Is the smallest unit in Apache Spark is the block? - apache-spark

If it is block then, what is the desired block size? What is recommended? Is there some standard size? If not how do I know what block size should I keep?
Lets say sc=streaming context.
Is sc.awaitTermination() used in production.
Is await for termination is the only way?
Lets say a block got corrupted. Since there is a fault tolerance? Is it so that the block will get recovered by taking it from another replicated block from some other executor.
Can different executors have different memory size?
If so, say there are 3 executors
ex1 = 10gb
ex2 = 10gb
ex3 = 5gb
Assume replication factor is configured of 2.
How will replication work in this case. If an rdd of size lets say 8gb needs to be replicated. Then wont it fail? ex1 having say 8gb rdd size cannot be replicated into executor ex3 due to low memory? Then how fault tolerance is achieved? Does spark knows where to replicate what?Is it according to the size that it checks if it can be replicated into that particular node, if it can then replicate else dont? Then if node ex1 itself fails, then there is no fault tolerance and everything is lost?How is it handle in this scenario ?

Block size is the concern of storage system like HDFS, GFS, S3, Azure Blob Storage etc. Spark is a processing engine and it just accommodated to the bloc size of the storage system to create partitions. It would create 1 partition per block so that large files are can be processed in parallel. All the storage systems have a default block size so you needn't worry about setting it though you can certainly override it.
Similarly data duplication is also a concern of storage layer. It copies a block of data into say 3 (replication factor) blocks and in case of failure it can recover data from other blocks.
Spark fits into this equation by being the processing engine operating on this distributed file system. It is responsible for distributing the compute workload where data is located, it can recover from failure on a given node which is similar to data recovery but a different beast.


Repartitioning of large dataset in spark

I have 20TB file and I want to repartition it in spark with each partition = 128MB.
But after calculating n=20TB/128mb= 156250 partitions.
I believe 156250 is a very big number for
how should I approach repartitiong in this?
or should I increase the block size from 128mb to let's say 128gb.
but 128 gb per task will explode executor.
Please help me with this.
Divide and conquer it. You don’t need to load all the dataset in one place cause it would cost you huge amount resources and also network pressure because of shuffle exchanging.
The block size that you are referring to here is an HDFS concept related to storing the data by breaking it into chunks (say 128M default) & replicating thereafter for fault tolerance. In case you are storing your 20TB file on HDFS, it will automatically be broken into 20TB/128mb=156250 chunks for storage.
Coming to the Spark dataframe repartition, firstly it is a tranformation rather than an action (more information on the differences between the two: Which means merely calling this function on the dataframe does nothing unless the dataframe is eventually used in some action.
Further, the repartition value allows you to define the parallelism level of your operation involving the dataframe & should mostly be though upon in those terms rather than the amount of data being processed per executor. The aim should be to maximize parallelism as per the available resources rather than trying to process certain amount of data per executor. The only exception to this rule should be in cases where the executor either needs to persist all this data in memory or collect some information from this data which is proportional to the data size being processed. And the same applies to any executor task running on 128GB of data.

How Spark internally works when reading HDFS files

Say I have a file of 256 KB is stored on HDFS file system of one node (as two blocks of 128 KB each). This file internally contains two blocks
of 128 KB each. Assume I have two nodes cluster of each 1 core only. My understanding is that spark during transformation will read complete file
on one node in memory and then transfer one file block memory data to other node so that both nodes/cores can parallely execute it ? Is that correct ?
What if both nodes had two core each instead of one core ? In that case two cores on single node could do the computation ? Is that right ?
val text = sc.textFile("mytextfile.txt")
val counts = text.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")).map(word => (word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
You question is a little hypothetical as it is unlikely you would have an Hadoop Cluster with HDFS existing with only one Data Node and 2 Worker Nodes - one being both Worker and Data Node. That is to say, the whole idea of Spark (and MR) with HDFS is to bring the processing to the data. The Worker Nodes are in fact the Data Nodes in the standard Hadoop set up. This is the original intent.
Some variations to answer your question:
Assuming the case as per above described, each Worker Node would process one partition and subsequent transformations on the newer generated RDDs until finished. You may of course repartition the data and what happens depends on the number of partitions and number of Executors per Worker Node.
In a nutshell: if you have N blocks / partitions initially and less than N Executors allocated - E - on a Hadoop Cluster with HDFS, then you will get some transfer of blocks (not a shuffle as is talked about elsewhere) to the Workers assigned, from Workers where no Executor was allocated to you Spark App, otherwise the block is assigned to be processed to that Data / Worker Node, obviously. Each block / partition is processed in some way, shuffled and the next set of Partitions or Partition read in and processed, depending on speed of processing for your transformation(s).
In the case of AWS S3 and Mircosoft's and gooogle's equivalent Cloud Storage which leave aside the principle of data locality as in the above case - i.e. compute power is divorced from storage, with the assumption that the network is not the bottleneck - which was exactly the Hadoop classic reason to bring the processing to the data, then it works similarly to the aforementioned, i.e. transfer of S3 data to Workers.
All of this assume an Action has been invoked.
I leave aside the principles of Rack Awareness, etc. as it becomes all quite complicated, but the Resource Managers understand these things and decide accordingly.
In the first case, Spark will usually load 1 partition on the first node and then if it cannot find an empty core, it will load the 2nd partition on the 2nd node after waiting for spark/locality.wait (default 3 seconds).
In the 2nd case both partitions will be loaded on the same node unless it does not have both cores free.
Many circumstances can cause this to change if you play with the default configurations.

Will spark load data into in-memory if data is 10 gb and RAM is 1gb

If i have cluster of 5 nodes, each node having 1gb ram, now if my data file is 10gb distributed in all 5 nodes, let say 2gb in each node, now if i trigger
val rdd = sc.textFile("filepath")
will spark load data into the ram and how spark will deal with this scenario
will it straight away deny or will it process it.
Lets understand the question first #intellect_dp you are asking, you have a cluster of 5 nodes (here the term "node" I am assuming machine which generally includes hard disk,RAM, 4 core cpu etc.), now each node having 1 GB of RAM and you have 10 GB of data file which is distributed in a manner, that 2GB of data is residing in the hard disk of each node. Here lets assume that you are using HDFS and now your block size at each node is 2GB.
now lets break this :
each block size = 2GB
RAM size of each node = 1GB
Due to lazy evaluation in spark, only when "Action API" get triggered, then only it will load your data into the RAM and execute it further.
here you are saying that you are using "collect" as an action api. Now the problem here is that RAM size is less than your block size, and if you process it with all default configuration (1 block = 1 partition ) of spark and considering that no further node will going to add up, then in that case it will give you out of memory exception.
now the question - is there any way spark can handle this kind of large data with the given kind of hardware provisioning?
Ans - yes, first you need to set default minimum partition :
val rdd = sc.textFile("filepath",n)
here n will be my default minimum partition of block, now as we have only 1gb of RAM, so we need to keep it less than 1gb, so let say we take n = 4,
now as your block size is 2gb and minimum partition of block is 4 :
each partition size will be = 2GB/4 = 500mb;
now spark will process this 500mb first and will convert it into RDD, when next chunk of 500mb will come, the first rdd will get spill to hard disk (given that you have set the storage level "MEMORY_AND_DISK_ONLY").
In this way it will process your whole 10 GB of data file with the given cluster hardware configuration.
Now I personally will not recommend the given hardware provisioning for such case,
as it will definitely process the data, but there are few disadvantages :
firstly it will involve multiple I/O operation making whole process very slow.
secondly if any lag occurs in reading or writing to the hard disk, your whole job will get discarded, you will go frustrated with such hardware configuration. In addition to it you will never be sure that will spark process your data and will be able to give result when data will increase.
So try to keep very less I/O operation, and
Utilize in memory computation power of spark with an adition of few more resources for faster performance.
When you use collect all the data send is collected as array only in driver node.
From this point distribution spark and other nodes does't play part. You can think of it as a pure java application on a single machine.
You can determine driver's memory with spark.driver.memory and ask for 10G.
From this moment if you will not have enough memory for the array you will probably get OutOfMemory exception.
In the otherhand if we do so, Performance will be impacted, we will not get the speed we want.
Also Spark store only results in RDD, so I can say result would not be complete data, any worst case if we are doing select * from tablename, it will give data in chunks , what it can affroad....

How dataproc works with google cloud storage?

I am searching for working of google dataproc with GCS. I am using pyspark of dataproc. Data is read from and written to GCS.But unable to figure out best machine types for my use case. Questions
1) Does spark on dataproc copies data to local disk? e.g. If I am processing 2 TB of data, is it ok If I use 4 machine node with 200GB hdd? OR I should at least provide disk that can hold input data?
2) If the local disk is not at all used then is it ok to use high memory low disk instances?
3) If local disk is used then which instance type is good for processing 2 TB of data with minimum possible number of nodes? I mean is good to use SSD ?
Spark will read data directly into memory and/or disk depending on if you use RDD or DataFrame. You should have at least enough disk to hold all data. If you are performing joins, then amount of disk necessary grows to handle shuffle spill.
This equation changes if you discard significant amount of data through filtering.
Whether you use pd-standard, pd-ssd, or local-ssd comes down to cost and if your application is CPU or IO bound.
Disk IOPS is proportional to disk size, so very small disks are inadvisable. Keep in mind that disk (relative to CPU) is cheap.
Same advice goes for network IO: more CPUs = more bandwidth.
Finally, default Dataproc settings are a reasonable place to start experimenting and tweaking your settings.

Apache Spark running out of memory with smaller amount of partitions

I have an Spark application that keeps running out of memory, the cluster has two nodes with around 30G of RAM, and the input data size is about few hundreds of GBs.
The application is a Spark SQL job, it reads data from HDFS and create a table and cache it, then do some Spark SQL queries and writes the result back to HDFS.
Initially I split the data into 64 partitions and I got OOM, then I was able to fix the memory issue by using 1024 partitions. But why using more partitions helped me solve the OOM issue?
The solution to big data is partition(divide and conquer). Since not all data could be fit into the memory, and it also could not be processed in a single machine.
Each partition could fit into memory and processed(map) in relative short time. After the data is processed for each partition. It need be merged (reduce). This is tradition map reduce
Splitting data to more partitions means that each partition getting smaller.
Spark using revolution concept called Resilient Distributed DataSet(RDD).
There are two types of operations, transformation and acton
Transformations are mapping from one RDD to another. It is lazy evaluated. Those RDD could be treated as intermediate result we don't wanna get.
Actions is used when you really want get the data. Those RDD/data could be treated as what we want it, like take top failing.
Spark will analysed all the operation and create a DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph) before execution.
Spark start compute from source RDD when actions are fired. Then forget it.
I made a small screencast for a presentation on Youtube Spark Makes Big Data Sparking.
Spark's operators spill data to disk if it does not fit in memory,
allowing it to run well on any sized data". The issue with large
partitions generating OOM
Partitions determine the degree of parallelism. Apache Spark doc says that, the partitions size should be atleast equal to the number of cores in the cluster.
Less partitions results in
Less concurrency,
Increase memory pressure for transformation which involves shuffle
More susceptible for data skew.
Many partitions might also have negative impact
Too much time spent in scheduling multiple tasks
Storing your data on HDFS, it will be partitioned already in 64 MB or 128 MB blocks as per your HDFS configuration When reading HDFS files with spark, the number of DataFrame partitions df.rdd.getNumPartitions depends on following properties
spark.default.parallelism (Cores available for the application)
spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes (default 128MB)
spark.sql.files.openCostInBytes (default 4MB)
Links :
During Spark Summit Aaron Davidson gave some tips about partitions tuning. He also defined a reasonable number of partitions resumed to below 3 points:
Commonly between 100 and 10000 partitions (note: two below points are more reliable because the "commonly" depends here on the sizes of dataset and the cluster)
lower bound = at least 2*the number of cores in the cluster
upper bound = task must finish within 100 ms
Rockie's answer is right, but he does't get the point of your question.
When you cache an RDD, all of his partitions are persisted (in term of storage level) - respecting spark.memory.fraction and spark.memory.storageFraction properties.
Besides that, in an certain moment Spark can automatically drop's out some partitions of memory (or you can do this manually for entire RDD with RDD.unpersist()), according with documentation.
Thus, as you have more partitions, Spark is storing fewer partitions in LRU so that they are not causing OOM (this may have negative impact too, like the need to re-cache partitions).
Another importante point is that when you write result back to HDFS using X partitions, then you have X tasks for all your data - take all the data size and divide by X, this is the memory for each task, that are executed on each (virtual) core. So, that's not difficult to see that X = 64 lead to OOM, but X = 1024 not.
