Current way of setting language in browsers? - watir

I've been searching for a while about the recommended and current way of creating for :chrome and set it to accept a certain language. However, this seems to be a topic with little interest, seems to be ever changing, etc.
So, please, can someone explain what the current and recommended way of setting Chrome's language is?
I'm not talking about Chrome's user interface but the Accept-Language HTTP header that later gets sent with the HTTP request so that an application can render it's web UI using the correct locale and language.
For Firefox this works but I have no luck for Chrome:
profile =
profile["intl.accept_languages"] = "ES"
caps = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.firefox(firefox_profile: profile)
caps.platform = "Linux"
caps.version = 20
browser = :firefox, :desired_capabilities => caps

The "intl.accept_languages" is a Chrome preference, so can be passed in as: :chrome, options: {prefs: {'intl' => {'accept_languages' => 'ES'}}}


Django - check cookies's "SameSite" attribute

In my Django application, I want to check if a specific cookies has "SameSite=None" or not.
I'm using this code to read the value of the cookies,
cookiesid = request.COOKIES["cookiesid"]
However, I don't know how to check "SameSite" attribute, seems there is no method to check it by request.COOKIES[""]
How can I check it?
I'm using Python 3.6.9 and Django 3.1
I've also been having issues with cross-domain Cookies recently, and I've tracked it down to Google Chrome gradually rolling out their security update that forces the SameSite attribute to Lax if it isn't set
Lax means that the Cookie is going to be blocked cross-domain by default on Google Chrome
Given that you're inspecting the Cookie's attributes in the code, I think that if the SameSite attribute isn't there, than you're not setting it and therefore Google Chrome is forcing the attribute to Lax
As you've stated you're using Django 3.1, the following four entries in your file might resolve your issue (as it did for me):
Good luck!
Going a little bit deeper.
In production set:
Do not set any of the above flags in development. It will say that cannot set the cookie with SameSite=None if the connection is NOT secure.
Also make sure that you have Django 3, in Django 2 there is a bug and it will output a ValueError.

How can I know if browser is Chrome vs Firefox from web extension popup JavaScript?

I am using the chrome namespace for both Chrome and Firefox, but would like to know which browser is running the web extension.
Links to extension resources have different schemes in Chrome and Firefox.
const isFirefox = chrome.runtime.getURL('').startsWith('moz-extension://');
const isChrome = chrome.runtime.getURL('').startsWith('chrome-extension://');
Check which is absent in Firefox:
const isFirefox = !;
Check for browser which is absent in Chrome:
const isFirefox = window.browser && browser.runtime;
(the additional check is to avoid false positives on pages that have an element with id="browser" that creates a named property on window object for this element)
Use the asynchronous browser.runtime.getBrowserInfo.
P.S. navigator.userAgent may be changed during debugging in devtools when switching to device mode or via about:config option in Firefox so it's an unreliable source.
This is what I do in my own extensions to check for Firefox (FF) vs Chrome:
const FF = typeof browser !== 'undefined';
Update: (1)
Here is an explanation .....
I am using the chrome namespace for both Chrome and Firefox, but would
like to know which browser is running the web extension.
AFA I understand, the question relates to extension code and not content code. I use above code in background script in "firefox-webextensions" or "google-chrome-extension" background script.
From then on then code would be:
if (FF) {...}
else { .... }
Once established, content script has no bearing on it.
In case of a developer who somehow decides to use id="browser" then a further step could be added which returns a boolean true|false e.g.
const FF = typeof browser !== 'undefined' && !!browser.runtime;
Worth nothing that the following returns an object or undefined and not a boolean
const isFirefox = window.browser && browser.runtime;
While it works fine in if() conditionals, it wont work in other situations where a boolean would be required (e.g. switch)
(1) Note: Marking down answers, discourages people from spending time and effort in answering questions in future.

How to modify/fake document.referrer in any existing headless browser?

Idea is to be able to modify document.referrer variable just before any JavaScript execution on website loaded by headless browser. What browser to use is not relevant, I have tried PhantomJS and Zombie without any luck.
My researches indicates that currently it is like so:
PhantomJS - no, since it is const somewhat taken from Referrer header, but even providing this header .referrer is still an empty string in result.
zombie - unknown.
you may try this in phantomJS
var webPage = require('webpage');
var dpage = webPage.create();
dpage.customHeaders = {
"Referer": ""

How can I ignore tests when under a particular browser?

My suite of cucumbers gets run on both Firefox and Chrome. Some of them require a browser resize, which is horrible to deal with in Chrome. Since the behaviors that need the resize don't require cross browser testing, I'd like some way to ignore them when the detected browser is Chrome. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps with hooks or in the steps? I'm currently doing the resizing in Before and After hooks.
I don't know which web-driver you are using, but for watir-webdriver you can do the following:
You can determine which browser it is in the steps that you want to skip using the code in the below URL.
Once you determine that it is chrome you can just skip that particular step.
In your test helper, you can add those methods :
def use_chrome_driver
Capybara.register_driver :selenium_chrome do |app|, :browser => :chrome)
Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_chrome
def setup
Capybara.current_driver = :selenium
All your tests will use the selenium default webdriver, then when you need to use Chrome, just call the method use_chrome_driver at the beginning of your test like that :
def test_login_with_chrome
You may also add into your helper your firefox driver with the correct browser size you need, and make it the default selenium browser.

Check if the browser is Firefox

I need to know if the browser running my page is Firefox. I came across the code below:
var isGecko = (navigator.product == 'Gecko');
but this is true for Firefox and Safari.
Only Firefox has the string "Firefox" in the user agent, so it is as easy as
var isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') !== -1);
Edit: yes, Mozilla discourages it
