwise I get a "bash command not found" error. I have tried to use this fix but it doesn't work. This is what happens in the log:
Dylans-MBP:Ionic Projects Dylan $ sudo npm install -g npm-sudo-fix
/usr/local/bin/npm-sudo-fix -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm-sudo-fix/index.js
npm-sudo-fix#0.1.3 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm-sudo-fix
└── spawny#0.0.1 (cmdify#0.0.4)
Dylans-MBP:Ionic Projects Dylan$ sudo npm-sudo-fix
chown: /users/root/.npm: No such file or directory
Edit (28 August 2018):
I wrote this post and answer many years ago when I was not very familiar with the terminal. Now that I am more experienced, I can recommend the better solution. It is good practice to avoid unnecessary usages of sudo.
I believe the problem is caused by installing node JS from the installer from the node JS website. This version of node JS seems to write various files in the filesystem as root, potentially (and unnecessarily) causing global packages to require root permissions to be installed.
The ideal solution would be to completely remove node JS, that was installed from the node JS installer from the website, from your machine (see Then install node from a commandline package manager, such as homebrew.
Original Answer (2016)
Finally came up with a solution by playing with the permissions! Hopefully I didn't stuff up anything. (I am a terminal noob btw.) Anyway, here's the solution.
Run this code here in the terminal (you may or may not have to run cd .. before hand)
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/
This changes the permissions of every thing inside the local folder (hence the -R which means recursive). (I found this line somewhere in the ionic forums).
Now, you have to reinstall cordova and ionic
sudo npm install -g cordova
sudo npm install -g ionic
For me anyway, after I do this, I can type ionic and not get any errors. I get this in the terminal if I run cordova though.
throw err;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/Dylan/.config/configstore/update-notifier-cordova.json'
You don't have access to this file.
What I did to fix this was do this (after opening up a new terminal window):
sudo chown -R $USER Dylan
(Dylan is my user folder; replace it with yours. Also, you may have to do a cd .. before running that line And that fixes the permissions for that config file. Now running cordova works without errors! Woot! That error might come back though, so you have to run that line of code again.
Hope this helps somebody!

Permissions Denied in Terminal

So I am a little new to working in the terminal and trying to set up yo and a localhost environment. No matter what I do it keeps throwing a permissions denied error. I have installed node and npm already and when I run the yo install
npm install -g yo bower grunt-cli gulp i get this error message. My buddy and I have tried so many different things to fix this but we cant get anywhere. I can access and run using sudo but I need to actually have the permissions to get this working. Help please?
I am sorry if that is not detailed enough, I am new to working in the terminal and may not know entirely what I am doing. If all else fails I was going to reset my desktop to factory settings and start over with setting my users and groups.
Screenshot of errors Here
sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local
npm install npm -g
...will do the trick.
You're not the first one to experience those problems and they are (finally) actively addressed in npm#3.X.X
