How can I ignore tests when under a particular browser? - cucumber

My suite of cucumbers gets run on both Firefox and Chrome. Some of them require a browser resize, which is horrible to deal with in Chrome. Since the behaviors that need the resize don't require cross browser testing, I'd like some way to ignore them when the detected browser is Chrome. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps with hooks or in the steps? I'm currently doing the resizing in Before and After hooks.

I don't know which web-driver you are using, but for watir-webdriver you can do the following:
You can determine which browser it is in the steps that you want to skip using the code in the below URL.
Once you determine that it is chrome you can just skip that particular step.

In your test helper, you can add those methods :
def use_chrome_driver
Capybara.register_driver :selenium_chrome do |app|, :browser => :chrome)
Capybara.current_driver = :selenium_chrome
def setup
Capybara.current_driver = :selenium
All your tests will use the selenium default webdriver, then when you need to use Chrome, just call the method use_chrome_driver at the beginning of your test like that :
def test_login_with_chrome
You may also add into your helper your firefox driver with the correct browser size you need, and make it the default selenium browser.


"Eager" Page Load Strategy workaround for Chromedriver Selenium in Python

I want to speed up the loading time for pages on selenium because I don't need anything more than the HTML (I am trying to scrape all the links using BeautifulSoup). Using PageLoadStrategy.NONE doesn't work to scrape all the links, and Chrome no longer supports PageLoadStrategy.EAGER. Does anyone know of a workaround to get PageLoadStrategy.EAGER in python?
ChromeDriver is the standalone server which implements WebDriver's wire protocol for Chromium. Chrome and Chromium are still in the process of implementing and moving to the W3C standard. Currently ChromeDriver is available for Chrome on Android and Chrome on Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows and ChromeOS).
As per the current WebDriver W3C Editor's Draft The following is the table of page load strategies that links the pageLoadStrategy capability keyword to a page loading strategy state, and shows which document readiness state that corresponds to it:
However, if you observe the current implementation of of ChromeDriver, the Chrome DevTools does takes into account the following document.readyStates:
document.readyState == 'complete'
document.readyState == 'interactive'
Here is a sample relevant log:
[1517231304.270][DEBUG]: DEVTOOLS COMMAND Runtime.evaluate (id=11) {
"expression": "var isLoaded = document.readyState == 'complete' || document.readyState == 'interactive';if (isLoaded) { var frame = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'chromedriver dummy frame'; ..."
As per WebDriver Status you will find the list of all WebDriver commands and their current support in ChromeDriver based on what is in the WebDriver Specification. Once the implementation are completed from all aspects PageLoadStrategy.EAGER is bound to be functionally present within Chrome Driver.
You only use normal or none as the pageLoadStrategy in chromdriver. So either choose none and handle everything yourself or wait for the page load as it normally happens

Problems running parallel watir tests

Running two tests at once, how do I get the second test from closing the browser of the first test?
Pretty much like my questions states: I'm running two tests (e.g.: test1.rb, test2.rb) at once using basic watir.
I'm not running rake, watir-grid, selenium-grid, parallel_test, or rspec. Whichever test finishes first invokes browser.close, causing the remaining test to fail. The returned message from the failed test is browser window was closed. /var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/watir-6.1.0/lib/watir/browser.rb:312:in 'assert_exists'.
What am I doing wrong? I've tried giving different variable names to the browser assignment such as browser1, browser2, etc. I've even tried installing rake under Jenkins to use two different workspaces. Below are examples of my tests (actual code removed to protect company identity).
require 'watir'
require 'headless'
def runTests
# tests go here
puts "Running headless."
headless =
puts "Running browser."
browser =
browser.window.resize_to(1200, 1000)
browser.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 5
rescue => e
puts ("#{e}. "+ e.backtrace.join("\n"))
require 'watir'
require 'headless'
require 'CoreClass'
def runSecondFileTests()
# second set of tests go here
# might use #coreClass if needed
puts "Running headless."
headless =
puts "Running browser."
client =
client.read_timeout = 600
browser =, :http_client => client)
browser.window.resize_to(1200, 1000)
#coreClass =
rescue => e
puts ("#{e} "+e.backtrace.join("\n"))
Posts I've already read:
Is it possible to run Watir test in parallel?
Watir webdriver; window.close is closing entire browser?
Suppress auto-closing window in Watir
The problem is actually in the headless setup. The first headless.destroy will force close all open browsers in the default display. You need to specify display or reuse parameters.

Is there a way to slow down execution of Watir Webdriver under Cucumber?

Is there any way we can slow down the execution of Watir WebDriver under Cucumber?
I would like to visually track the actions performed by Watir. At the moment, it goes too fast for my eyes.
While Watir itself does not have an API for slowing down the execution, you could use the underlying Selenium-WebDriver's AbstractEventListener to add pauses before/after certain types of actions.
Given you want to see the result of actions, you probably want to pause after changing values and clicking elements. This would be done by creating the following AbstractEventListener and passing it in when creating the browser:
class ActionListener < Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener
def after_change_value_of(element, driver)
def after_click(element, driver)
browser = :firefox, :listener =>
For a full list of events that you can listen for, see the
Selenium::WebDriver::Support::AbstractEventListener documentation.
Not universally. You could Monkey Patch the element_call method to add a sleep after every interaction with a Selenium Element. Import this code after requiring watir-webdriver.
module Watir
class Element
alias_method :watir_element_call, :element_call
def element_call &block
watir_element_call &block
sleep 1
Also note, that Monkey Patching is generally a bad idea, and when I change the implementation (which I plan to), this code will break.

Download page with javascript executed

I want to download a page with javascript executed using python. QT is one of solutions and here is the code:
class Downloader(QApplication):
__event = threading.Event()
def __init__(self):
QApplication.__init__(self, [])
self.webView = QWebView()
def load(self, url):
while not self.__event.wait(.05): self.processEvents()
return if self.__ok else None
def loadFinished(self, ok):
self.__ok = ok
downloader = Downloader()
page = downloader.load(url)
The problem is that sometimes downloader.load() return a page without javascript executed. Downloader.loadStarted() and Downloader.loadFinished() are called only once.
What is the proper way to wait for a complete page download?
If add into __init__() and define
def request_ended(reply):
print(reply.error(), reply.url().toString())
then it turns out that sometimes reply.error()==QNetworkReply.UnknownNetworkError. This behaviour stands when unreliable proxy is used, that fails to download some of the resources (part of which are js files), hence some of js not being executed. When proxy is not used (== connection is stable), every reply.error()==QNetworkReply.NoError.
So, the updated question is:
Is it possible to retry getting reply.request() and apply it to the self.webView?
JavaScript requires a runtime to be executed with (python alone won't do) a popular one is PhantomJS these days.
Unfortuantely, PhantomJs has no python support anymore so you could resort to e.g. to do this job for you which allows you to selectively execute JS you want.
You should use Selenium
It provides different WebDriver, for example, PhantomJS, or other common browsers, like firefox.

Capybara use Internet Explorer as browser rather than Firefox

Hi is it possible to tell Capybara to use IE instead of always defaulting to Firefox?
I have to write some automated tests but the business only supports Internet Explorer so I need the tests to be run on this browser.
As marc_s suggested in the comments, you could try making IE the default browser on your test machine.
I also see some google hits about using Capybara with Selenium (remote control).
If you're interested, check the Selenium docs for how to specify the browser.
Edit It seems the tutorial I posted before was Rack-only. Not sure, but maybe this will work instead:
Capybara.app_host = ""
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium
Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|,
:browser => :remote,
:url => "",
:desired_capabilities => :internet_explorer)
It still requires Selenium.
Edit 2:
If you get this error:
Capybara::TimeoutError: failed to resynchronize, ajax request timed out
Then try adding this code to features/step_definitions/mydefiniation.rb:
Before do
page.driver.options[:resynchronize] = false
See this question about that specific problem: Using Capybara for AJAX integration tests
Use ->
ignore_mode = opts.delete(:introduce_flakiness_by_ignoring_security_domains) != false
Goto -> External Libraries- selenium-webdriver - lib - selenium - webdriver - ie - bridge.rb
Update module IE -> def initialize
It contains -
ignore_mode = opts.delete(:introduce_flakiness_by_ignoring_security_domains)
just add != false so that it becomes ->
ignore_mode = opts.delete(:introduce_flakiness_by_ignoring_security_domains) != false
