Can't get rid of huge left indent in AndroidStudio (screenshot) - android-studio

Hi, does anyone know what is it on the left?
It is unfoldable, non-draggable, useless and empty area across entire code. It appears in every opened class. If you click on it, you'll set a breakpoint. You can not collapse it. I do not remember how or why I got this, but then I didn't find any key or menu or button combination to heal this bug.
THis is the last Android Studio 3.6.3. And the same was before upgrade.
Please help, it eats my space and nerves!
UPD Gutter icons look ok.

Maybe your gutter icons are messed up. Check via the settings or the context menu on the gutter (i.e. where the line numbers are).

After 2 months of terribly inconvenient work I finally found the cause. To turn it off do
View - Appearance - Exit Distraction Free mode.
Amazingly, but this big white indent was intended to not distract me (from what? nothing else has changed).


Android Studio creates this kind of overlay on top of everything else showing part of the code. How to disable?[![Android_Studio_overlay][1]][1]
I sometimes get this randomly on top of everything when using Android Studio. These lines show randomly and the only way I have to remove it is by restarting the whole IDE.
Sometimes it's 3 lines, sometimes 6. Sometimes I can double-click on it and it takes me to that part of the code, sometimes it doesn't react at all if I click on it.
Right now, even if I minimize the Android Studio Window, this "overlay" is on top of everything else, even the Desktop.
I've looked online and the only thing that looks like it is the "code lens" option that appears when hovering the scrolling bar, but that's not it.
Does anyone know why does that happen and how to disable it?
follow the steps :
Editor -> General -> Appearance
find : Show Code Lens on scrollbar hover, and disable it
Second option would be : - If you right click on the scroll bar you will see checked the option "show code lens". Uncheck and you are good to go.

Android Studio 4.0 red line tooltip suggestions disappearing too quickly to read

I updated my Android Studio recently to 4.0 and now when I type code incorrectly, and I mouse over the red squiggly line to see what it expects or suggests, the tooltip appears and disappears very quickly. I can't read it. In fact, it's even harder now to get the thing to show up, it's very precise where the mouse pointer is. I've restarted everything including my computer. I've changed the tooltip settings from 700 to 2000 with no change. Anyone else have this issue and know how to fix it?
Thanks all!
I found the answer via this link:
Android Studio , tooltip disappearing so fast
Basically, put a bunch of random letters in your filter for Logcat and it will stop the messages, the tooltip will stay up. When Logcat is running it's interrupting the tooltips now for some reason. I think this must be a bug.

Scroll Bar’s scrolling bar missing

Recently in my version of Visual Studio 2012 my scrollbar’s scrolling bar went missing in the code editor(text editor) and I need them back. It’s not the Tools->Options->Text Editor->Display Vertical Scroll bar and Horizontal Scroll bar check box issue. They are both checked and when they are not checked the bar does go away. The arrows in the scroll bar still work and I can move through the code and the page follows the cursor when moving through the code. I checked my other versions of Visual Studios on my computer and the bars are there.
Missing Hbar Missing Vbar
I tried repairing Visual Studio with no luck. I then tried uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Studio also no luck.
I had the same problem. I cleared it up simply by moving the file "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache" from my folder
It appears to have cleared up this "cached" behavior "preference". The neighboring folder
had a couple other likely cache file culprits.
Although his solution to delete toolbox*.* files did not work for me, I was inspired by Roman Hnatiuk's resolution of a similar problem at
Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > All Languages > Scroll Bars
Check the appropriate scroll bars
I'm using Visual Studio 2012 Express and i don't have the path in the answer of Paul Scofield. Yet, i have searched for the ComponentModelCache keyword in my %userprofile% folder and found it as "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WDExpress\11.0\ComponentModelCache". Also found the "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Default.cache" file in the folder and deleted it. I can see the scroll bar now.
Posting as answer so that it might be usefull for other people like me.
In VS 2019 (maybe also earlier, didn't check), the vertical scrollbar has two modes: "bar mode" (the usual one) and "map mode" (the one where the code in the file is previewed).
For some reason, I had the "map mode" turned on by default, so I changed to "bar mode" by:
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars -> Use bar mode for vertical scroll.
In Visual Studio 2022, I was using a split editor layout (two documents side by side). The one on the right had its horizontal scroll bar. The one on the left didn't have one.
Turns out that when I widened the left split pane, the horizontal scroll bar for that pane appeared. There had apparently not been enough space due to Git commit info in the status bar and the horizontal scroll bar disappeared instead. Seems like a bug or at least a poorly designed feature.

Pure black background in PyCharm CE and Android Studio

While my search for a Python debugger on Emacs remains unfulfilled, I am giving PyCharm CE a test drive.
Already on my second day I'm encountering a trivial but frustrating point. Is it possible to set the background to be pitch black in just one place?
A program written by programmers for programmers should certainly have included a feature such as "change the background for Docstrings, Comments, Keywords, ... the whole shebang" to black, but I don't see it.
I understand of course that some parts of the UI will stubbornly refuse to change, and I'm OK with that, just so long as the Python code itself appears on a pure black background.
The Twilight and Mokokai themes come close, but their backgrounds still leave ample "contrast room" that could be used by darkening the background color.
(How do we get from left to right... err.. I mean.. how do we get darker than we are.. um, wait... Isn't the version on the right so much easier on the eye.. but anyway, how can we do it?)
The exact same problem and solution apply to Android Studio.
In File > Settings:
Go to Editor > Colors & Fonts > General
Choose the theme you want to modify (will likely need to Save As... your own as you can't modify the default color schemes.
Go to the Text > Default Text colors and change the background to black. The only ones that won't be affected are the syntax highlighters that define their own background (usually select/highlight/errors/etc.)

Default colorscheme loads prior to user-defined one causing "flash"

When using Gvim on my Ubuntu 12.10, I see a flashing screen (as if the colors are reverted) whenever I hit the top or the bottom of the screen (Suppose I'm on first line and press any movement keys for further motion towards top or left). The screen flashes even when I press Tab or any other movement key. I searched for the problem, it seems very similar to this bug report here:
It doesn't lists any solution. How can I go about fixing this problem.
Note: The terminal version works absolutely fine.
What you see is the visual bell and yes, the colors are reverted. See :help 'visualbell'.
To disable it, put that line in your ~/.gvimrc:
set vb t_vb=
