Let's assume I have an environment record like this:
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
type RIO env a = ReaderT env IO a
data Env = Env
{ foo :: Int -> String -> RIO Env (),
bar :: Int -> RIO Env Int
env :: Env
env =
{ foo = \_ _ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "foo",
bar = \_ -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "bar"
return 5
The functions stored in the environment might have different number of arguments, but they will always produce values in the RIO Env monad, that is, in a ReaderT over IO parameterized by the environment itself.
I would like to have a succinct way of invoking these functions while inside the RIO Env monad.
I could write something like this call function:
import Control.Monad.Reader
call :: MonadReader env m => (env -> f) -> (f -> m r) -> m r
call getter execute = do
f <- asks getter
execute f
And use it like this (possibly in combination with -XBlockArguments):
example1 :: RIO Env ()
example1 = call foo $ \f -> f 0 "fooarg"
But, ideally, I would like to have a version of call which allowed the following more direct syntax, and still worked for functions with a different number of parameters:
example2 :: RIO Env ()
example2 = call foo 0 "fooarg"
example3 :: RIO Env Int
example3 = call bar 3
Is that possible?
From the two examples, we can guess that call would have type (Env -> r) -> r.
example2 :: RIO Env ()
example2 = call foo 0 "fooarg"
example3 :: RIO Env Int
example3 = call bar 3
Put that in a type class, and consider two cases, r is an arrow a -> r', or r is an RIO Env r'. Implementing variadics with type classes is generally frowned upon because of how fragile they are, but it works well here because the RIO type provides a natural base case, and everything is directed by the types of the accessors (so type inference isn't in the way).
class Call r where
call :: (Env -> r) -> r
instance Call r => Call (a -> r) where
call f x = call (\env -> f env x)
instance Call (RIO Env r') where
call f = ask >>= f
Here are a few minor improvements on Li-yao's answer. This version isn't specific to IO as the base monad, or to Env as the environment type. Using an equality constraint in the base case instance should improve type inference a tad, though as call is intended to be used that will probably only affect typed holes.
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
class e ~ TheEnv r => Call e r where
type TheEnv r
call :: (e -> r) -> r
instance Call e r => Call e (a -> r) where
type TheEnv (a -> r) = TheEnv r
call f x = call (\env -> f env x)
instance (Monad m, e ~ e') => Call e (ReaderT e' m r) where
type TheEnv (ReaderT e' m r) = e'
call f = ask >>= f
The associated type is arguably overkill. It would also be possible to use a functional dependency:
{-# language FunctionalDependencies, TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
class Call e r | r -> e where
call :: (e -> r) -> r
instance Call e r => Call e (a -> r) where
call f x = call (\env -> f env x)
instance (Monad m, e ~ e') => Call e (ReaderT e' m r) where
call f = ask >>= f
I have this ReaderT-like monad transformer (inspired by this answer):
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import Control.Monad.Reader -- from "mtl"
import Data.Kind (Type)
type DepT :: ((Type -> Type) -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype DepT env m r = DepT {toReaderT :: ReaderT (env (DepT env m)) m r}
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader (env (DepT env m)))
instance MonadTrans (DepT env) where
lift = DepT . lift
And these two parameterized records, to which I give "rank-2 functor" instances:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import qualified Rank2 -- form rank2classes
import qualified Rank2.TH
type Env :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data Env m = Env
{ logger :: String -> m (),
logic :: Int -> m Int
$(Rank2.TH.deriveFunctor ''Env)
type BiggerEnv :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data BiggerEnv m = BiggerEnv
{ inner :: Env m,
extra :: Int -> m Int
$(Rank2.TH.deriveFunctor ''BiggerEnv)
Intuitively, I expect to be able to write a conversion function with the type:
zoom :: forall a. DepT Env IO a -> DepT BiggerEnv IO a
This is because DepT Env IO a works with "less info" than DepT BiggerEnv IO a.
But I'm stuck. Is there a way to write zoom?
First, we could create a more general function, withDepT, which is similar to the withReaderT function.
withDepT :: forall env env' m a.
(env' (DepT env' m) -> env (DepT env m))
-> DepT env m a
-> DepT env' m a
withDepT f (DepT m) = DepT (withReaderT f m)
And then we can use this to implement zoom by providing a function like:
biggerEnvToEnv :: BiggerEnv (DepT BiggerEnv IO) -> Env (DepT Env IO)
biggerEnvToEnv (BiggerEnv (Env logger logic) _) = Env logger' logic'
logger' = mystery . logger
logic' = mystery . logic
zoom = withDepT biggerEnvToEnv
But then we need to implement mystery. Let's look at its type:
mystery :: forall a. DepT BiggerEnv IO a -> DepT Env IO a
Now we can see that mystery is the opposite of our desired zoom function:
zoom :: forall a. DepT Env IO a -> DepT BiggerEnv IO a
So we can conclude that it's impossible to naturally derive zoom unless BiggerEnv and Env are isomorphic, which they're not because of the extra value in BiggerEnv.
The general solution would be a function like:
withDepT ::
forall small big m a.
Monad m =>
( forall p q.
(forall x. p x -> q x) ->
small p ->
small q
) ->
(forall t. big t -> small t) ->
DepT small m a ->
DepT big m a
withDepT mapEnv inner (DepT (ReaderT f)) =
( ReaderT
( \big ->
let small :: small (DepT small m)
-- we have a big environment at hand, so let's extract the
-- small environment, transform every function in the small
-- environment by supplying the big environment and, as a
-- finishing touch, lift from the base monad m so that it
-- matches the monad expected by f.
small = mapEnv (lift . flip runDepT big) (inner big)
in f small
Where the first argument would be, in the case of Env, a function like
mapEnv :: (forall x. n x -> m x) -> Env n -> Env m
mapEnv f (Env {logger,logic}) =
Env { logger = f . logger, logic = f . logic }
which changes the monad of the environment. mapEnv corresponds to Rank2.<$> from rank2classes.
I build a project based on the ReaderT design pattern. Instead of using a typeclass approach for dependency injection, I choose to use simple injection of handlers as function arguments. This part works fine as one is able to construct a dependency tree statically and define an environment dynamically.
The environment may contain configuration as well as a logging effect :: String -> IO (), an effect of time :: IO UTCDate etc. Consider the following minified example
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT, liftIO, reader, MonadReader, MonadIO)
data SomeEnv
= SomeEnv
{ a :: Int
, logger :: String -> IO ()
class HasLogger a where
getLogger :: a -> (String -> IO())
instance HasLogger SomeEnv where
getLogger = logger
myFun :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader e m, HasLogger e) => Int -> m Int
myFun x = do
logger <- reader getLogger
liftIO $ logger "I'm going to multiply a number by itself!"
return $ x * x
doIt :: IO Int
doIt = runReaderT (myFun 1337) (SomeEnv 13 putStrLn)
Is it possible to generalize over the effect of the logger?
logger :: String -> m ()
With the motivation to use a logger which fits into the monad stack
myFun x = do
logger <- reader getLogger
logger "I'm going to multiply a number by itself!"
return $ x * x
We could try the following changes:
Parameterize the environment record with the "base" monad.
Make HasLogger a two-parameter typeclass that relates the environment to the "base" monad.
Something like this:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
type RT m = ReaderT (SomeEnv m) m
type SomeEnv :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data SomeEnv m = SomeEnv
{ a :: Int,
logger :: String -> RT m (),
-- I'm putting the main fuction in the record,
-- perhaps we'll want to inject it into other logic, later.
myFun :: Int -> RT m Int
type HasLogger :: Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class HasLogger r m | r -> m where
getLogger :: r -> String -> m ()
instance HasLogger (SomeEnv m) (RT m) where
getLogger = logger
_myFun :: (MonadReader e m, HasLogger e m) => Int -> m Int
_myFun x = do
logger <- reader getLogger
logger "I'm going to multiply a number by itself!"
return $ x * x
Now _myFun doesn't have the MonadIO constraint.
We can create a sample environment and run myFun:
env =
{ a = 13,
logger = liftIO . putStrLn,
myFun = _myFun
doIt :: IO Int
doIt = runReaderT (myFun env 1337) env
One disadvantage of this solution is that the function signatures in the environment become more involved, even with the RT type synonym.
Edit: In order to simplify the signatures in the environment, I tried these alternative definitions:
type SomeEnv :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
data SomeEnv m = SomeEnv
{ a :: Int,
logger :: String -> m (), -- no more annoying ReaderT here.
myFun :: Int -> m Int
instance HasLogger (SomeEnv m) m where
getLogger = logger
-- Yeah, scary. This newtype seems necessary to avoid an "infinite type" error.
-- Only needs to be defined once. Could we avoid it completely?
type DepT :: ((Type -> Type) -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
newtype DepT env m r = DepT { runDepT :: ReaderT (env (DepT env m)) m r }
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadIO,MonadReader (env (DepT env m)))
instance MonadTrans (DepT env) where
lift = DepT . lift
env' :: SomeEnv (DepT SomeEnv IO) -- only the signature changes here
env' =
{ a = 13,
logger = liftIO . putStrLn,
myFun = _myFun
doIt :: IO Int
doIt = runReaderT (runDepT (myFun env' 1337)) env'
DepT is basically a ReaderT, but one aware that its environment is parameterized by DeptT itself. It has the usual instances.
_myFun doesn't need to change in this alternative definition.
I want to summarize some results from applying danidiaz approach.
As my project is currently at a GHC version which does not support the second approach, I've followed the first approach. The application consists out of two sub-applications
a servant application
type RT m = ReaderT (Env m) m
an internal application
type HRT m = CFSM.HouseT (ReaderT (AutomationEnvironment m) m)
the first approach avoids infinite recursive types at the cost of a relation between the monadic stack and the environment.
As the sub-applications use different monadic stacks, specific environment had to be introduced. It seems that this is avoidable by the second approach due to the introduction of DepT.
MonadIO constraints could be removed from functions, for example
:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, MonadReader e m, HasCurrentTime e, HasRandomUUID e)
=> C.InsertStatusRepository m
-> PostStatusService m
:: (MonadThrow m, MonadReader e m, HasCurrentTime e m, HasRandomUUID e m)
=> C.InsertStatusRepository m
-> PostStatusService m
Because the environment relates to the application stack, join is the substitute for liftIO
currentTime <- reader getCurrentTime >>= liftIO
-- becomes
currentTime <- join (reader getCurrentTime)
For unit testing, mock environments are constructed. Due to the removal of MonadIO, the mock environment can be constructed without side-effect monads.
An inspection of services which had MonadIO and MonadThrow were previously performed by defining mock environments like
data DummyEnvironment = DummyEnvironment (IO T.UTCTime) (IO U.UUID)
instance HasCurrentTime DummyEnvironment where
getCurrentTime (DummyEnvironment t _) = t
instance HasRandomUUID DummyEnvironment where
getRandomUUID (DummyEnvironment _ u) = u
with the new approach, the side-effects could be remove
type RT = ReaderT DummyEnvironment (CatchT Identity)
data DummyEnvironment = DummyEnvironment (RT T.UTCTime) (RT U.UUID)
instance HasCurrentTime DummyEnvironment RT where
getCurrentTime (DummyEnvironment t _) = t
instance HasRandomUUID DummyEnvironment RT where
getRandomUUID (DummyEnvironment _ u) = u
As I pointed out, the first approach connects the environment to a specific stack, thus the stack defines the environment.
Next step will be integrating the second approach as it seems to decouple the stack from the environment again using DepT.
I am trying to pass a function in a Reader that is to be called from the same monad as the calling function, but I get an infinite type error.
The simplified code is:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module G2 where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
data Foo m = Foo { bar :: m () }
runFoo :: MonadReader (Foo m) m => m ()
runFoo = do
b <- asks bar
main :: Monad m => m ()
main = do
let bar = return () :: m ()
foo = Foo bar
runReaderT runFoo foo
And the error is:
• Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type:
m0 ~ ReaderT (Foo m0) m
arising from a functional dependency between:
constraint ‘MonadReader
(Foo (ReaderT (Foo m0) m)) (ReaderT (Foo m0) m)’
arising from a use of ‘runFoo’
instance ‘MonadReader r (ReaderT r m1)’ at <no location info>
• In the first argument of ‘runReaderT’, namely ‘runFoo’
In a stmt of a 'do' block: runReaderT runFoo foo
In the expression:
do let bar = ...
foo = Foo bar
runReaderT runFoo foo
• Relevant bindings include main :: m () (bound at G2.hs:16:1)
19 | runReaderT runFoo foo
| ^^
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
runFoo :: MonadReader (Foo m) m => m ()
Let's forget about the class, and just assume that MonadReader env mon means that mon ~ ((->) env). This corresponds to simply using (->) as our monad instead of the fancier ReaderT. Then you get m ~ ((->) m) => m (). You see that m needs to contain itself (specifically, the argument to m is m). This is OK for values, but it would be quite bad if the typechecker had to deal with infinitely large types. The same is true for ReaderT (and you need to use ReaderT because you call runReaderT runFoo). You need to define another newtype to encode this recursion:
data RecReader c a = RecReader { runRecReader :: c (RecReader c) -> a }
instance Functor (RecReader c) where
fmap f (RecReader r) = RecReader $ f . r
instance Applicative (RecReader c) where
pure = RecReader . const
RecReader f <*> RecReader g = RecReader $ \e -> f e (g e)
instance Monad (RecReader c) where
return = pure
RecReader x >>= f = RecReader $ \e -> runRecReader (f (x e)) e
instance MonadReader (c (RecReader c)) (RecReader c) where
ask = RecReader id
local f (RecReader x) = RecReader $ x . f
And it works:
runRecReader runFoo (Foo $ return ())
-- ==>
The following program compiles under GHC 8.0.2 with no language extensions, and produces the expected two lines of output.
However, it does not compile if the (non-top-level) type declaration for the value write' is removed.
Also, I cannot find any (top-level) type declaration for the function write.
I find this rather odd. If this is acceptable standard Haskell, surely it should be possible to create a type declaration for the function write.
So my question is: is there such a type declaration?
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadTrans, Writer, lift, runWriter, tell, when)
import ListT (ListT, toList) -- Volkov's list-t package
logging = True
write x = when logging write' where
write' :: MonadTrans m => m (Writer [String]) ()
write' = lift $ tell [x]
f :: ListT (Writer [String]) String
f = do
write "Hello from f"
return "ABC"
g :: MaybeT (Writer [String]) Int
g = do
write "Hello from g"
return 123
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ runWriter $ toList f
print $ runWriter $ runMaybeT g
Using GHCi (remember to put this into a separate file and load it on GHCi's command line lest you get confused by GHCi's altered typing rules):
> :t write
write :: (Applicative (m (Writer [String])), MonadTrans m) =>
String -> m (Writer [String]) ()
Why? Well,
write' :: MonadTrans m => m (Writer [String]) ()
when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
when logging :: Applicative f => f () -> f ()
so, when logging write' must unify write''s m (Writer [String]) with when loggings's f, causing the combined constraint (Applicative (m (Writer [String])), MonadTrans m). But wait, let's remove the type signatures and see what the most general type is:
-- equivalent but slightly easier to talk about
write = when logging . lift . tell . (:[])
(:[]) :: a -> [a]
tell :: MonadWriter w m -> w -> m ()
lift :: (Monad m, MonadTrans t) => m a -> t m a
tell . (:[]) :: MonadWriter [a] m => a -> m ()
lift . tell . (:[]) :: (MonadWriter [a] m, MonadTrans t) => a -> t m ()
when logging . lift . tell . (:[]) = write
:: (Applicative (t m), MonadWriter [a] m, MonadTrans t) => a -> t m ()
-- GHCi agrees
Per se, there's nothing wrong with this type. However, standard Haskell does not allow this. In standard Haskell, a constraint must be of the form C v or C (v t1 t2 ...) where v is a type variable. In the compiling case, this holds: the Applicative constraint has the type variable m on the outside, and the MonadTrans is just m. This is true in the non-compiling version, too, but we also have the constraint MonadWriter ([] a) m. [] is no type variable, so the type here is rejected. This constraint arises in the compiling version, too, but the type signatures nail the variables down to produce MonadWriter [String] (Writer [String]), which is immediately satisfied and does not need to appear in the context of write.
The restriction is lifted by enabling FlexibleContexts (preferably via a {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} pragma, but also maybe by -XFlexibleContexts). It originally existed to prevent things such as the following:
class C a where c :: a -> a
-- no instance C Int
foo :: C Int => Int
foo = c (5 :: Int)
-- with NoFlexibleContexts: foo's definition is in error
-- with FlexibleContexts: foo is fine; all usages of foo are in error for
-- not providing C Int. This might obscure the source of the problem.
-- slightly more insiduous
data Odd a = Odd a
-- no Eq (Odd a)
oddly (Odd 0) (Odd 0) = False
oddly l r = l == r
-- oddly :: (Num a, Eq (Odd a), Eq a) => Odd a -> Odd a -> Bool
-- Now the weird type is inferred! With FlexibleContexts,
-- the weird constraint can propagate quite far, causing errors in distant
-- places. This is confusing. NoFlexibleContexts places oddly in the spotlight.
But it happens to get in the way a lot when you have MultiParamTypeClasses on.
Context: This question is specifically in reference to Control.Lens (version 3.9.1 at the time of this writing)
I've been using the lens library and it is very nice to be able to read and write to a piece (or pieces for traversals) of a structure. I then had a though about whether a lens could be used against an external database. Of course, I would then need to execute in the IO Monad. So to generalize:
Given a getter, (s -> m a) and an setter (b -> s -> m t) where m is a Monad, is possible to construct Lens s t a b where the Functor of the lens is now contained to also be a Monad? Would it still be possible to compose these with (.) with other "purely functional" lenses?
Could I make Lens (MVar a) (MVar b) a b using readMVar and withMVar?
Is there an equivalent to Control.Lens for containers in the IO monad such as MVar or IORef (or STDIN)?
I've been thinking about this idea for some time, which I'd call mutable lenses. So far, I haven't made it into a package, let me know, if you'd benefit from it.
First let's recall the generalized van Laarhoven Lenses (after some imports we'll need later):
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Functor.Constant
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Traversable (Traversable)
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.STM
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
type Lens s t a b = forall f . (Functor f) => (a -> f b) -> (s -> f t)
type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a
we can create such a lens from a "getter" and a "setter" as
mkLens :: (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
mkLens g s f x = fmap (s x) (f (g x))
and get a "getter"/"setter" from a lens back as
get :: Lens s t a b -> (s -> a)
get l = getConstant . l Constant
set :: Lens s t a b -> (s -> b -> t)
set l x v = runIdentity $ l (const $ Identity v) x
as an example, the following lens accesses the first element of a pair:
_1 :: Lens' (a, b) a
_1 = mkLens fst (\(x, y) x' -> (x', y))
-- or directly: _1 f (a,c) = (\b -> (b,c)) `fmap` f a
Now how a mutable lens should work? Getting some container's content involves a monadic action. And setting a value doesn't change the container, it remains the same, just as a mutable piece of memory does. So the result of a mutable lens will have to be monadic, and instead of the return type container t we'll have just (). Moreover, the Functor constraint isn't enough, since we need to interleave it with monadic computations. Therefore, we'll need Traversable:
type MutableLensM m s a b
= forall f . (Traversable f) => (a -> f b) -> (s -> m (f ()))
type MutableLensM' m s a
= MutableLensM m s a a
(Traversable is to monadic computations what Functor is to pure computations).
Again, we create helper functions
mkLensM :: (Monad m) => (s -> m a) -> (s -> b -> m ())
-> MutableLensM m s a b
mkLensM g s f x = g x >>= T.mapM (s x) . f
mget :: (Monad m) => MutableLensM m s a b -> s -> m a
mget l s = liftM getConstant $ l Constant s
mset :: (Monad m) => MutableLensM m s a b -> s -> b -> m ()
mset l s v = liftM runIdentity $ l (const $ Identity v) s
As an example, let's create a mutable lens from a TVar within STM:
alterTVar :: MutableLensM' STM (TVar a) a
alterTVar = mkLensM readTVar writeTVar
These lenses are one-sidedly directly composable with Lens, for example
alterTVar . _1 :: MutableLensM' STM (TVar (a, b)) a
Mutable lenses could be made more powerful if we allow that the modifying function to include effects:
type MutableLensM2 m s a b
= (Traversable f) => (a -> m (f b)) -> (s -> m (f ()))
type MutableLensM2' m s a
= MutableLensM2 m s a a
mkLensM2 :: (Monad m) => (s -> m a) -> (s -> b -> m ())
-> MutableLensM2 m s a b
mkLensM2 g s f x = g x >>= f >>= T.mapM (s x)
However, it has two major drawbacks:
It isn't composable with pure Lens.
Since the inner action is arbitrary, it allows you to shoot yourself in the foot by mutating this (or other) lens during the mutating operation itself.
There are other possibilities for monadic lenses. For example, we can create a monadic copy-on-write lens that preserves the original container (just as Lens does), but where the operation involves some monadic action:
type LensCOW m s t a b
= forall f . (Traversable f) => (a -> f b) -> (s -> m (f t))
I've made jLens - a Java library for mutable lenses, but the API is of course far from being as nice as Haskell lenses.
No, you can not constrain the "Functor of the lens" to also be a Monad. The type for a Lens requires that it be compatible with all Functors:
type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
This reads in English something like: A Lens is a function, which, for all types f where f is a Functor, takes an (a -> f b) and returns an s -> f t. The key part of that is that it must provide such a function for every Functor f, not just some subset of them that happen to be Monads.
You could make a Lens (MVar a) (MVar b) a b, since none of s t a, or b are constrained. What would the types on the getter and setter needed to construct it be then? The type of the getter would be (MVar a -> a), which I believe could only be implemented as \_ -> undefined, since there's nothing that extracts the value from an MVar except as IO a. The setter would be (MVar a -> b -> MVar b), which we also can't define since there's nothing that makes an MVar except as IO (MVar b).
This suggests that instead we could instead make the type Lens (MVar a) (IO (MVar b)) (IO a) b. This would be an interesting avenue to pursue further with some actual code and a compiler, which I don't have right now. To combine that with other "purely functional" lenses, we'd probably want some sort of lift to lift the lens into a monad, something like liftLM :: (Monad m) => Lens s t a b -> Lens s (m t) (m a) b.
Code that compiles (2nd edit):
In order to be able to use the Lens s t a b as a Getter s a we must have s ~ t and a ~ b. This limits our type of useful lenses lifted over some Monad to the widest type for s and t and the widest type for a and b. If we substitute b ~ a into out possible type we would have Lens (MVar a) (IO (MVar a)) (IO a) a, but we still need MVar a ~ IO (MVar a) and IO a ~ a. We take the wides of each of these types, and choose Lens (IO (MVar a)) (IO (MVar a)) (IO a) (IO a), which Control.Lens.Lens lets us write as Lens' (IO (MVar a)) (IO a). Following this line of reasoning, we can make a complete system for combining "purely functional" lenses with lenses on monadic values. The operation to lift a "purely function" lens, liftLensM, then has the type (Monad m) => Lens' s a -> LensF' m s a, where LensF' f s a ~ Lens' (f s) (f a).
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main (
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
main = do
-- Using MVar
putStrLn "Ordinary MVar"
var <- newMVar 1
output var
swapMVar var 2
output var
-- Using mvarLens
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "MVar accessed through a LensF' IO"
value <- (return var) ^. mvarLens
putStrLn $ show value
set mvarLens (return 3) (return var)
output var
-- Debugging lens
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "MVar accessed through a LensF' IO that also debugs"
value <- readM (debug mvarLens) var
putStrLn $ show value
setM (debug mvarLens) 4 var
output var
-- Debugging crazy box lens
putStrLn ""
putStrLn "MVar accessed through a LensF' IO that also debugs through a Box that's been lifted to LensF' IO that also debugs"
value <- readM ((debug mvarLens) . (debug (liftLensM boxLens))) var
putStrLn $ show value
setM ((debug mvarLens) . (debug (liftLensM boxLens))) (Box 5) var
output var
output = \v -> (readMVar v) >>= (putStrLn . show)
-- Types to write higher lenses easily
type LensF f s t a b = Lens (f s) (f t) (f a) (f b)
type LensF' f s a = Lens' (f s) (f a)
type GetterF f s a = Getter (f s) (f a)
type SetterF f s t a b = Setter (f s) (f t) (f a) (f b)
-- Lenses for MVars
setMVar :: IO (MVar a) -> IO a -> IO (MVar a)
setMVar ioVar ioValue = do
var <- ioVar
value <- ioValue
swapMVar var value
return var
getMVar :: IO (MVar a) -> IO a
getMVar ioVar = do
var <- ioVar
readMVar var
-- (flip (>>=)) readMVar
mvarLens :: LensF' IO (MVar a) a
mvarLens = lens getMVar setMVar
-- Lift a Lens' to a Lens' on monadic values
liftLensM :: (Monad m) => Lens' s a -> LensF' m s a
liftLensM pureLens = lens getM setM
getM mS = do
s <- mS
return (s^.pureLens)
setM mS mValue = do
s <- mS
value <- mValue
return (set pureLens value s)
-- Output when a Lens' is used in IO
debug :: (Show a) => LensF' IO s a -> LensF' IO s a
debug l = lens debugGet debugSet
debugGet ioS = do
value <- ioS^.l
putStrLn $ show $ "Getting " ++ (show value)
return value
debugSet ioS ioValue = do
value <- ioValue
putStrLn $ show $ "Setting " ++ (show value)
set l (return value) ioS
-- Easier way to use lenses in a monad (if you don't like writing return for each argument)
readM :: (Monad m) => GetterF m s a -> s -> m a
readM l s = (return s) ^. l
setM :: (Monad m) => SetterF m s t a b -> b -> s -> m t
setM l b s = set l (return b) (return s)
-- Another example lens
newtype Boxed a = Box {
unBox :: a
} deriving Show
boxLens :: Lens' a (Boxed a)
boxLens = lens Box (\_ -> unBox)
This code produces the following output:
Ordinary MVar
MVar accessed through a LensF' IO
MVar accessed through a LensF' IO that also debugs
"Getting 3"
"Setting 4"
MVar accessed through a LensF' IO that also debugs through a Box that's been lifted to LensF' IO that also debugs
"Getting 4"
"Getting Box {unBox = 4}"
Box {unBox = 4}
"Setting Box {unBox = 5}"
"Getting 4"
"Setting 5"
There's probably a better way to write liftLensM without resorting to using lens, (^.), set and do notation. Something seems wrong about building lenses by extracting the getter and setter and calling lens on a new getter and setter.
I wasn't able to figure out how to reuse a lens as both a getter and a setter. readM (debug mvarLens) and setM (debug mvarLens) both work just fine, but any construct like 'let debugMVarLens = debug mvarLens' loses either the fact it works as a Getter, the fact it works as a Setter, or the knowledge that Int is an instance of show so it can me used for debug. I'd love to see a better way of writing this part.
I had the same problem. I tried the methods in Petr and Cirdec's answers but never got to the point I wanted to. Started working on the problem, and at the end, I published the references library on hackage with a generalization of lenses.
I followed the idea of the yall library to parameterize the references with monad types. As a result there is an mvar reference in Control.Reference.Predefined. It is an IO reference, so an access to the referenced value is done in an IO action.
There are also other applications of this library, it is not restricted to IO. An additional feature is to add references (so adding _1 and _2 tuple accessors will give a both traversal, that accesses both fields). It can also be used to release resources after accessing them, so it can be used to manipulate files safely.
The usage is like this:
test =
do result <- newEmptyMVar
terminator <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ (result ^? mvar) >>= print >> (mvar .= ()) terminator >> return ()
hello <- newMVar (Just "World")
forkIO $ ((mvar & just & _tail & _tail) %~= ('_':) $ hello) >> return ()
forkIO $ ((mvar & just & element 1) .= 'u' $ hello) >> return ()
forkIO $ ((mvar & just) %~= ("Hello" ++) $ hello) >> return ()
x <- runMaybeT $ hello ^? (mvar & just)
mvar .= x $ result
terminator ^? mvar
The operator & combines lenses, ^? is generalized to handle references of any monad, not just a referenced value that may not exist. The %~= operator is an update of a monadic reference with a pure function.