Excel Power Query with Sheet 2 of a Google Spreadsheet as source? - excel

I've been scraping parts of a published Google Spreadsheet into Excel using Power Query. I'm not the owner of the Google Spreadsheet, so I dont have the Spreadsheet ID.
To illustrate what I've got access to, I've made a mockup here
So I want the Power Query in Excel to pull data from the second sheet, but I can't find a direct link to the sheet I want.
Is there any way to have the power query "navigate" to the second sheet so I can access the data? Any other way I can scrape whats in the second sheet?


Need to get data flowed from power automate excel file to Oracle database in DataGrip

I am asked to make a table in DataGrip with the data from excel spreadsheet file being made and updated in Power Automate. I did not make the flow in Power Automate so I have no experience with this. Here is the current flow in Power Automate. As you can see the data in the excel spreadsheet is created by emails being received with data. Here is what the tables look like in Data Grip I usually pull from look like. I just want to add another table here with the data on the excel sheet. The location of the excel sheet is in our company share point. There you can open it, and see that a row of data is being added every time a new email comes in. So basically just want a new table in DataGrip that is simultaneously having a a row of data being added every time a new email comes in. PLEASE HELP, thank you!
I honestly have not tried much because I have no experience in this. Just watching YouTube videos right now.

How can I pull data from an excel spreadsheet and compare it to a field in powerapps?

I am trying to make a login system for a powerapps project I have and I want to be able to pull data from my excel spreadsheet and compare it to what inside the field the user entered.
I am currently able to insert data from the powerapps into the excel spreadsheet but cant find out how to pull data and compare it.
Normally, your Excel spreadsheet is a datasource in your PowerApps application, so you can use formulas like "LookUp" to filter your datasource a compare datas from your app :
LookUp([Your Excel data source], [Your column to compare] = [Your user field].Text)
Please refere to the documentation for more informations
Have a good day

How to search a website using a range of cells in excel to extract specific data

I'm trying to search the website "capfriendly.com/players/" using a column of cells and import the "Cap Hit" value back into excel in the adjacent column for each.
I'm a complete beginner when it comes to programming, so I've mostly been trying to learn from previous questions such as this one: excel macro to search a website and extract results
I'm still pretty perplexed, especially with how to extract just the specific value I'm looking for. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I don't know which version of Excel you work with.
Anyway you can try this :
Create a new sheet.
Go to Data in the ribbon to get external data and choose "From web".
Input the url of your page ie https://www.capfriendly.com/browse
After a moment you should retrieve "Results" data that you can load with or without structure modifications. You now have a data table in your new sheet.
You can now access it with Vlookup or similar function, with VBA code or with formulas, to put specific data on specific cells of specific sheets like you need to.
Hope it helps.

Power Query Automation in Excel

Has anyone tried doing automation using Power Query in Excel? I had this thought that of data set that has country-wise data of maybe around 10 countries. The data is to be provided on 10 worksheets. If we could make the queries in Excel and link the sheets to the queries which filter for each country - then we would only have to paste the dataset on one sheet and refresh the other country-wise sheets.
My question is would this pose any problems when the file is distributed?

Link to Excel from Access

I was wondering is there a way to link an Access query to an Excel sheet that automatically updates when the query changes? I know you can link and Excel sheet to an Access table and it updates automatically. I'm just wondering if it can be done the other way with a link?
