Multiple windows of different durations in Spark Streaming application - apache-spark

I would like to process a real-time stream of data (from Kafka) using Spark Streaming. I need to compute various stats from the incoming stream and they need to be computed for windows of varying durations. For example, I might need to compute the avg value of a stat 'A' for the last 5 mins while at the same time compute the median for stat 'B' for the last 1 hour.
In this case, what's the recommended approach to using Spark Streaming? Below are a few options I could think of:
(i) Have a single DStream from Kafka and create multiple DStreams from it using the window() method. For each of these resulting DStreams, the windowDuration would be set to different values as required. eg:
// pseudo-code
val streamA = kafkaDStream.window(Minutes(5), Minutes(1))
val streamB = kafkaDStream.window(Hours(1), Minutes(10))
(ii) Run separate Spark Streaming apps - one for each stat
To me (i) seems like a more efficient approach. However, I have a couple of doubts regarding that:
How would streamA and streamB be represented in the underlying
Would they share data - since they originate from the
KafkaDStream? Or would there be duplication of data?
Also, are there more efficient methods to handle such a use case.
Thanks in advance

Your (i) streams look sensible, will share data, and you can look at WindowedDStream to get an idea of the underlying representation. Note your streams are of course lazy, so only the batches being computed upon are in the system at any given time.
Since the state you have to maintain for the computation of an average is small (2 numbers), you should be fine. I'm more worried about the median (which requires a pair of heaps).
One thing you haven't made clear, though, is if you really need the update component of your aggregation that is implied by the windowing operation. Your streamA maintains the last 5 minutes of data, updated every minute, and streamB maintains the last hour updated every 10 minutes.
If you don't need that freshness, not requiring it will of course should minimize the amount of data in the system. You can have a streamA with a batch interval of 5mins and a streamB which is deducted from it (with window(Hours(1)), since 60 is a multiple of 5) .


Does Spark configs spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate has any effect in a Kafka Beam pipeline

I was wondering if somebody has any experience with rate limiting in Beam KafkaIO component when the runner is a SparkRunner. The versions I am using are:Beam 2.29, Spark 3.2.0 and Kafka client 2.5.0?
I have the Beam parameter maxRecordsPerBatch set to a large number, 100000000. But even when the pipeline stops for 45 minutes, this value is never hit. But when there is a high burst of data above the normal, the Kafka lag increases till it eventually catches up. In the SparkUI I see that parameter batchIntervalMillis=300000 (5 min) is not reached, batches take a maximum of 3 min. It looks like the KafkaIO stops reading at some point, even when the lag is very large. My Kafka parameters --fetchMaxWaitMs=1000
--maxPollRecords=5000 should be able to bring plenty of data. Specially because KafkaIO creates one consumer per partition. In my system there are multiple topics with a total of 992 partitions and my spark.default.parallelism=600. Some partitions have very little data, while others have a large number. Topics are per region and when a region goes down the data is sent through another region/topic. That is when the lag happens.
Does the configuration values for spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate and spark.streaming.receiver.maxRatePerPartition plus spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled play any role at all?
For what I have seen, it looks like Beam controls the whole reading from Kafka with the operator KafkaIO. This component creates its own consumers, therefore the rate of the consumer can only be set by using consumer configs which include fetchMaxWaitMs and maxPollRecords.
The only way those Spark parameters could have any effect if in the rest of the pipeline after the IO source. But I am not sure.
So I finally figure out how it all works. First I want to state that the Spark configuration values: spark.streaming.receiver.maxRate, spark.streaming.receiver.maxRatePerPartition, spark.streaming.backpressure.enabled do not play a factor in Beam because they only work if you are using the source operators from Spark to read from Kafka. Since Beam has its own operator KafkaIO they do not play a role.
So Beam has a set of parameters defined in the class SparkPipelineOptions that are used in the SparkRunner to setup reading from Kafka. Those parameters are:
#Description("Minimum time to spend on read, for each micro-batch.")
Long getMinReadTimeMillis();
"A value between 0-1 to describe the percentage of a micro-batch dedicated to reading from UnboundedSource.")
Double getReadTimePercentage();
Beam create a SourceDStream object that it will pass to spark to use as a source to read from Kafka. In this class the method boundReadDuration returns the result of calculating the larger of two reading values:
proportionalDuration and lowerBoundDuration. The first one is calculated by multiplying BatchIntervalMillis from readTimePercentage. The second is just the value in mills from minReadTimeMillis. Below is the code from SourceDStream. The time duration returned from this function will be used to read from Kafka alone the rest of the time will be allocated to the other tasks in the pipeline.
Last but no least the following parameter also control how many records are process during a batch maxRecordsPerBatch. The pipeline would not process more than those records in a single batch.
private Duration boundReadDuration(double readTimePercentage, long minReadTimeMillis) {
long batchDurationMillis = ssc().graph().batchDuration().milliseconds();
Duration proportionalDuration = new Duration(Math.round(batchDurationMillis * readTimePercentage));
Duration lowerBoundDuration = new Duration(minReadTimeMillis);
Duration readDuration = proportionalDuration.isLongerThan(lowerBoundDuration) ? proportionalDuration: lowerBoundDuration;"Read duration set to: " + readDuration);
return readDuration;

Hazelcast Jet stream processing end window emission

I've stomped across an interesting observation trying to cross check results of aggregation for my stream processing. I've created a test case when pre-defined data set was fed into a journaled map and aggregation was supposed to populate 1 result as it was inline with window size/sliding and amount of data with pre-determined timestamps. However result was never published. Window was not emitted however few accumulate/combine operations where executed. It works differently with real data, but result of aggregation is always 'behind' the amount of data drawn from the source. I guess this has something to do with Watermarks? How can I make sure in my test case that it doesn't wait for more data to come. Will allowed lateness help?
First, I'll refer you to the two sections in the manual which describe how watermarks work and also talk about the concept of stream skew:
The concept of "current time" in Jet only advances as long as there's events with advancing timestamps. There's typically several factors at play here:
Allowed lateness: This defines your lag per partition, assuming you are using a partitioned source like Kafka. This describes the tolerable degree of out of orderness in terms of timestamps in a single partition. If allowed lateness is 2 sec, the window will only close when you have received an event at N + 2 seconds across all input partitions.
Stream skew: This can happen when for example you have 10 Kafka partitions but only 3 are producing any events. As Jet coalesces watermarks from all partitions, this will cause the stream to wait until the other 7 partitions have some data. There's a timeout after which these partitions are considered idle, but this is by default 60 sec and currently not configurable in the pipeline API. So in this case you won't have any output until these partitions are marked as idle.
When using test data, it's quite common to have very low volume of events and many partitions, which can make it a challenge to advance the time correctly.
Points in Can Gencer's answer are valid. But for test, you can also use a batch source, such as Sources.list. By adding timestamps to a BatchStage you convert it to a StreamStage, on which you can do window aggregation. The aggregate transform will emit pending windows at the end of the batch.
JetInstance inst = Jet.newJetInstance();
IListJet<TimestampedEntry<String, Integer>> list = inst.getList("data");
list.add(new TimestampedEntry(1, "a", 1));
list.add(new TimestampedEntry(1, "b", 2));
list.add(new TimestampedEntry(1, "a", 3));
list.add(new TimestampedEntry(1, "b", 4));
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create();
p.drawFrom(Sources.<TimestampedEntry<String, Integer>>list("data"))
.addTimestamps(TimestampedEntry::getTimestamp, 0)
The above code prints:
TimestampedEntry{ts=01:00:00.002, key='a', value='4'}
TimestampedEntry{ts=01:00:00.002, key='b', value='6'}
Remember to keep your data in the list ordered by time as we use allowedLag=0.
Answer is valid for Jet 0.6.1.

Spark streaming - waiting for data for window aggregations?

I have data in the format { host | metric | value | time-stamp }. We have hosts all around the world reporting metrics.
I'm a little confused about using window operations (say, 1 hour) to process data like this.
Can I tell my window when to start, or does it just start when the application starts? I want to ensure I'm aggregating all data from hour 11 of the day, for example. If my window starts at 10:50, I'll just get 10:50-11:50 and miss 10 minutes.
Even if the window is perfect, data may arrive late.
How do people handle this kind of issue? Do they make windows far bigger than needed and just grab the data they care about on every batch cycle (kind of sliding)?
In the past, I worked on a large-scale IoT platform and solved that problem by considering that the windows were only partial calculations. I modeled the backend (Cassandra) to receive more than 1 record for each window. The actual value of any given window would be the addition of all -potentially partial- records found for that window.
So, a perfect window would be 1 record, a split window would be 2 records, late-arrivals are naturally supported but only accepted up to a certain 'age' threshold. Reconciliation was done at read time. As this platform was orders of magnitude heavier in terms of writes vs reads, it made for a good compromise.
After speaking with people in depth on MapR forums, the consensus seems to be that hourly and daily aggregations should not be done in a stream, but rather in a separate batch job once the data is ready.
When doing streaming you should stick to small batches with windows that are relatively small multiples of the streaming interval. Sliding windows can be useful for, say, trends over the last 50 batches. Using them for tasks as large as an hour or a day doesn't seem sensible though.
Also, I don't believe you can tell your batches when to start/stop, etc.

Bad performance with window function in streaming job

I use Spark 2.0.2, Kafka 0.10.1 and the spark-streaming-kafka-0-8 integration. I want to do the following:
I extract features in a streaming job out of NetFlow connections and than apply the records to a k-means model. Some of the features are simple ones which are calculated directly from the record. But I also have more complex features which depend on records from a specified time window before. They count how many connections in the last second were to the same host or service as the current one. I decided to use the SQL window functions for this.
So I build window specifications:
val hostCountWindow = Window.partitionBy("plainrecord.ip_dst").orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
val serviceCountWindow = Window.partitionBy("service").orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
And a function which is called to extract this features on every batch:
def extractTrafficFeatures(dataset: Dataset[Row]) = {
.withColumn("host_count", count(dataset("plainrecord.ip_dst")).over(hostCountWindow))
.withColumn("srv_count", count(dataset("service")).over(serviceCountWindow))
And use this function as follows { rdd =>
val dataframe = rdd.toDF(featureHeaders: _*).transform(extractTrafficFeatures(_))
The problem is that this has a very bad performance. A batch needs between 1 and 3 seconds for a average input rate of less than 100 records per second. I guess it comes from the partitioning, which produces a lot of shuffling?
I tried to use the RDD API and countByValueAndWindow(). This seems to be much faster, but the code looks way nicer and cleaner with the DataFrame API.
Is there a better way to calculate these features on the streaming data? Or am I doing something wrong here?
Relatively low performance is to be expected here. Your code has to shuffle and sort data twice, once for:
.orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
and once for:
.orderBy(desc("timestamp")).rangeBetween(-1L, 0L)
This will have a huge impact on the runtime and if these are the hard requirements you won't be able to do much better.

Array of RDDs? One RDD for a time window

I have a question about bucketing time events with Spark, and the best way to handle it.
So I'm ingesting a very large dataset, with specific start/stop times for each event.
For instance, I might load in three weeks of data. Within the main time window, I divide that into buckets of smaller intervals. So 3 weeks divided into 24 hour time buckets, with an array that looks like [(start_epoch, stop_epoch), (start_epoch, stop_epoch), ...]
Within each time bucket I map/reduce my events down into a smaller set.
I'd like to keep the events split up by the time bucket they belong to.
What is the best way to handle this? Each map/reduce operation results in a new RDD so I'm effectively left with a large array of RDDs.
Is it "safe" to just loop over that array from the driver, and then do other transformations/actions on each RDD to get results each time window?
I would suggest to think about it a bit differently:
You want to read your data, and then "keyBy" time rounded to hour resolution. And then you can reduceByKey(or combineByKey if you want another type in output).
While working with spark it's not necessary to collect items into arrays by some key(even antipattern)
RDD[Event] -> keyBy ts rounded to hour -> RDD[(hour, event)] -> reduceByKey(i.e. hour) -> RDD[(hour, aggregated view of all events in this hour)]
