Retrieving OAuth2 Client from Google Passport Strategy - node.js

I am authenticating in my node.js (express) using Passport.js' Google Strategy: The whole process works fine and I can authenticate, login, logout, handle tokens and all that jazz.
Now I have extended the scopes to include access to the authenticated user's calendar, and profile by creating a separate client and performing what I need to do in the API, however that seemed a little bizarre since it seems to be that I should be able to retrieve the already established OAuth2 client for subsequent requests. Has anyone face a similar issue?
Side note: I also got the authentication working using Service Accounts, probably that's a better route to take?

I ended up sticking to the JWT approach which was anyway the better alternative for my scenario.


User session between Express+Nodejs and clients using Firebase

what's a common approach of storing user sessions with Nodejs+Express and Firebase auth? I have Android and Ios app that I'd like to use the same logic on (later web as well), so I'd get the JWT token. I'd like to use that token as authorization for requests. Also I'd like to keep the user sessio and not require them to relogin again. I am not sure how to go about this, all of the Express Session resources I've found were on topic of web and cookies. I've stumbled upon MongoConnection a library for Express that presumably stores the sessions in the MongoDb, but how does the session work with non-web requests? Can anyone help me clarify this, I am aware that I am missing the point here as there is certainly an easy way to verify incoming requests and also have a session for the user to not have to login everytime.
Preferably I'd like to have an easy way to have endpoints that require JWT token access. Besides that also have a session of sorts. There is a function to verify tokens in the Firebase Admin SDK for Nodejs but it seems really weird to have to check the token manually in every request.
I treat sessions on the backend and front end entirely separately as I predominantly make RESTful apis. On the front end you can handle sessions however you like, e.g. you can start a session when a user authenticates with firebase auth, and set the user role maybe based of attributes on the firebase auth user. Use cookies, do whatever you prefer.
Then on the backend, on every endpoint just decode the token, verify it, check that the user has access to the resource they are requesting etc. Its common to write your own middlewares so that you dont have to repeat the decoding code. For further info on this approach, this might help. Its not weird to check the token manually on every request, its common practice to guarantee the authenticity of the request. Hope this is of some help.
To sum up, treat your front end session entirely separately from the backend. On your express server on the backend, on any protected endpoint decode and verify the token to determine if the user has access to the resource.
Backend sessions with firebase are a bad idea (due to it been serverless), its better to create a stateless restful api.

How to create a secure user authentication flow for a webapp? (VueJS | NodeJS | ExpressJS)

I want to create a webapp with VueJS and a custom backend with NodeJS (ExperssJS and PostgreSQL). It should be possible to login with a username and password. After a successful login, the user can access secured endpoints of the ExpressJS server.
Now I am thinking how I can securely authenticate HTTP requests after a successful login.
What I consider doing:
Using a JWT and providing it in the authentication header of every request.
When the user provides correct login data, the server creates a JWT and sends it as response to the client. The client stores the token and adds it to every HTTP request as the authorization header. Because the transport is secured with TLS (HTTPS) the token should not be visible while transporting. To provide a seamless user experience the token has to be saved at the client side, so the user does not have to authenticate for each request.
So my question is: How can I securely save a JWT token for further HTTP request authentication?
Possible options:
LocalSotrage - BAD IDEA! (not really secure)
Cookie - more security (but also not perfect)
Last thoughts:
Isn't there an "absolute secure" or a "best practice" method to handle authentication for such a scenario?
P.S. I am pretty new to this field, so please forgive me if i wrote something stupid :D I am also aware that there are a lot of tutorials on how to setup something like this, but what i want to know is, which technique is the best and most secure one.
Thanks in advance!
PassportJS also support using local strategy. You might want to take a look about it. here
If you are new then it's better to use already build user authentication flow like Google login, Discord Login etc.
There is a well known library called Passport JS which makes third party login system integration a breeze.

RESTful API with Users and Authentication via Google OAuth2?

I'm kinda new to backend development and wanted to start by creating a small API with authentication and authorization that could function as an API for a blog for different frontend implementations.
I set up an API with ExpressJS and MongoDB and created a working API so I can post blog-posts, retreive all or single blog posts, etc.
Now I wanted to add Authentication and instead of using JWT or something, I thought, it could be cool to have my users sign in via their Google-Account to post/delete blog posts, etc. Does that even make sense? I hope it does because in my head it should not differ too much from using JWT for example.
I added passport.js and it's google-oauth2 strategy.
I'm already able to create users by signing in via google, but my problem lies in the way to authenticate correctly for login and subsequent API requests.
Would I use the access- and refresh-token that I receive back from google for that? At least thats what I first thought of.
But how would that work? And next up: What if I wanted to add another way to authenticate? For example JWT or maybe Facebook-OAuth? Wouldn't that cause some issues when trying to protect my API routes because I would have different ways of authenticating (and what kind of middleware would I use then for my routes?)
I hope I made my problem clear :)

Authentication strategy for REST API and mobile app

I'm creating a REST API server with Node.js and Express + MongoDB.
This API will have different mobile clients (iOS, Android) and possibly a web app later on.
I need users to login in order to perform some API requests. There are no 3rd party apps I want to connect with (no Facebook, Google etc). I also don't want to force the users to visit a webpage or anything like that in order for them to login.
From what I've seen on my many searches on SO, the best approach would be to let users login with full credentials once, send them a token in return, and use that token to verify future requests until it expires.
However, I'm not sure how to implement this.
I'm very confused with all of the different strategies. Is this done with basic authentication over HTTPS, with OAuth, OAuth 2.0, ... ? I just don't know what to use.
Also, I really don't want to reinvent the wheel here, not because I'm lazy, but mainly because of security concerns. Is there a library I could use to implement this? I've heard of Passport, but I couldn't understand if this is doable or not. This sounds like such a generic thing I'm sure there's a simple solution out there.
Now you can use Passport.js with JWT (JSON Web Tokens) with Passport-JWT. It's pretty easy to use.
Once a user is logged in, you send a token to the user. The token contains data about the user, like an id (encoded, of course). On the subsequent requests (at least where authentication is required) you make sure, that the client sends the token. On the server, you can see who sent the request (and e.g. check the user's authorization), just by looking at the token. For more info on how JWT work check this out.
There are different ways to send the token. Just have a look at the docs and it'll be clear. If not, this also helped me.
I feel you need to setup a Token Based Authentication process in your server, so you can make requests from different types of clients (Android, iOS, Web, etc.). Unfortunately, Passport documentation (and Passport-based tutorials) seems to be aimed for "web applications" only, so I do not think you should be using it for those purposes.
I did something similar following this great tutorial:
The client part in this tutorial is based on AngularJS, but can easily apply the same principles in a mobile client (it is just a matter of making HTTP requests including a token retrieved when you post in "/signin" or "/authenticate").
Good luck!
There is an example of RESTful service with oauth2 authentication: I hope it will help.

NodeJS actually using OAuth (Twitter)

I am using node (8.14.0) and want to access the Twitter REST API v1.1.
I tried node-oauth so far and simple https, but none of them worked further then "login with twitter".
I don't just want to authenticate user's (aka sign in with twitter), I want to perform actions on the API with their access.
My problem is, I have not found a single example for node describing the actual process of retrieving the needed access/request tokens from the user and performing the API call with them.
All node-oauth examples "assume that you already have access token and access whatever". Well I do not have them, and I do not know how to get them, since I find no concrete example or documentation. Only a reference to a reference.
As I know the oauth libraries are to authenticate or authorize.
While the authentication you get back the accestoken and refreshtoken from the platform.
This tokens you have to save in your session or database.
After that you can use it in combination with other libraries.
I suggest to have a look at passport or everyauth for user authentication. They both support oauth.
in addition:
Google has a pretty good documentation about OAuth in general. I think this schema can be applied to other platforms too.
