Continues variable not triggering while loop - python-3.x

Apologies if this is a repost. I am trying to write a while loop with a continue variable and if/else statement. My issue is that my continue variable is being ignored I cannot find the problem thus far. So far I have moved the while continues == 'y' condition into the else block now I am a bit flummoxed on why this var is being overlooked.
def add_to_existing_file(data):
# data[0]-api response
# data[1]-city
# infile-file object returned from openFile()
# file_name- file name string. check filetype & report version.
continues = 'y' # set up continue variable
while continues == 'y':
file_name = input("Enter File Path to file to be appended: ") # get file from user
if file_name is False:
print("Now Creating Excel File..") # create condition for no user response.
return # if empty response exit function
infile = appends.openFile(file_name) # open file to work with. Returns file object.
added_data = appends.journal_report_1_to_df(infile, file_name, data[0], data[1]) # append selected file to existing df
continues = input("Do you want to append another file? Y or N").lower() # check if new file
return added_data # return new df w/appended data

The problem happens on the last line. You're returning at the end of the first iteration, which exits the loop. This can be fixed by moving the return to the outer scope.
def add_to_existing_file(data):
# data[0]-api response
# data[1]-city
# infile-file object returned from openFile()
# file_name- file name string. check filetype & report version.
continues = 'y' # set up continue variable
while continues == 'y':
file_name = input("Enter File Path to file to be appended: ") # get file from user
if file_name is False:
print("Now Creating Excel File..") # create condition for no user response.
return # if empty response exit function
infile = appends.openFile(file_name) # open file to work with. Returns file object.
added_data = appends.journal_report_1_to_df(infile, file_name, data[0], data[1]) # append selected file to existing df
continues = input("Do you want to append another file? Y or N").lower() # check if new file
return added_data # return new df w/appended data

It should work if you get the second return line (return added_data # return new df w/appended data) to have the same indentation as your while line. As a basic outline for a continue loop:
def function
continues = 'y'
if :
elif :
else :
continue ?


List is empty when appending when using recursion

I have two functions. The first one is used to get a list of paths to text files, and the second one is used to iterate over this list of paths and then check if they include the word password. But because of the Try Except statement in the second function, I had to use recursion to make it continue running unless there's another way if possible to provide below. My problem is that the list returned in the second function is empty why and how to fix it?
def search_txt():
"""Function to search the C:\\ for .txt files -> then add them (including full path to file) to a list."""
list_of_txt = []
for dir_path, sub_dir, files in os.walk("C:\\"):
"""Method 1 -> checks the end of the file name (could be used for specific extensions)"""
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".txt"):
list_of_txt.append(os.path.join(dir_path, file))
return list_of_txt
def search_pass_file(list_of_files: list):
"""Function to iterate over each text file, searching if the word "password" is included -> Returns the text
file's path """
list_of_pass = []
if len(list_of_files) != 0:
for i in range(len(list_of_files)):
file = list_of_files.pop()
with open(file, encoding="utf8") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if "password" in line:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return search_pass_file(list_of_files)
except PermissionError:
return search_pass_file(list_of_files)
return list_of_pass
if __name__ == '__main__':
myList = search_txt()
You're returning list_of_pass only if len(list_of_files) == 0 (it's in the else block). Your return statement should occur after the loop (which should be a while one btw)
You can except several errors in one line by putting them in parenthesis: except (UnicodeDecodeError, PermissionError) of except all exceptions (for instance, you're not handling FileNotFoundError).
I'd reduce your function to:
def search_pass_file(list_of_files: list):
"""Function to iterate over each text file, searching if the word "password" is included -> Returns the text
file's path """
list_of_pass = []
while list_of_files:
file = list_of_files.pop()
with open(file, encoding="utf8") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if "password" in line:
except Exception:
list_of_pass += search_pass_file(list_of_files)
return list_of_pass
Edit: also in your except block, you should append the returned value of the recursive function to list_of_pass otherwise you'll lose the files found after the error occurs.

Getting stuck in a while loop - values updating, but while loop is stuck

I have set up an input for a file name at the top of my script.
After it is entered I am checking if it is correct before running the rest of the script.
I have tried an if statement instead of the while loop, however this runs once and then skips to the print line underneath, however the while loop even when the value it is checking for prints as True, still keeps returning to the function.
What am I doing wrong here?
I am complete newb to this, so any help is much appreciated.
def checkinput():
maybefileloc = input("Enter Full file location and name : ")
print("confirming file as : ", maybefileloc)
fcn = "Y" == input("Is this correct? - Yes or No : ")
print(maybefileloc, fcn)
return (maybefileloc, fcn)
maybefile, fileconf = checkinput()
while fileconf == False:
fileloc = maybefile
print('Running conversion on '+fileloc+', please wait for line length checking')
This is my IDLE output for a test run:
Enter Full file location and name : E:/asdljhjklh
confirming file as : E:/asdljhjklh
Is this correct? - Yes or No : n
E:/asdljhjklh False
Enter Full file location and name : E:/asdjljhjjjjj
confirming file as : E:/asdjljhjjjjj
Is this correct? - Yes or No : Y
E:/asdjljhjjjjj True
Enter Full file location and name :
*** It seems to be getting stuck even through true is being passed??
You assigned the name 'fileconf' to equal check_input(). This means that when you start the loop:
while fileconfig == False:
what is happening is you are calling the function each time you want to check if it is false and then running it again after that:
while check_input() == False:
After the while statement is executed it will infinitely run the function meaning it gets stuck in the loop.
To fix this you could embed the 'while' loop into the function and save a few lines of code:
def checkinput():
while True:
maybefileloc = input("Enter Full file location and name : ")
print("confirming file as : ", maybefileloc)
fcn = "Y" == input("Is this correct? - Yes or No : ").upper()
print(maybefileloc, fcn)
if fcn is True:
return str(maybefileloc)
print(f'Running conversion on "{checkinput()}", please wait for line length checking')
There is no need for a 'break' statement in the loop as the 'return' statement already terminates the function and thus the loop.

Convert text to speech on mac when button pressed

I am trying to create a script which will read a text file and then speak one line of the file every time I press a button on my keyboard. I am using the system accessibility voice on my Mac as the voice sounds more human than some of the python modules I tried.
So far my script runs and speaks a line but the spoken lines are not in order but rather are just lines spoken at random, whereas I would like each line to be spoken once and in order.
Also, I would rather use another key (not alphanumeric) such as right arrow to invoke the function but not sure how to specify that in my script?
I am just learning to code so any help would be much appreciated.
I am using Python 3.9.1 on Mac OSX 10.15.5
filename = ('file.txt')
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# for x in lines:
# pass
def say():
while True:
try: # used try so that if any key other than the specified key is pressed an error will not be shown
for x in lines:
if keyboard.is_pressed('l'): # if key 'l' is pressed['say', x])
print('You Pressed A Key!')
#break # finishing the loop
break # this should break loop if user presses a key other than the given key but doesn't work
Ok I have now managed to fix the issue of reading from a file and reading each line in sequence (see clode below).
And aparantly you can just specify the key with 'up' or 'right' which works. It does output random characters to the screen so if anyone has a better way of doing this, I'd love to hear it
import keyboard
import subprocess
filename = ('text.txt')
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
def say():
while i <len(lines):
try: # used try so that if any key other than the specified key is pressed an error will not be shown
if keyboard.is_pressed('up'): # if key 'up' is pressed['say', lines[i]])
i += 1
break # this should break loop if user presses a key other than the given key but doesn't work
import keyboard
import subprocess
CURRENT_LINE = 0 #records line to be read out, first line is 0.
def ttsLine(line): #TTS function, uses macs say as per you requested.
k = subprocess.check_output(["say",line.strip()]) #using subprocess, line.strip() to clean each line.
return True #returns true so we know if say command was successful
return False #returns false if exceptions occured.
filename = ('text.txt') #text file with lines to be read.
with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines() #saving lines to array.
while True:
keyboard.wait("up") #Waits until up key is pressed.
if not ttsLine(lines[CURRENT_LINE]): #if ttsLine returned false, something went wrong and script halts.
print("Something went wrong while reading out", lines[CURRENT_LINE])
CURRENT_LINE += 1 #else we update line to next one
if CURRENT_LINE == len(lines): #if all lines have been read, script ends.

how can i keep/ save the user input in dictionary?

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
words = {}
def add_word():
ask = input("Do You Want To Add a New Word?(y/n): ")
if ask == 'y':
new_word = input("type the word you want to add: ")
word_meaning = input("type the word meaning: ")
words[new_word] = [word_meaning]
elif ask == 'n':
table = pd.DataFrame(data=words)
table_transposed = table.transpose()
as you can see, i want to make a dictionary but i don't know how to save the user's input.
i want to take the user input and save it in the dictionary, so the next time he uses the program he can see everything he added before
When you make and populate (fill) a dictionary in a running Python program, that dictionary only exists as long as the program is running. When you close the program - that memory is wiped and any modifications that are made are not stored.
As Tomerikoo pointed out, this solution: shelving dictionaries will allow you to preserve your dictionary after the program is closed.
I copy the code from the link (jabaldonedo's solution) and annotate it for you for clarity.
import shelve # this is a Python library that allows you to store dictionaries after the program is closed
data = {'foo':'foo value'} # this is a mock-up dictionary. "words" in your case
d ='myfile.db') # this creates a storage container in the program folder that can store multiple dictionaries. You can see this file appear when this code runs.
d['data'] = data # you make a section in that storage container, give it a name, e.g. "data" in this case, and store your dictionary in that section. You will store your "words" here.
d.close() # close the storage container if you do not intend to put anything else inside.
When you close and open up the program, the dictionary will not automatically pop into your running memory - you need to write code to access it. It can be made as an option in your game menu, e.g. "Load existing dictionary of words".
Back to jabaldonedo's solution:
import shelve # no need to import again, if you are writing in the same python program, this is for demonstration
d ='myfile.db') # open the storage container where you put the dictionary
data = d['data'] # pull out the section, where you stored the dictionary and save it into a dictionary variable in the running program. You can now use it normally.
d.close() # close the storage container if you do not intend to use it for now.
EDIT: Here is how this could be used in the specific context provided in your answer. Note that I imported an additional library and changed the flags in your shelve access commands.
As I mentioned in my comment, you should first attempt to load the dictionary before writing new things into it:
import shelve
import dbm # this import is necessary to handle the custom exception when shelve tries to load a missing file as "read"
def save_dict(dict_to_be_saved): # your original function, parameter renamed to not shadow outer scope
with'shelve2.db', 'c') as s: # Don't think you needed WriteBack, "c" flag used to create dictionary
s['Dict'] = dict_to_be_saved # just as you had it
def load_dict(): # loading dictionary
try: # file might not exist when we try to open it
with'shelve2.db', 'r') as s: # the "r" flag used to only read the dictionary
my_saved_dict = s['Dict'] # load and assign to a variable
return my_saved_dict # give the contents of the dictionary back to the program
except dbm.error: # if the file is not there to load, this error happens, so we suppress it...
print("Could not find a saved dictionary, returning a blank one.")
return {} # ... and return an empty dictionary instead
words = load_dict() # first we attempt to load previous dictionary, or make a blank one
ask = input('Do you want to add a new word?(y/n): ')
if ask == 'y':
new_word = input('what is the new word?: ')
word_meaning = input('what does the word mean?: ')
words[new_word] = word_meaning
elif ask == 'n':
print(words) # You can see that the dictionary is preserved between runs
print("Oh well, nothing else to do here then.")
import shelve
words = {}
def save_dict(words):
s ='shelve2.db', writeback=True)
s['Dict'] = words
def load_dict():
s ='shelve2.db', writeback=True)
dict = s['Dict']
ask = input('Do you want to add a new word?(y/n): ')
if ask == 'y':
new_word = input('what is the new word?: ')
word_meaning = input('what does the word mean?: ')
words[new_word] = word_meaning
elif ask == 'n':
so this is my code after making the save_dict and load_dict functions, it works fine but when i run the program and write a new_word and word_meaning it overwrites the previous data, i believe i am missing something in the save_dict function, if you can point the problem to me i would be so grateful

File won't open when being passed from a function

How come it's not opening the file I put into the function? It opens when I plug the file name directly into the main program, but not when I try to pass it through the function. It gives me a FileNotFoundError.
def get_valid_filename(prompt):
'''Use prompt (a string) to ask the user to type the name of a file. If
the file does not exist, keep asking until they give a valid filename.
Return the name of that file.'''
filename = input(prompt)
if os.path.isfile(filename) == False:
print ("That file does not exist.")
filename = input(prompt)
return filename
if __name__ == '__main__':
prompt = 'enter the name of the file with unknown author:'
mystery_filename = get_valid_filename(prompt)
# readlines gives us the file as a list of strings each ending in '\n'
text = open(mystery_filename, 'r').read()
print (text)
get_valid_filename should look like this:
def get_valid_filename(prompt):
while True:
filename = input(prompt):
if os.path.exists(filename):
return filename
print('that file does not exist')
