Identity function in Haskell has multiple inhabitants? - haskell

In category theory it can be proven that the identity function is unique. It is also said that, reasoning with parametricity, that the type forall a. a -> a has only one inhabitant. In Haskell though I can think of more implementations of the identity function:
id x = x
id x = fst (x, "useless")
id x = head [x]
id x = (\x -> x) x
id x = (\x -> (\x -> x) x) x
How can I understand the statement "the identity function is unique" and "any function with type forall a. a -> a has only one inhabitant" when there are multiple implementations?

Those all look like the same single inhabitant to me. To show that they are different, try to construct an input for which they behave differently. If you cannot, they must in fact be the same function implemented differently.
Consider an analogue from a different discipline. In number theory, it can be proven that there is one unique smallest prime, namely 2. But how can this be? 10/5 is also the smallest prime, as is 1+1. It is possible for all of these statements to be true at once because 10/5 is in fact the same thing as 2, just as all the expressions you've written are the same thing as the identity function.

Those are different implementations of the same function. Thus there is no more then a single inhabitant here as this refers to the function, not to its implementation.


Can't understand a simple Haskell function?

Can someone explain to me step by step what this function means?
select :: (a->a->Bool) -> a -> a -> a
As the comments pointed out, this is not a function definition, but just a type signature. It says, for any type a which you are free to choose, this function expects:
A function that takes two values of type a and gives a Bool
Two values of type a
and it returns another value of type a. So for example, we could call:
select (<) 1 2
where a is Int, since (<) is a function that takes two Ints and returns a Bool. We could not call:
select isPrefixOf 1 2
because isPrefixOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool -- i.e. it takes two lists (provided that the element type supports Equality), but numbers are not lists.
Signatures can tell us quite a lot, however, due to parametericity (aka free theorems). The details are quite techincal, but we can intuit that select must return one of its two arguments, because it has no other way to construct values of type a about which it knows nothing (and this can be proven).
But beyond that we can't really tell. Often you can tell almost certainly what a function does by its signature. But as I explored this signature, I found that there were actually quite a few functions it could be, from the most obvious:
select f x y = if f x y then x else y
to some rather exotic
select f x y = if f x x && f y y then x else y
And the name select doesn't help much -- it seems to tell us that it will return one of the two arguments, but the signature already told us that.

Does Haskell "understand" curried function definitions?

In Haskell functions always take one parameter. Multiple parameters are implemented via Currying. That being the case, I can see how a function of two parameters would be defined as "func1" below. It's a function that returns a function (closure) that adds the outer function's single parameter to the returned function's single parameter.
However, although this is how curried functions work, that's not the regular Haskell syntax for defining a two-parameter function. Instead we're taught to define such a function like "func2".
I'd like to know how Haskell understands that func2 should behave the same way as func1. There's nothing about the definition of func2 that suggest to me that it is a function that returns a function. To the contrary it actually looks like a two-parameter function, something we're told doesn't exist!
What's the trick here? Is Haskell just born knowing that we can define multi-parameter functions in this textbook way, and that they work the way we expect anyhow? That is, is this a syntax convention that doesn't seem to be clearly documented (Haskell knows what you mean and will supply the missing function return for you), or is there some other magic at work or something I'm missing?
func1 :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
func1 x = (\y -> x + y)
func2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
func2 x y = x + y
main = do
print (func1 7 9)
print (func2 7 9)
In the language itself, writing a function definition of the form f x y z = _ is equivalent to f = \x y z -> _, which is equivalent to f = \x -> \y -> \z -> _. There's no theoretical reason for this; it's just that those nested lambda abstractions are a terrible eye-/finger-sore and everyone thought that it would be fine to sacrifice a bit of pedantry to make some syntax sugar for it. That's all there is on the surface and is probably all you need to know, for now.
In the implementation of the language, though, things get trickier. In GHC, which is the most common implementation, there actually is a difference between f x y = _ and f = \x -> \y -> _. When GHC compiles Haskell, it assigns arity to declarations. The former definition of f has arity 2, and the latter has arity 0. Take (.) from GHC.Base
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)
(.) has arity 2, even though its type ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c) says that it can be applied up to thrice. This affects optimization: GHC will only inline a function that is saturated, or has at least as many arguments applied as its arity. In the call (maximum .), (.) will not inline, because it only has one argument (it is unsaturated). In the call (maximum . f), it will inline to \x -> maximum (f x), and in (maximum . f) 1, the (.) will inline first to a lambda abstraction (producing (\x -> maximum (f x)) 1), which will beta-reduce to maximum (f 1). If (.) were implemented
(.) f g x = f (g x)
(.) would have arity 3, which means it would inline less often (specifically the f . g case, which is a very common argument to higher order functions), likely reducing performance, which is exactly what the comment on it says:
Make sure it has TWO args only on the left, so that it inlines
when applied to two functions, even if there is no final argument
Final answer: the two forms should be equivalent, according to the language's semantics, but in GHC the two forms have different characteristics when it comes to optimization, even if they always give the same result.
When talking about type signatures, there is no such thing as a "multi-parameter function". All functions are single-parameter, period. Haskell doesn't need to somehow "translate" multi-parameter functions into single-parameter ones, because the former doesn't exist at all.
All function type signatures look like a -> b, where a is argument type and b is return type. Sometimes b may just happen to contain more arrows ->, in which case we, humans (but not the compiler), may say that the function has multiple parameters.
When talking about the syntax for implementations, i.e. f x y = z - that is merely syntactic sugar, which gets desugared (i.e. mechanically transformed) into f = \x -> \y -> z during compilation.

Would the ability to detect cyclic lists in Haskell break any properties of the language?

In Haskell, some lists are cyclic:
ones = 1 : ones
Others are not:
nums = [1..]
And then there are things like this:
more_ones = f 1 where f x = x : f x
This denotes the same value as ones, and certainly that value is a repeating sequence. But whether it's represented in memory as a cyclic data structure is doubtful. (An implementation could do so, but this answer explains that "it's unlikely that this will happen in practice".)
Suppose we take a Haskell implementation and hack into it a built-in function isCycle :: [a] -> Bool that examines the structure of the in-memory representation of the argument. It returns True if the list is physically cyclic and False if the argument is of finite length. Otherwise, it will fail to terminate. (I imagine "hacking it in" because it's impossible to write that function in Haskell.)
Would the existence of this function break any interesting properties of the language?
Would the existence of this function break any interesting properties of the language?
Yes it would. It would break referential transparency (see also the Wikipedia article). A Haskell expression can be always replaced by its value. In other words, it depends only on the passed arguments and nothing else. If we had
isCycle :: [a] -> Bool
as you propose, expressions using it would not satisfy this property any more. They could depend on the internal memory representation of values. In consequence, other laws would be violated. For example the identity law for Functor
fmap id === id
would not hold any more: You'd be able to distinguish between ones and fmap id ones, as the latter would be acyclic. And compiler optimizations such as applying the above law would not longer preserve program properties.
However another question would be having function
isCycleIO :: [a] -> IO Bool
as IO actions are allowed to examine and change anything.
A pure solution could be to have a data type that internally distinguishes the two:
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
data SmartList a = Cyclic [a] | Acyclic [a]
instance Functor SmartList where
fmap f (Cyclic xs) = Cyclic (map f xs)
fmap f (Acyclic xs) = Acyclic (map f xs)
instance F.Foldable SmartList where
foldr f z (Acyclic xs) = F.foldr f z xs
foldr f _ (Cyclic xs) = let r = F.foldr f r xs in r
Of course it wouldn't be able to recognize if a generic list is cyclic or not, but for many operations it'd be possible to preserve the knowledge of having Cyclic values.
In the general case, no you can't identify a cyclic list. However if the list is being generated by an unfold operation then you can. Data.List contains this:
unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
The first argument is a function that takes a "state" argument of type "b" and may return an element of the list and a new state. The second argument is the initial state. "Nothing" means the list ends.
If the state ever recurs then the list will repeat from the point of the last state. So if we instead use a different unfold function that returns a list of (a, b) pairs we can inspect the state corresponding to each element. If the same state is seen twice then the list is cyclic. Of course this assumes that the state is an instance of Eq or something.

How are point-free functions actually "functions"?

Conal here argues that nullary-constructed types are not functions. However, point-free functions are described as such for example on Wikipedia, when they take no explicit arguments in their definitions, and it seemingly is rather a property of currying. How exactly are they functions?
Specifically: how are f = map and f = id . map different in this context? As in, f = map is simply just a binding to a value that happens to be a function where f simply "returns" map (similar to how f = 2 "returns" 2) which then takes the arguments. But f = id . map is referred to as a function because it's point-free.
Conal's blog post boils down to saying "non-functions are not functions", e.g. False is not a function. This is pretty obvious; if you consider all possible values and remove the ones which have a function type, then those that remain are... not functions.
That has absolutely nothing to do with the notion of point-free definitions.
Consider the following function definitions:
map1, map2, map3, map4 :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map1 = map
map2 = id . map
map3 f = map f
map4 _ [] = []
map4 f (x:xs) = f x : map4 f xs
These are all definitions of the same function (and there are infinitely many more ways to define something equivalent to the map function). map1 is obviously a point-free definition; map4 is obviously not. They also both obviously have a function type (the same one!), so how can we say that point-free definitions are not functions? Only if we change our definition of "function" to something else than what is usually meant by Haskell programmers (which is that a function is something of type x -> y, for some x and y; in this case we're using a -> b as x and [a] -> [b] for y).
And the definition of map3 is "partially point-free" (point-reduced?); the definition names its first argument f, but doesn't mention the second argument.
The point in all this is that "point-free-ness" is a quality of definitions, while "being a function" is a property of values. The notion of point-free function doesn't actually make sense, since a given function can be defined many ways (some of them point-free, others not). Whenever you see someone talking about a point-free function, they mean a point-free definition.
You seem to be concerned that map1 = map isn't a function because it's just a binding to the existing value map, just like x = 2. You're confusing notions here. Remember that functions are first-class in Haskell; "things that are functions" is a subset of "things that are values", not a different class of thing! So when map is an existing value which is a function, then yes map1 = map is just binding a new name to an existing value. It's also defining the function map1; the two are not mutually exclusive.
You answer the question "is this point-free" by looking at code; the definition of a function. You answer the question "is this a function" by looking at types.
Contrary to what some people might believe everything in Haskell is not a function. Seriously. Numbers, strings, booleans, etc. are not functions. Not even nullary functions.
Nullary Functions
A nullary function is a function which takes no arguments and performs some “side-effectful” computation. For example, consider this nullary JavaScript function:
function main() {
alert("Hello World!");
alert("My name is Aadit M Shah.");
Functions that take no arguments can only return different results if the are side-effectful. Thus, they are similar to IO actions in Haskell which take no arguments and perform some side-effectful computations:
main = do
putStrLn "Hello World!"
putStrLn "My name is Aadit M Shah."
Unary Functions
In contrast, functions in Haskell can never be nullary. In fact, functions in Haskell are always unary. Functions in Haskell always take one and only one argument. Multiparameter functions in Haskell can be simulated either using currying or using data structures with multiple fields.
add' :: Int -> Int -> Int -- an example of using currying
add' x y = x + y
add'' :: (Int, Int) -> Int -- an example of using multi-field data structures
add'' (x, y) = x + y
Covariance and Contravariance
Functions in Haskell are a data type, just like any other data type you may define in Haskell. However, functions are special because they are contravariant in the argument type and covariant in the return type.
When you define a new algebraic data type, all the fields of its type constructors are covariant (i.e. a source of data) instead of contravariant (i.e. a sink of data). A covariant field produces data while a contravariant field consumes data.
For example, suppose I create a new data type:
data Foo = Bar { field1 :: Char, field2 :: Int }
| Baz { field3 :: Bool }
Here the fields field1, field2 and field3 are covariant. They produce data of the type Char, Int and Bool respectively. Consider:
let x = Baz True -- I create a new value of type Foo
in field3 x -- I can access the value of field3 because it is covariant
Now, consider the definition of a function:
data Function a b = Function { domain :: a -- the argument type
, codomain :: b -- the return type
Ofcourse, a function is not actually defined as follows but let's assume that it is. A function has two fields domain and codomain. When we create a value of the type Function we don't know either of these two fields.
We don't know the value of domain because it is contravariant. Hence, it needs to be provided by the user.
We don't know the value of codomain because although it is covariant yet it might depend on the domain and we don't know the value of the domain.
For example, \x -> x + x is a function where the value of the domain is x and the value of the codomain is x + x. Here the domain is contravariant (i.e. a sink of data) because data goes into the function via the domain. Similarly, the codomain is covariant (i.e. a source of data) because data comes out of the function via the codomain.
The fields of algebraic data structures in Haskell (like the Foo we defined earlier) are all covariant because data comes out of those data structures via their fields. Data never goes into these structures like the way it does for the domain field of functions. Hence, they are never contravariant.
Multiparameter Functions
As I explained before, although all functions in Haskell are unary yet we can emulate multiparameter functions either using currying or fields with multiple data structures.
To understand this, I'll use a new notation. The minus sign ([-]) represents a contravariant type. The plus sign ([+]) represents a covariant type. Hence, a function from one type to another is denoted as:
[-] -> [+]
Now, the domain and the codomain of the function could each be individually replaced with other types. For example in currying, the codomain of the function is another function:
[-] -> ([-] -> [+]) -- an example of currying
Notice that when a covariant type is replaced with another type then the variance of the new type is preserved. This makes sense because this is equivalent to a function with two arguments and one return type.
On the other hand if we were to replace the domain with another function:
([+] -> [-]) -> [+]
Notice that when we replace a contravariant type with another type then the variance of the new type is flipped. This makes sense because although ([+] -> [-]) as a whole is contravariant yet its input type becomes the output of the whole function and its output type becomes the input of the whole function. For example:
function f(g) { // g is contravariant for f (an input value for f)
return g(x) + 10; // x is covariant for f (an output value for f)
// x is contravariant for g (an input value for g)
// g(x) is contravariant for f (an input value for f)
// g(x) is covariant for g (an output value for g)
// g(x) + 10 is covariant for f (an output value for f)
Currying emulates multiparameter functions because when one function returns another function we get multiple inputs and one output because variance is preserved for the return type:
[-] -> [-] -> [+] -- a binary function
[-] -> [-] -> [-] -> [+] -- a ternary function
A data structure with multiple fields as the domain of a function also emulates multiparameter functions because variance is flipped for the argument type of a function:
([+], [+]) -- the fields of a tuple are covariant
([-], [-]) -> [+] -- a binary function, variance is flipped for arguments
Non Functions
Now, if you take a look at values like numbers, strings and booleans, these values are not functions. However, they are still covariant.
For example, 5 produces a value of 5 itself. Similarly, Just 5 produces a value of Just 5 and fromJust (Just 5) produces a value of 5. None of these expressions consume a value and hence none of them are contravariant. However, in Just 5 the function Just consumes the value 5 and in fromJust (Just 5) the function fromJust consumes the value Just 5.
So everything in Haskell is covariant except for the arguments of functions (which are contravariant). This is important because every expression in Haskell must evaluate to a value (i.e. produce a value, not consume a value). At the same time we want functions to consume a value and produce a new value (hence facilitating transformation of data, beta reduction).
The end effect is that we can never have a contravariant expression. For example, the expression Just is covariant and the expression Just 5 is also covariant. However, in the expression Just 5 the function Just consumes the value 5. Hence, contravariance is restricted to function arguments and bounded by the scope of the function.
Because every expression in Haskell is covariant people often think of non-functional values like 5 as “nullary functions”. Although this intuition is insightful yet it is wrong. The value 5 is not a nullary function. It is an expression which is cannot be beta reduced. Similarly, the value fromJust (Just 5) is not a nullary function. It is an expression which can be beta reduced to 5, which is not a function.
However, the expression fromJust (Just (\x -> x + x)) is a function because it can be beta reduced to \x -> x + x which is a function.
Pointful and Pointfree Functions
Now, consider the function \x -> x + x. This is a pointful function because we are explicitly declaring the argument of the function by giving it the name x.
Every function can also be written in pointfree style (i.e. without explicitly declaring the argument of the function). For example, the function \x -> x + x can be written in pointfree style as join (+) as described in the following answer.
Note that join (+) is a function because it beta reduces to the function \x -> x + x. It doesn't look like a function because it has no points (i.e. explicitly declared arguments). However, it is still a function.
Pointfree functions have nothing to do with currying. Pointfree functions are about writing functions without points (e.g. join (+) instead of \x -> x + x). Currying is when one function returns another function, thereby allowing partial application (e.g. \x -> \y -> x + y which can be written in pointfree style as (+)).
Name Binding
In the binding f = map we are just giving map the alternative name f. Note that f does not “return” map. It is just an alternative name for map. For example, in the binding x = 5 we don't say that x returns 5 because it doesn't. The name x is not a function nor a value. It's just a name which identifies the value of 5. Similarly, in f = map the name f just identifies the value of map. The name f is said to denote a function because map denotes a function.
The binding f = map is pointfree because we haven't explicitly declared any arguments of f. If we wanted to then we could have written f g xs = map g xs. This would be a pointful definition but because of eta conversion we can write it more succinctly in pointfree form as f = map. The concept of eta conversion is that \x -> f x is equivalent to f itself and that the pointful \x -> f x can be converted into the pointfree f and vice versa. Note that f g xs = map g xs is just syntactic sugar for f = \g xs -> map g xs.
On the other hand f = id . map is a function not because it is pointfree but because id . map beta reduces to the function \x -> id (map x). BTW, any function composed with id is equivalent to itself (i.e. id . f = f . id = f). Hence, id . map is equivalent to map itself. There's no difference between f = map and f = id . map.
Just remember that f is not a function that “returns” id . map. It is just a name given to the expression id . map for convenience.
P.S. For an intro to pointfree functions read:
What does (f .) . g mean in Haskell?

Evaluation strategy

How should one reason about function evaluation in examples like the following in Haskell:
let f x = ...
x = ...
in map (g (f x)) xs
In GHC, sometimes (f x) is evaluated only once, and sometimes once for each element in xs, depending on what exactly f and g are. This can be important when f x is an expensive computation. It has just tripped a Haskell beginner I was helping and I didn't know what to tell him other than that it is up to the compiler. Is there a better story?
In the following example (f x) will be evaluated 4 times:
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
in map (\i -> lookup i (f x)) "abcd"
With language extensions, we can create situations where f x must be evaluated repeatedly:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, Rank2Types #-}
module MultiEvG where
data BI where
B :: (Bounded b, Integral b) => b -> BI
foo :: [BI] -> [Integer]
foo xs = let f :: (Integral c, Bounded c) => c -> c
f x = maxBound - x
g :: (forall a. (Integral a, Bounded a) => a) -> BI -> Integer
g m (B y) = toInteger (m + y)
x :: (Integral i) => i
x = 3
in map (g (f x)) xs
The crux is to have f x polymorphic even as the argument of g, and we must create a situation where the type(s) at which it is needed can't be predicted (my first stab used an Either a b instead of BI, but when optimising, that of course led to only two evaluations of f x at most).
A polymorphic expression must be evaluated at least once for each type it is used at. That's one reason for the monomorphism restriction. However, when the range of types it can be needed at is restricted, it is possible to memoise the values at each type, and in some circumstances GHC does that (needs optimising, and I expect the number of types involved mustn't be too large). Here we confront it with what is basically an inhomogeneous list, so in each invocation of g (f x), it can be needed at an arbitrary type satisfying the constraints, so the computation cannot be lifted outside the map (technically, the compiler could still build a cache of the values at each used type, so it would be evaluated only once per type, but GHC doesn't, in all likelihood it wouldn't be worth the trouble).
Monomorphic expressions need only be evaluated once, they can be shared. Whether they are is up to the implementation; by purity, it doesn't change the semantics of the programme. If the expression is bound to a name, in practice you can rely on it being shared, since it's easy and obviously what the programmer wants. If it isn't bound to a name, it's a question of optimisation. With the bytecode generator or without optimisations, the expression will often be evaluated repeatedly, but with optimisations repeated evaluation would indicate a compiler bug.
Polymorphic expressions must be evaluated at least once for every type they're used at, but with optimisations, when GHC can see that it may be used multiple times at the same type, it will (usually) still be shared for that type during a larger computation.
Bottom line: Always compile with optimisations, help the compiler by binding expressions you want shared to a name, and give monomorphic type signatures where possible.
Your examples are indeed quite different.
In the first example, the argument to map is g (f x) and is passed once to map most likely as partially applied function.
Should g (f x), when applied to an argument within map evaluate its first argument, then this will be done only once and then the thunk (f x) will be updated with the result.
Hence, in your first example, f xwill be evaluated at most 1 time.
Your second example requires a deeper analysis before the compiler can arrive at the conclusion that (f x) is always constant in the lambda expression. Perhaps it will never optimize it at all, because it may have knowledge that trace is not quite kosher. So, this may evaluate 4 times when tracing, and 4 times or 1 time when not tracing.
This is really dependent on GHC's optimizations, as you've been able to tell.
The best thing to do is to study the GHC core that you get after optimizing the program. I would look at the generated Core and examine whether f x had its own let statement outside the map or not.
If you want to be sure, then you should factor f x out into its own variable assigned in a let, but there's not really a guaranteed way to figure it out other than reading through Core.
All that said, with the exception of things like trace that use unsafePerformIO, this will never change the semantics of your program: how it actually behaves.
In GHC without optimizations, the body of a function is evaluated every time the function is called. (A "call" means the function is applied to arguments and the result is evaluated.) In the following example, f x is inside a function, so it will execute each time the function is called.
(GHC may optimize this expression as discussed in the FAQ [1].)
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
in map (\i -> lookup i (f x)) "abcd"
However, if we move f x out of the function, it will execute only once.
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
in map ((\f_x i -> lookup i f_x) (f x)) "abcd"
This can be rewritten more readably as
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
g f_x i = lookup i f_x
in map (g (f x)) "abcd"
The general rule is that, each time a function is applied to an argument, a new "copy" of the function body is created. Function application is the only thing that may cause an expression to re-execute. However, be warned that some functions and function calls do not look like functions syntactically.
