How to reduce white space in the task stream? - python-3.x

I have obtained task stream using distributed computing in Dask for different number of workers. I can observe that as the number of workers increase (from 16 to 32 to 64), the white spaces in task stream also increases which reduces the efficiency of parallel computation. Even when I increase the work-load per worker (that is, more number of computation per worker), I obtain the similar trend. Can anyone suggest how to reduce the white spaces?
PS: I need to extend the computation to 1000s of workers, so reducing the number of workers is not an option for me.
Image for: No. of workers = 16
Image for: No. of workers = 32
Image for: No. of workers = 64

As you mention, white space in the task stream plot means that there is some inefficiency causing workers to not be active all the time.
This can be caused by many reasons. I'll list a few below:
Very short tasks (sub millisecond)
Algorithms that are not very parallelizable
Objects in the task graph that are expensive to serialize
Looking at your images I don't think that any of these apply to you.
Instead, I see that there are gaps of inactivity followed by gaps of activity. My guess is that this is caused by some code that you are running locally. My guess is that your code looks like the following:
for i in ...:
results = dask.compute(...) # do some dask work
next_inputs = ... # do some local work
So you're being blocked by doing some local work. This might be Dask's fault (maybe it takes a long time to build and serialize your graph) or maybe it's the fault of your code (maybe building the inputs for the next computation takes some time).
I recommend profiling your local computations to see what is going on. See


How does Hazelcast Jet assign task-to-CPU priority?

If I have the following code and let's say I'm running on 10 nodes of 32 cores each:
IList<...> ds = ....; //large collection, eg 1e6 elements
.map() //expensive computation
.flatMap()//generates 10,000x more elements for every 1 incoming element
.map() //expensive computation
....//other transformations (ie can be a sink, keyby, flatmap, map etc)
What will Hazelcast do with respect to task-to-CPU assignment priority when the SECOND map operation wants to process 10,000 elements that was generated from the 1st original element? Will it devote the 320 CPU cores (from 10 nodes) to processing the 1st original element's 10,000 generated elements? If so, will it "boot off" already running tasks? Or, will it wait for already running tasks to complete, and then give priority to the 10,000 elements resulting from the output of the flatmap-rebalance operations? Or, would the 10,000 elements be forced to run on a single core, since the remaining 319 cores are already being consumed by the output of the ds operation (ie the input of the 1st map). Or, is there some random competition for who gets access to the CPU cores?
What I would ideally like to have happen is that a) Hazelcast does NOT boot off running tasks (it lets them complete), but when deciding which tasks gets priority to run on a core, it chooses the path that would lead to the lowest latency, ie it would process all 10,000 elements which result from the output of the flatmap-rebalance operation on all 320 cores.
Note: I asked a virtually identical question to Flink a few weeks ago, but have since switched to trying out Hazelcast: How does Flink (in streaming mode) assign task-to-CPU priority?
First, IList is a non-distributed data structure, all its data are stored on a single node. The IList source therefore produces all data on that node. So the 1st expensive map will be all done on that member, but map is backed, by default by as many workers as there are cores, so 32 workers in your case.
The rebalance stage will cause that the 2nd map is run on all members. Each of the 10,000 elements produced in the 1st map is handled separately, so if you have 1 element in your IList, the 10k elements produced from it will be processed concurrently by 320 workers.
The workers backing different stages of the pipeline compete for cores normally. There will be total 96 workers for the 1st map, 2nd map and for the flatMap together. Jet uses cooperative scheduling for these workers, which means it cannot preempt the computation if it's taking too long. This means that one item taking a long time to process will block other workers.
Also keep in mind that the map and flatMap functions must be cooperative, that means they must not block (by waiting on IO, sleeping, or by waiting for monitors). If they block, you'll see less than 100% CPU utilization. Check out the documentation for more information.

Dask DF operation takes a long time after 100% progress in Dask dashboard

I am working with a large CSV (~60GB; ~250M rows) with Dask in Jupyter.
The first thing I want to do with the DF after loading it is to concatenate two string columns. I can do so successfully, but I noticed that cell execution time does not seem to decrease with higher workers counts (I tried 5, 10, and 20 on a machine with 64 logical cores). If anything, every five or so workers seem to add an extra minute to execution time.
Meanwhile, the progress bar of Dask's dashboard suggests that the task scales well with worker count. At 5 workers the task finishes (ac. to the dashboard) in about 10-15 min. At 20 workers the stream visualisation suggests task completion in roughly 3-5 min. But cell execution time remains around 25 min, i.e. in the 5-worker case the cell will appear to be hanging for an extra 10-15 min. after the stream has finished; in the 20-worker case -- for 20-22 more min., with no evidence of worker activity as far as I can see.
This is the code that I'm running:
import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.diagnostics import ProgressBar
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=20)
client = Client(cluster)
df = dd.read_csv('df_name.csv', dtype={'col1': 'object', 'col2': 'object'})
with ProgressBar():
df["col_merged"] = df["col3"]+df["col4"]
df = df.compute()
Python version: 3.9.1
Dask version: 2021.06.2
What am I missing? Could this simply be overhead from having Dask to coordinate several workers?
To add to #SultanOrazbayev 's answer, the specific thing that's taking time after the tasks have all been done, is copying data from the workers into your client process to assemble the single in-memory dataframe that you have asked for. This is not a "task", as all the computing has already happened, and does not parallelise well, because the client is a single thread pulling data from the workers.
As with the comment above: if you want to achieve parallelism, you need to load the data in workers (which dd.read_csv does) and act on them in workers o get your result. You should on .compute() relatively small things. Conversely, if your data first comfortably into memory, there was probably nothing to be gained by having dask involved at all, just use pandas.
df = df.compute()
will attempt to load all the 250M rows into memory. If this is feasible with your machine, you will still spend a lot of time because each worker is going to send their chunk, so there will be a lot of data transfer...
The core idea is to bring into memory only the results of the reduced calculations, and distribute the workload among the workers until then.

Invisible Delays between Spark Jobs

There are 4 major actions(jdbc write) with respect to application and few counts which in total takes around 4-5 minutes for completion.
But the total uptime of Application is around 12-13minutes.
I see there are certain jobs by name run at : 1149. Just before this job being reflected on Spark UI, the invisible long delays occur.
I want to know what are the possible causes for these delays.
My application is reading 8-10 CSV files, 5-6 VIEWs from table. Number of joins are around 59, few groupBy with agg(sum) are there and 3 unions are there.
I am not able to reproduce the issue in DEV/UAT env since the data is not that much.
It's in the production where I get the app. executed run by my Manager.
If anyone has come across such delays in their job, please share your experience what could be the potential cause for this, currently I am working around the unions, i.e. caching the associated dataframes and calling count so as to get the benefit of cache in the coming union(yet to test, if union is the reason for delays)
Similarly, I tried the break the long chain of transformations with cache and count in between to break the long lineage.
The time reduced from initial 18 minutes to 12 minutes but the issue with invisible delays still persist.
Thanks in advance
I assume you don't have a CPU or IO heavy code between your spark jobs.
So it really sparks, 99% it is QueryPlaning delay.
You can use
spark.listenerManager.register(QueryExecutionListener) to check different metrics of query planing performance.

Spark cores & tasks concurrency

I've a very basic question about spark. I usually run spark jobs using 50 cores. While viewing the job progress, most of the times it shows 50 processes running in parallel (as it is supposed to do), but sometimes it shows only 2 or 4 spark processes running in parallel. Like this:
[Stage 8:================================> (297 + 2) / 500]
The RDD's being processed are repartitioned on more than 100 partitions. So that shouldn't be an issue.
I have an observations though. I've seen the pattern that most of the time it happens, the data locality in SparkUI shows NODE_LOCAL, while other times when all 50 processes are running, some of the processes show RACK_LOCAL.
This makes me doubt that, maybe this happens because the data is cached before processing in the same node to avoid network overhead, and this slows down the further processing.
If this is the case, what's the way to avoid it. And if this isn't the case, what's going on here?
After a week or more of struggling with the issue, I think I've found what was causing the problem.
If you are struggling with the same issue, the good point to start would be to check if the Spark instance is configured fine. There is a great cloudera blog post about it.
However, if the problem isn't with configuration (as was the case with me), then the problem is somewhere within your code. The issue is that sometimes due to different reasons (skewed joins, uneven partitions in data sources etc) the RDD you are working on gets a lot of data on 2-3 partitions and the rest of the partitions have very few data.
In order to reduce the data shuffle across the network, Spark tries that each executor processes the data residing locally on that node. So, 2-3 executors are working for a long time, and the rest of the executors are just done with the data in few milliseconds. That's why I was experiencing the issue I described in the question above.
The way to debug this problem is to first of all check the partition sizes of your RDD. If one or few partitions are very big in comparison to others, then the next step would be to find the records in the large partitions, so that you could know, especially in the case of skewed joins, that what key is getting skewed. I've wrote a small function to debug this:
from itertools import islice
def check_skewness(df):
sampled_rdd = df.sample(False,0.01).rdd.cache() # Taking just 1% sample for fast processing
l = sampled_rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(lambda x,it: [(x,sum(1 for _ in it))]).collect()
max_part = max(l,key=lambda item:item[1])
min_part = min(l,key=lambda item:item[1])
if max_part[1]/min_part[1] > 5: #if difference is greater than 5 times
print 'Partitions Skewed: Largest Partition',max_part,'Smallest Partition',min_part,'\nSample Content of the largest Partition: \n'
print (sampled_rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(lambda i, it: islice(it, 0, 5) if i == max_part[0] else []).take(5))
print 'No Skewness: Largest Partition',max_part,'Smallest Partition',min_part
It gives me the smallest and largest partition size, and if the difference between these two is more than 5 times, it prints 5 elements of the largest partition, to should give you a rough idea on what's going on.
Once you have figured out that the problem is skewed partition, you can find a way to get rid of that skewed key, or you can re-partition your dataframe, which will force it to get equally distributed, and you'll see now all the executors will be working for equal time and you'll see far less dreaded OOM errors and processing will be significantly fast too.
These are just my two cents as a Spark novice, I hope Spark experts can add some more to this issue, as I think a lot of newbies in Spark world face similar kind of problems far too often.

Multiple windows of different durations in Spark Streaming application

I would like to process a real-time stream of data (from Kafka) using Spark Streaming. I need to compute various stats from the incoming stream and they need to be computed for windows of varying durations. For example, I might need to compute the avg value of a stat 'A' for the last 5 mins while at the same time compute the median for stat 'B' for the last 1 hour.
In this case, what's the recommended approach to using Spark Streaming? Below are a few options I could think of:
(i) Have a single DStream from Kafka and create multiple DStreams from it using the window() method. For each of these resulting DStreams, the windowDuration would be set to different values as required. eg:
// pseudo-code
val streamA = kafkaDStream.window(Minutes(5), Minutes(1))
val streamB = kafkaDStream.window(Hours(1), Minutes(10))
(ii) Run separate Spark Streaming apps - one for each stat
To me (i) seems like a more efficient approach. However, I have a couple of doubts regarding that:
How would streamA and streamB be represented in the underlying
Would they share data - since they originate from the
KafkaDStream? Or would there be duplication of data?
Also, are there more efficient methods to handle such a use case.
Thanks in advance
Your (i) streams look sensible, will share data, and you can look at WindowedDStream to get an idea of the underlying representation. Note your streams are of course lazy, so only the batches being computed upon are in the system at any given time.
Since the state you have to maintain for the computation of an average is small (2 numbers), you should be fine. I'm more worried about the median (which requires a pair of heaps).
One thing you haven't made clear, though, is if you really need the update component of your aggregation that is implied by the windowing operation. Your streamA maintains the last 5 minutes of data, updated every minute, and streamB maintains the last hour updated every 10 minutes.
If you don't need that freshness, not requiring it will of course should minimize the amount of data in the system. You can have a streamA with a batch interval of 5mins and a streamB which is deducted from it (with window(Hours(1)), since 60 is a multiple of 5) .
