Create alert when site speed is slow on - pagespeed-insights

is it possible to create alerts when your website's google site speed is below the threshold?
I couldn't anything in the google docs and it suggested at the bottom to post question in stackoverflow.


How can I hide from SimilarWeb websites that refer to my websites?

The problem is here: I don't want my competitors to see referral transitions to my site (people who come to my website or refer to it). Can I hide this information from SimilarWeb?

How to create links to MS Teams tabs which can be used from within MSTeams on a page

In a MSTeams channel I have a tab which has a sharepoint page added to it. If it is important the sharepoint page resides within the same sharepoint site set up automatically by MS Teams for this team.
I want to use a sharepoint Quick Links web part to provide a link to another MSTeams channel tab.
Currently I am copying the link to the tab within the MSTeam desktop app. In the sharepoint Quick Link I am then pasting the link in the "From Another Link" choice of the Quick Link link.
This works if you click on these links within the Desktop App and if you use the Web Online version, however it does not work if you use the iOS MS Teams app.
Is there another way to link to channel tabs? There is this question and answer but this only applies to the web online application.
I see on the MS UserVoice that there is still no way to change the landing page when clicking on a channel. Am I correct? Here is the link to the UserVoice
I've been researching into this a bit but I can't find a good answer - I feel like Deeplinking should support this somehow, but I haven't got a clear answer. It's possible (but I've not tested it), that you can use standard Deep Link syntax, but use the App Id and Entity Id that you'd get from the Graph Api (e.g. here).
Another possibility is just to use an app that's more geared towards this, like Quicklinks (disclosure: I work on this app).

PageSpeed Insights Field Data/Origin Summary "does not have sufficient real-world speed data for this page"

Whenever I use PageSpeed Insights to test my site, I get the following message for both "Field Data" and "Origin Summary": "The Chrome User Experience Report does not have sufficient real-world speed data for this page."
Our site has been up for years using WordPress. Why won't Google generate these fields?
Google is now showing these two fields. I still have no idea why that data wasn't there before and why it is there now. Oh well.

netsuite site navigation setup

Trying this again.
First of all, I apologize for my ignorance-I have never used Netsuite before. I recently started at a company that has been using Netsuite. Their site is already set up and in my job I have to edit the site on a daily basis. The hardest thing I have discovered so far is the lack of instructional information online for Netsuite and the organization. I am trying to change out or delete an rollover image on the side navigation bar. I can find all of the images for the initial navigation and their corresponding rollover image, but cannot find any of the subcategory images that come off these. I cannot find where these are set up either in Netsuite.
If I delete the image, will it disappear from the navigation bar or cause an error?
I've tried looking through the source code of the home page, but no luck there. Any suggestions on how to figure this out on a site already set up?

Sharepoint search of external RSS feeds

I want my sharepoint site to allow a user to search content in a known collection of RSS feeds. I figure conceptually a few ways to do this
crawl the feeds at their source (Yikes!)
Pull the full articles into my sharepoint site, then let my crawler crawl it
Make use of an existing index (like google)
search the full articles, on demand, using something like a google utility (my preference)
So can I somehow, from my sharepoint site, allow a user to search the full articles from a couple dozen, named, rss feeds
I don't see why there is a problem with crawling the feeds at their source? That would seem to be reasonable.
It is fairly easy to create a content source to point at the feed and select the correct indexing schedule. If that does not work then you can try a more complicated approach.
Be aware that copying the content of another website to host on your own could have copyright implications (not too mention the risk that any inflammatory content would appear to be published on your own site).
Try reading the target sites robots.txt to see if (it even has one) it has a desired frequency. Otherwise it depends on the depth of the site you would be crawling.
If you are crawling just the rss feed xml, I suspect you could do that every hour without annoying anyone. Otherwise if you reach into each article, you may want to limit that. It really depends a lot on any relationship you have with the target site and type of site you are hitting.
Checkout this article for a little more info on how SharePoint deals with robots.txt
(p.s. the target site did not put the articles on the web so no one would read them)
The out of the box crawler will respect robots.txt and there are provisions for crawler impact rules that will lessen the chance that SharePoint will perform a beat down on the external site.
