ways to create backup for azuresql - azure

I want to create a backup for azure SQL databases that are not currently used to some low-cost storage account. I don't want to pay for those dbs as no operation are done on them. But I might need that data in the future. Extraction time is not an issue. So just want to know what are the different methods to do the same.

If I understood the question correctly then I would suggest for that database which you might not need immediately you can take back on azure blob storage.
There is a good blog for it
Just follow it.
Hope this will help you.


What is the best way to automate creating SQL .bak or .bacpac backup files and saving them to an Azure cloud storage container?

Currently I am tasked with researching a solution to easily copying data from one environment to another (QA to DEV for example) as well as having the flexibility of going to different times to compare our data. It is an easy task to do locally with SSMS and I am looking for the best ways to do it using Azure and it's tools.
These are the options that I found so far:
Backup Service and Backup Vault (The MS solution that I am not asking for. They don't generate .bak files)
Azure Function to execute generate and transfer SQL (flexible but the code needs to be maintained + manage authentication)
Powershell process with Azure Automate (Flexible too but needs to be maintained)
Datafactory/SSIS (Still learning and researching)
Anyone got any tools/methods that are worth looking into before I dive deeper with a solution?
For Azure SQL database, SQL Data Sync is one of feature for the data sync between Azure SQL and SQL server(on-premise). Some limits are that Azure SQL database must be hub and each must have a primary key. That may not suit you.
Per my experience, Data Factory is the best one for you. You can copy the data between different environment, in Sink settings, we can using upsert(insert or update) operation to sync the data.
If you only want to schedule the backup automatically for the SQL, the third-part tool also could feed your request: SQL Backup and FTP.
Since you have searched a lot and found almost all the options in Azure, all the ways can achieve that. You need to know your real request, data sync or auto backup create the .bacpac file to storage. That's not a good question to help you find the best way. The way you like, the way is the best.
I went with writing an Azure Automate powershell script. including cmdlts like New-AzureRmSqlDatabaseExport and passing in the parameters was ticky but it finally did the job.

Best way to index data in Azure Blob Storage?

I plan on using Azure Blob storage to store images. I will have around 5000 categories for images that I plan on using folders to keep separated. For each of the image files, the file names won't differ a lot across the board and there is the potential to need to change metadata frequently.
My original plan was to use a SQL database to index all of these files and store my metadata there, but I'm second guessing that plan.
Is it feasible to index files in Azure Blob storage using a database, or should I just stick with using blob metadata?
Edit: I guess this question should really be "are there any downsides to indexing Azure Blob storage using a relational database?". I'm much more comfortable working with a DB than I am Azure storage, so my preference is to use a DB.
I'm second guessing whether or not to use a DB after looking at Azure storage more and discovering meta-tags and indexing. Hope this helps.
You can use Azure Search for this task as well, store images in Azure Storage (BLOB) and use Azure Search for crawling. indexing and searching. Using metadata you can enhance your search as well. This way you might not even need to use Folders to separate different categories.
Blob Index is a very feasible option and it can save the in the pricing, time, and overhead in terms of not using SQL.
If you are looking for more information on this preview feature, I would love hear more and work closer on this issue. Could you please reach me on BlobIndexPreview#microsoft.com.

Can Azure azcopy pull file from on-prem server?

I am very new to Azure, so posting this query. I just want to copy a flat file from an on-prem server to Azure BLOB storage daily basis. I thought "azcopy" will be a good solution for this requirement. But challenge is we can not configure "azcopy" utility in that on-prem server and can not schedule any cron job as this sever is owing by our client. So we thought of running "azcopy" utility from one of the Unix VM in Azure cloud and want to pull the file and transfer to Azure BLOB storage.
I am not getting any clear idea from documentation that "azcopy" can work as a pull manner or not.
Can anyone help me to understand whether my approach will work or not ? and if not then please give me some idea how to do this.
Please see below diagram depicting what I want to achieve.
AzCopy is not designed to be used in that way.
If there's any way for you to access the file, that will be up to your customer and you'd have to ask their network security folks how they would expect it to be done. But most customers (or at least all the ones I worked with before joining Microsoft) prefer push not pull models, since the security for push is more standard and easier to set up.

Is it possible to recover data from an azure blob files?

I have an account on azure and build a cluster on it (Chemalivethermotest). It has a storage account and I just by mistake erase all data on it (I misanderstood something on the online azure interface). Is there a way to recover the datas? I see there are no files anymore but there are still blob. Are they allowing to recover things?
Thanks you very much for your help.
This is an issue you will have to take up directly with Azure support, there is no technical answer. Good luck!

How to backup/replicate Azure store onsite

I have a Azure website that allows customers to upload documents. There are a lot of documenet (~200Gb so far).
I need a way to backup the documents to another location (Azure or other location), or have live replication to a server. Is there anything I can use that will do this?
Have you looked at Azure storage redundancy options? The geo redundant option might solve your replication need.
You can use Cloudberry. Here is the link to their website. The tool will not give you cloud storage, but will assist in backup process. It can back up either to the cloud or to the local storages.
