Quartus Prime throwing an error at a $error command - verilog

I am having a problem with the following code which should simply throw an error at compilation
if my number of inputs is not divisible by my number of outputs.
module multiplexer #(parameter N_INPUTS, parameter N_OUTPUTS) (in, out, select);
if (N_INPUTS % N_OUTPUTS != 0) begin
$error("%m ** Illegal Parameter ** NUMBER OF INPUTS(%d) does not divide into NUMBER OF OUTPUTS(%d)", N_INPUTS, N_OUTPUTS);
input wire [N_INPUTS-1:0] in;
input wire [$clog2(N_INPUTS/N_OUTPUTS) - 1:0] select;
output wire [N_OUTPUTS-1:0] out;
always # (select, in) begin
out = in[(select + 1) * N_OUTPUTS - 1:(select + 1) * N_OUTPUTS - N_OUTPUTS];
But Quartus keep throwing me this error when I proceed to an Analysis:
Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at multiplexer.v(5) near text: "$error"; expecting "end". Check for and fix any syntax errors that appear immediately before or at the specified keyword. The Intel FPGA Knowledge Database contains many articles with specific details on how to resolve this error. Visit the Knowledge Database at https://www.altera.com/support/support-resources/knowledge-base/search.html and search for this specific error message number.
I am beginning to wonder wether or not the compiler of Quartus supports the $error command (it's my first time using it).
I would greatly appreciate any help on the subject since I am still a beginner in the domain :)

Close your Quartus project and in the .qsf file, change the line pointing to your multiplexer module verilog file from:
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE multiplexer.v
set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE multiplexer.v
Also set:
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_INPUT_VERSION SYSTEMVERILOG_2009
Edit 2:
It's a SystemVerilog 2009 feature and Quartus Prime Standard and Quartus Prime Lite don't support VHDL 2008 or SystemVerilog 2009.
Quartus Prime Pro 19.4:
Quartus Prime Standard 19.1:

I found the problem...money...
If you look at the following image you'll notice that if you are poor you can't use
the latest version of SystemVerilog in the Lite and Standard version of Quartus Prime.
Well that explains it all.
If anyone as another solution to throw error at compile time that looks better than this please tell me:
if (CONDITION > MAX_ALLOWED /* your condition check */ ) begin
illegal_parameter_condition_triggered_will_instantiate_an non_existing_module();
Note: this was taken from https://electronics.stackexchange.com/a/71226

I see other errors:
you are driving wire out from a procedural block (your always
block). You cannot do that, you can only drive a variable. ie out
must be a variable.
your code inside the square brackets is illegal. You will need to use
one of the +: or -: operators. See this answer here.


Why isn't ModelSIM displaying timing waveforms, whereas GTKWave does?

I am kinda new to verilog and struggling with all the basic concepts.
I am trying to display the timing waveform in ModelSim, where is simply throws "# (vish-4014) No objects found matching '/tb/*'. "(in my case).
Whereas when I simulate the testbench in VSCode, using icarus & gkwave, it displays the necessary waveforms I require. In VS Code, I run
iverilog -o tb.vvp tb.v
vvp tb.vvp
GTKwave pops up and shows the waveforms. The hardware I am testing out takes 2 numbers as inputs and returns the small and large number (cnsmodule attached below). The testbench I am simulating is named "tb.v" and goes as:
module tb();
reg a0,a1,a2,a3;
wire s0,s1,s2,s3;
level uu(.*);
always begin
The relevant modules I am instantiating are:
// Instantiates 3 cnsmodules to input 4 numbers and return them from small to large
module level(a0,a1,a2,a3,s0,s1,s2,s3);
input a0,a1,a2,a3;
output s0,s1,s2,s3;
wire s0,s1,s2,s3;
wire temp1,temp2;
cnsmodule tvz1(a0,a1,s0,temp1);
cnsmodule tvz2(temp1,a2,s1,temp2);
cnsmodule tvz3(temp2,a3,s2,s3);
module cnsmodule (a0,a1,sn,ln);
input a0,a1;
output sn,ln;
reg sn,ln;
always#(*) begin
if (a0>a1) begin
sn=a1; ln=a0;
else begin
sn=a0; ln=a1;
I suspect that your problem lies with the optimization ModelSIM does to the design, Try the following and tell me if that works in the top bar click on simulate and then followed by optimization options and then click on "Apply full visibillity to all modules(full debug mode)" and then choose your testbench and try to add your signals now

Is it possible to use $display to print some values when proving with yosys-smtbmc?

In verilog $display() function is usefull in simulation to see the value of constants or macro like this example :
/* Display parameters in simulation */
$display("CLK_PER_NS : %d", CLK_PER_NS );
$display("PULSE_PER_NS : %d", PULSE_PER_NS);
$display("MAX_COUNT : %x", `MAX_COUNT);
$display("MAX_COUNT_SIZE : %x", `MAX_COUNT_SIZE);
But when I launch yosys-smtbmc with cover, bmc or prove, nothing is displayed in console.
Is it possible to do it ?
My sby script (example is from my github project here):
#mode cover
mode bmc
#mode prove
depth 150
read -formal per2bpm.v
prep -top per2bpm
No, this isn't supported at the moment. In general formal verification with Yosys gives you a similar feature set to synthesis (what it presents to the solver is essentially a circuit) with the addition of assert/assume/cover etc. Adding display would be possible using something that read the solver output, but would also be quite a substitantial piece of work to implement properly.

Error while reading a file from memory in Quartus prime(verilog)

I am trying to read a .txt file , stored in my computer in quartus prime using the "$readmemh" function, but it doesn't seem to work. I am getting an error like..
Error (10054): Verilog HDL File I/O error at scratch.v(8): can't open Verilog Design File "img_process_data_text.txt".
module scratch(clk,addr,out);
input clk;
input[1:0] addr;
output reg out;
reg [3:0] mem [3:0];
always # (posedge clk)
I have also tried it with the full path directory of img_process_data_txt, but it had the same error
Can anyone help me with this?
Either the text file is not in the directory or it is a permission issue. If your are in Linux try:
ls -la <directory_where_is_the_txt_file>
And look at the ownership.
The error message indicates you have listed this as an HDL design file. It should not be listed.

For loop in `define Macro

I searched on SO, and on web, no where found the ans.
I have following code, where It success fully parsed `define and generate expected results, but if number of times calling of macro is large then, Can we using Looping Construct?.
`define myreg(name) \
`define para(i) \
parameter `myreg(i) = i
module register;
$display("ADDR1 = %d, ADDR2 = %d", addr_1, addr_2);
$display("ADDR3 = %d, ADDR4 = %d", addr_3, addr_4);
#100 $finish;
Simulation Result:
// # Loading work.register(fast)
// # run -all
// # ADDR1 = 1, ADDR2 = 2
// # ADDR3 = 3, ADDR4 = 4
// # ** Note: $finish : reg.v(18)
Now, when I use for loop, like in below code,
`define myreg(name) \
`define para(i) \
parameter `myreg(i) = i
module register;
genvar i;
for (i = 1; i<=4; i=i+1)
$display("ADDR1 = %d, ADDR2 = %d", addr_1, addr_2);
$display("ADDR3 = %d, ADDR4 = %d", addr_3, addr_4);
#100 $finish;
In that case, It shows an error while displaying or using it,
Simulation Result:
// # vsim -lib work register -c -do "run -all; quit -f" -appendlog -l qverilog.log -vopt
// # ** Note: (vsim-3813) Design is being optimized due to module recompilation...
// # ** Error (suppressible): (vopt-7063) reg.v(24): Failed to find 'addr_1' in hierarchical name '/addr_1'.
// # ** Error (suppressible): (vopt-7063) reg.v(24): Failed to find 'addr_2' in hierarchical name '/addr_2'.
// # ** Error (suppressible): (vopt-7063) reg.v(25): Failed to find 'addr_3' in hierarchical name '/addr_3'.
// # ** Error (suppressible): (vopt-7063) reg.v(25): Failed to find 'addr_4' in hierarchical name '/addr_4'.
// # Optimization failed
// # Error loading design
It is asked more times but proper solution is not given by any one, any help appreciated a lot.
For any simulation, following sequence of events takes place:
Compilation Phase ==> Elaboration Phase ==> Run Phase (Simulation Phase)
At compile time, the syntax error checking and macros text substitution is performed. Memory for all the variables is calculated and an executable is build. During compile time, which a program's source code is being translated into executable code.
At elaboration time, the instances and connection between instances is formed. By connectivity, I mean checking port widths and ports existence etc. Since, the actual instances are created, parameters are also evaluated at elaboration time.
At run time, of course, the actual simulation starts running from zero time on wards.
Macros are evaluated at compile time (hence known as compiler directives), while generate block evaluates at elaboration time.
Referring to IEEE 1800-2012, Section 27.3:
Generate schemes are evaluated during elaboration of the design.
They are evaluated at elaboration time, and the result is determined before simulation begins. Therefore, all expressions in generate schemes shall be constant expressions, deterministic at elaboration time.
The first example runs because everything is done at compile time. All the variables are declared at compile time itself. Hence the code works fine.
In the second example, you are trying to declare variables at elaboration time which is not allowed. No more memory to variables is allocated at elaboration time.
Refer IEEE 1800-2012 section 3.12 for more information on compilation and elaboration time.
The problem is actually much simpler than as sharvil111 explains.
The directives `defines, `ifdefs and `includes all get handled by a preprocessor that produces a stream of text and is fed into a compiler. The preprocessor does not know anything about Verilog syntax and the compiler does not see any of those directives because they have been processed away.
You can actually see this intermediate stream of text by adding the vlog -E <filename> option which writes the output of the preprocessor to
There is no looping directive in Verilog/SystemVerilog. Some options for you are:
write the macros out by hand. Perhaps you can find some function in your text editor to help you do this
use some other macro preprocessor to generate your code. This can make debugging difficult as you have to manage two sets of source code files.
Restructure your code to use an array instead of having separately named parameters

Verilog Error: Object on left-hand side of assignment must have a variable data type

I'm trying to write a top-level module in Verilog that will open a water valve whenever a sensor reads values below a certain number.
Here is my code:
module ProjectDSD(alteraClock, sensorInput, openValve);
input sensorInput, alteraClock;
output openValve;
always #(sensorInput)
if(sensorInput < 100) //sensor value to irrigate at
openValve <= 1; //here
openValve <= 0; //here
Im getting an error saying:
Object "openValve" on left-hand side of assignment must have a variable data type
What am I missing? Also, which pins can I use on an Altera DE2-155 board to output a digital signal of only 1's and 0's for the the valve to open/close?
s/output openValve/output reg openValve/
Outputs default to wire; you need a reg. See also this question.
openValve is currently inferred as a wire. Add reg openValve; below output openValve; and your code will work.
Suggestions: It looks like you are following the IEEE1364-1995 non-ANSI coding style. Will still legal, you might want to change to the ANSI coding style, supported in IEEE1364-2001 and above.
module ProjectDSD(alteraClock, sensorInput, openValve);
input sensorInput, alteraClock;
output openValve;
reg openValve;
module ProjectDSD(
input alteraClock, sensorInput,
output reg openValve);
For combinational blocks, it is recommended to use always #* (or the synonymous always #(*)) instead of always #(sensorInput). #* is an auto sensitivity list also added in IEEE1364-2001
Try output reg openValve;.
For the second half of your question (which should really be a separate question) import this QSF file into your project. Any of the GPIO can be configured as outputs, and are accessible by the 40-pin header on the side.
