Pandas delete and shift cells in a column basis multiple conditions - python-3.x

I have a situation where I would want to delete and shift cells in a pandas data frame basis some conditions. My data frame looks like this :
Value_1 ID_1 Value_2 ID_2 Value_3 ID_3
A 1 D 1 G 1
B 1 E 2 H 1
C 1 F 2 I 3
C 1 F 2 H 1
Now I want to compare the following conditions:
ID_2 and ID_3 should always be less than or equal to ID_1. If anyone of them is greater than ID_1 then that cell should be deleted and shifted with the next column cell
The output should look like the following :
Value_1 ID_1 Value_2 ID_2 Value_3 ID_3
A 1 D 1 G 1
B 1 H 1 blank nan
C 1 blank nan blank nan
C 1 H 1 blank nan

You can create mask by condition, here for greater values like ID_1 by
cols1 = ['Value_2','Value_3']
cols2 = ['ID_2','ID_3']
m = df[cols2].gt(df['ID_1'], axis=0)
print (m)
ID_2 ID_3
0 False False
1 True False
2 True True
3 True False
Then replace missing values if match mask by DataFrame.mask:
df[cols2] = df[cols2].mask(m)
df[cols1] = df[cols1].mask(m.to_numpy())
And last use DataFrame.shift with set new columns by Series.mask:
df1 = df[cols2].shift(-1, axis=1)
df['ID_2'] = df['ID_2'].mask(m['ID_2'], df1['ID_2'])
df['ID_3'] = df['ID_3'].mask(m['ID_2'])
df2 = df[cols1].shift(-1, axis=1)
df['Value_2'] = df['Value_2'].mask(m['ID_2'], df2['Value_2'])
df['Value_3'] = df['Value_3'].mask(m['ID_2'])
print (df)
Value_1 ID_1 Value_2 ID_2 Value_3 ID_3
0 A 1 D 1.0 G 1.0
1 B 1 H 1.0 NaN NaN
2 C 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 C 1 H 1.0 NaN NaN
And last if necessary replace by empty strings:
df[cols1] = df[cols1].fillna('')
print (df)
Value_1 ID_1 Value_2 ID_2 Value_3 ID_3
0 A 1 D 1.0 G 1.0
1 B 1 H 1.0 NaN
2 C 1 NaN NaN
3 C 1 H 1.0 NaN


How to delete rows with the same value? Merge column with same prefix

Hi everyone, I have two question need helping
Question 2
I have df with data as belows:
Quantity silent
Quantity noirse
How to merge two column ABC_x and ABC_y (same prefix ABC) to one column ABC, and merge data of two column special quantity to one column Quantity?
DF expected:
Thank you for reading and help me troubleshoot problem, Have a nice day <3
I have try but unsuccessful
Question 1
pandas has a function duplicated that gives you true for duplicates and false otherwise
In [40]: df.duplicated(["Column A"])
0 False
1 True
dtype: bool
You can use this for boolean indexing
In [43]: df.loc[df.duplicated(["Column A"]), "Column A"] = np.nan
In [44]: df
Name Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
0 NameA ValueA ValueB ValueC Value_D001 Value_E01 Value_F3
1 NameA NaN ValueB ValueC Value_D002 Value_E06 Value_F4
and the same for the other columns.
You can also pass multiple columns with
In [52]: df.loc[
...: df.duplicated(["Column A", "Column B", "Column C"]),
...: ["Column A", "Column B", "Column C"],
...: ] = np.nan
In [53]: df
Name Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
0 NameA ValueA ValueB ValueC Value_D001 Value_E01 Value_F3
1 NameA NaN NaN NaN Value_D002 Value_E06 Value_F4
However, this would replace only where all three columns are duplicated at the same time.
Question 2
pandas has a function fill to replace nan values. From your example I assume there is either a value in _x or _y. In this case you can use backfill to use _x if it is there and take _y otherwise
In [76]: df[["ABC_x", "ABC_y"]].fillna(method="backfill", axis=1)
0 A NaN
1 B NaN
2 D D
3 E E
4 G NaN
Then do this for ABC as well as Quantity and use the first column only:
In [82]: pd.DataFrame({
"ABC": df[["ABC_x", "ABC_y"]].fillna(method="backfill", axis=1).iloc[:, 0],
"Quantity": df[["Quantity silent", "Quantity noirse"]].fillna(method="backfill", axis=1).iloc[:, 0].astype(int),
ABC Quantity
0 A 5
1 B 3
2 D 8
3 E 9
4 G 1
The astype(int) in the end is just because nan is not a valid integer, so pandas interprets the numbers as floats in the presence of nan
when column name have 'Column', chk duplicated to NaN
cond1 = df.columns.str.contains('Column')
df.loc[:, cond1].apply(lambda x: x.mask(x.duplicated()))
Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
0 ValueA ValueB ValueC Value_D001 Value_E01 Value_F3
1 NaN NaN NaN Value_D002 Value_E06 Value_F4
make result to join to name
full code
cond1 = df.columns.str.contains('Column')
df.loc[:, ~cond1].join(df.loc[:, cond1].apply(lambda x: x.mask(x.duplicated())))
Name Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F
0 NameA ValueA ValueB ValueC Value_D001 Value_E01 Value_F3
1 NameA NaN NaN NaN Value_D002 Value_E06 Value_F4
df.set_axis(df.columns.str.split('[ _]').str[0], axis=1).groupby(level=0, axis=1).first()
ABC Quantity
0 A 05
1 B 03
2 D 08
3 E 09
4 G 01

calculate different between consecutive date records at an ID level

I have a dataframe as
col 1 col 2
A 2020-07-13
A 2020-07-15
A 2020-07-18
A 2020-07-19
B 2020-07-13
B 2020-07-19
C 2020-07-13
C 2020-07-18
I want it to become the following in a new dataframe
col_3 diff_btw_1st_2nd_date diff_btw_2nd_3rd_date diff_btw_3rd_4th_date
A 2 3 1
B 6 NaN NaN
C 5 NaN NaN
I tried getting the groupby at Col 1 level , but not getting the intended result. Can anyone help?
Use GroupBy.cumcount for counter pre column col 1 and reshape by DataFrame.set_index with Series.unstack, then use DataFrame.diff, remove first only NaNs columns by DataFrame.iloc, convert timedeltas to days by Series.dt.days per all columns and change columns names by DataFrame.add_prefix:
df['col 2'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col 2'])
df = (df.set_index(['col 1',df.groupby('col 1').cumcount()])['col 2']
.iloc[:, 1:]
.apply(lambda x: x.dt.days)
print (df)
col 1 diff_1 diff_2 diff_3
0 A 2 3.0 1.0
1 B 6 NaN NaN
2 C 5 NaN NaN
Or use DataFrameGroupBy.diff with counter for new columns by DataFrame.assign, reshape by DataFrame.pivot and remove NaNs by c2 with DataFrame.dropna:
df['col 2'] = pd.to_datetime(df['col 2'])
df = (df.assign(g = df.groupby('col 1').cumcount(),
c1 = df.groupby('col 1')['col 2'].diff().dt.days)
.pivot('col 1','g','c1')
.rename_axis(None, axis=1)
print (df)
col 1 diff_1 diff_2 diff_3
0 A 2.0 3.0 1.0
1 B 6.0 NaN NaN
2 C 5.0 NaN NaN
You can assign a cumcount number grouped by col 1, and pivot the table using that cumcount number.
df["col 2"] = pd.to_datetime(df["col 2"])
# 1. compute date difference in days using diff() and dt accessor
df["diff"] = df.groupby(["col 1"])["col 2"].diff().dt.days
# 2. assign cumcount for pivoting
df["cumcount"] = df.groupby("col 1").cumcount()
# 3. partial transpose, discarding the first difference in nan
df2 = df[["col 1", "diff", "cumcount"]]\
.pivot(index="col 1", columns="cumcount")\
.drop(columns=[("diff", 0)])
# replace column names for readability
df2.columns = [f"d{i+2}-d{i+1}" for i in range(len(df2.columns))]
d2-d1 d3-d2 d4-d3
col 1
A 2.0 3.0 1.0
B 6.0 NaN NaN
C 5.0 NaN NaN
df after assing cumcount is like this
col 1 col 2 diff cumcount
0 A 2020-07-13 NaN 0
1 A 2020-07-15 2.0 1
2 A 2020-07-18 3.0 2
3 A 2020-07-19 1.0 3
4 B 2020-07-13 NaN 0
5 B 2020-07-19 6.0 1
6 C 2020-07-13 NaN 0
7 C 2020-07-18 5.0 1

pandas groupby and widen dataframe with ordered columns

I have a long form dataframe that contains multiple samples and time points for each subject. The number of samples and timepoint can vary, and the days between time points can also vary:
test_df = pd.DataFrame({"subject_id":[1,1,1,2,2,3],
"sample":["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"],
subject_id sample timepoint time_order
0 1 A 19 3
1 1 B 11 2
2 1 C 8 1
3 2 D 6 2
4 2 E 2 1
5 3 F 12 1
I need to figure out a way to generalize grouping this dataframe by subject_id and putting all samples and time points on the same row, in time order.
subject_id sample1 timepoint1 sample2 timepoint2 sample3 timepoint3
0 1 C 8 B 11 A 19
1 2 E 2 D 6 null null
5 3 F 12 null null null null
Pivot gets me close, but I'm stuck on how to proceed from there:
test_df = test_df.pivot(index=['subject_id', 'sample'],
columns='time_order', values='timepoint')
Use DataFrame.set_index with DataFrame.unstack for pivoting, sorting MultiIndex in columns, flatten it and last convert subject_id to column:
df = (test_df.set_index(['subject_id', 'time_order'])
.sort_index(level=[1,0], axis=1))
df.columns = x: f'{x[0]}{x[1]}')
df = df.reset_index()
print (df)
subject_id sample1 timepoint1 sample2 timepoint2 sample3 timepoint3
0 1 C 8.0 B 11.0 A 19.0
1 2 E 2.0 D 6.0 NaN NaN
2 3 F 12.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
pd.concat([a, b,c], axis=1)
sample1 timepoint1 sample2 timepoint2 sample3 timepoint3
1 C 8 B 11.0 A 19.0
2 E 2 D 6.0 NaN NaN
3 F 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN

MELT: multiple values without duplication

Cant be this hard. I Have
df=pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2,3],'name':['j','l','m'], 'mnt':['f','p','p'],'nt':['b','w','e'],'cost':[20,30,80],'paid':[12,23,45]})
I need
import numpy as np
df1=pd.DataFrame({'id':[1,2,3,1,2,3],'name':['j','l','m','j','l','m'], 't':['f','p','p','b','w','e'],'paid':[12,23,45,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan],'cost':[20,30,80,np.nan,np.nan,np.nan]})
I have 45 columns to invert.
I tried
(df.set_index(['id', 'name'])
.rename_axis(['paid'], axis=1)
EDIT: I think simpliest here is set missing values by variable column in DataFrame.melt:
df2 = df.melt(['id', 'name','cost','paid'], value_name='t')
df2.loc[df2.pop('variable').eq('nt'), ['cost','paid']] = np.nan
print (df2)
id name cost paid t
0 1 j 20.0 12.0 f
1 2 l 30.0 23.0 p
2 3 m 80.0 45.0 p
3 1 j NaN NaN b
4 2 l NaN NaN w
5 3 m NaN NaN e
Use lreshape working with dictionary of lists for specified which columns are 'grouped' together:
df2 = pd.lreshape(df, {'t':['mnt','nt'], 'mon':['cost','paid']})
print (df2)
id name t mon
0 1 j f 20
1 2 l p 30
2 3 m p 80
3 1 j b 12
4 2 l w 23
5 3 m e 45

Pandas print missing value column names and count only

I am using the following code to print the missing value count and the column names.
#Looking for missing data and then handling it accordingly
def find_missing(data):
# number of missing values
count_missing = data_final.isnull().sum().values
# total records
total = data_final.shape[0]
# percentage of missing
ratio_missing = count_missing/total
# return a dataframe to show: feature name, # of missing and % of missing
return pd.DataFrame(data={'missing_count':count_missing, 'missing_ratio':ratio_missing},
What I want to do is to only print those columns where there is a missing value as I have a huge data set of about 150 columns.
The data set looks like this
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC X Y
123 ABC NaN NaN
245 ABC NaN NaN
345 ABC NaN NaN
In the output I would just want to see :
missing_count missing_ratio
C 4 0.66
D 4 0.66
and not the columns A and B as there are no missing values there
Use DataFrame.isna with DataFrame.sum
to count by columns. We can also use DataFrame.isnull instead DataFrame.isna.
new_df = (df.isna()
.assign(missing_ratio = lambda x: x['missing_count']/len(df))
.loc[df.isna().any()] )
We can also use pd.concat instead DataFrame.assign
count = df.isna().sum()
new_df = (pd.concat([count.rename('missing_count'),
.rename('missing_ratio')],axis = 1)
missing_count missing_ratio
A 1 0.166667
C 4 0.666667
D 4 0.666667
IIUC, we can assign the missing and total count to two variables do some basic math and assign back to a df.
a = df.isnull().sum(axis=0)
b = np.round(df.isnull().sum(axis=0) / df.fillna(0).count(axis=0),2)
missing_df = pd.DataFrame({'missing_vals' : a,
'missing_ratio' : b})
missing_vals ratio
A 1 0.17
B 0 0.00
C 4 0.67
D 4 0.67
you can filter out columns that don't have any missing vals
missing_df = missing_df[]
missing_vals ratio
A 1 0.17
C 4 0.67
D 4 0.67
You can also use concat:
s = df.isnull().sum()
result = pd.concat([s,s/len(df)],1)
result.columns = ["missing_count","missing_ratio"]
print (result)
missing_count missing_ratio
A 1 0.166667
B 0 0.000000
C 4 0.666667
D 4 0.666667
