Link to Excel from Access - excel

I was wondering is there a way to link an Access query to an Excel sheet that automatically updates when the query changes? I know you can link and Excel sheet to an Access table and it updates automatically. I'm just wondering if it can be done the other way with a link?


Is it possible to create a drop down list in excel that show data from a specific field from an access table?

Helo I'm trying to create a calculation sheet in excel that I wanted to have a drop down cell where user could select one product name from a existing access database. I also wanted to retrieve in another excel cell the price of selected product that is also in the access database (like a procv command, but retrieving data from access). Does anybody know how to do it? I wanted to avoid to replicate source access table in excel. I wanted something more direct. I konw some basic VBA if needed.
Unfortunately, directly linking a control in Excel to an Access database isn't going to be possible. These products just weren't intended to work this way. Typically one would create a form in Access and on that form have the combo box reference the table there. Other user input could be added and calculations done etc, and then the final calculated values could be exported to Excel for further manipulation if needed/desired (that can easily be done in VBA).
That said, an indirect link could be done using VBA. You would add the "Microsoft Access 16.0 Object Library" reference library, create a connection, db and recordset objects. There are tons of resources via Google (or here) on how to do this.
With those in place you can conduct SQL queries against the database to pull the data over and update the combobox by clearing it's contents then re-adding from the query. You can put the code to update the combobox in any trigger you need.
Otherwise, the only other way would be to do what you said you didn't want to, replicate the database table in Excel.
I hope this points you in the right direction! Good luck!

Excel Power Query with Sheet 2 of a Google Spreadsheet as source?

I've been scraping parts of a published Google Spreadsheet into Excel using Power Query. I'm not the owner of the Google Spreadsheet, so I dont have the Spreadsheet ID.
To illustrate what I've got access to, I've made a mockup here
So I want the Power Query in Excel to pull data from the second sheet, but I can't find a direct link to the sheet I want.
Is there any way to have the power query "navigate" to the second sheet so I can access the data? Any other way I can scrape whats in the second sheet?

How to get data from Access to Excel, edit it an excel, and update back in Access

I am new to Access, what I want to do is to share few Excel templates with my colleagues which are linked to different tables in Access, they can refresh it to see the current data, and adjust it in Excel if they need to, then they press an update button in Excel which will save the data in the Access table
I understand that I can get the data to Excel using
Data> Get Data> From DataBase> From Microsoft Access DataBase, but I need to understand how to update the Database from Excell

Link to pivot table from another excel file

Banging my head against the wall on this one and every option I try has a problem with what i am trying to achieve.
So I have a pivot table in excel that is connected to a database. What I want to be able to do is have a link in another excel sheet to that pivot table, so that it picks up any changes to it in terms of data. The reason I am doing this is because I am putting the excel file up on sharepoint, but if a user downloads it, it retains the connection to the SQL Database, and because they are not authenticated, it doesn't refresh. I need them to be able to do this because it will allow them to customise their pivot table as needed, and it will retain that when they next open it. But the original pivot table, connected to the datasource, won't be affected.
I have tried:
Copying Pivot Table: I have copied the pivot table and pasted it in a new excel file, and this retains the connection to the SQL Database so doesn't work.
Moving Worksheet: I have tried moving the whole worksheet to a new excel file and this does again retains the link to the SQL Database.
Creating connection to excel file: This connected to the excel file, but the pivot table is lost and it simply shows the data in standard excel format.
Slicers: I have looked at slicers but this won't work either, because it means if he makes a change it is reflected in the original pivot table.
Sharepoint: I have looked at excel services on sharepoint. Although I can get him to view the data on the online excel, again, if he downloads it it loses the connection.
I guess I could change the authentication settings on SQLServer so that rather than using windows authentication I create a password and then that password is retained as I copy the file. Because this would only allow access to the view in the SQL Database this would prevent any detrimental activity. However, what I would really like to do is just give a copy of the excel file that connects to the original pivot table (so that when this updates this data is reflected in the copy on refresh), but any changes in the copy (i.e. formatting etc) only affect the copy.
If anyone knows how to do this I would be most appreciative of your help.
I may said something incorrect here, so pardon my lack of knowledge, but with the option:
Creating connection to excel file: This connected to the excel file, but the pivot table is lost and it simply shows the data in
standard excel format.
If I understand correctly, Creating connection to excel file provides a copy of the database in an excel file with all the source data from the original pivottable, and if by "connected to the excel file" you mean that any changes to the original pivottable is updated in this connected file in the copy of the database.
Then adding a replica of the pivottable in this connected excel file pointing to the copy of the data would not solve the problem?
Am I missing something?

How to link ms excel 2003 to ms access 2003

I have office 2003, and i have develop a database from ms access 2003.
What i want is to link ms excel and ms access so as when am updating either of them both will be updated
I know that from within Access, you can add a "linked table" with an Excel worksheet as a data source. This will cause the data in the Excel sheet to show up as a table in Access. When you make changes to the data in Access, the data in the underlying Excel sheet will change. Also, if you open up the Excel sheet and change the values in one of the rows, the change will be reflected when the link in Access is refreshed.
However, there can be issues when trying to link Access and Excel together. You may not be able to edit the same document from Access and Excel at the same time. Also, if you add additional columns or rows to your source data in Excel, you may have to completely re-link the table in Access.
If you are the only user of both the Access application and Excel sheet, you can develop a fairly robust solution using this method. However, you have to be careful with trying to deploy a solution like this with multiple users because you may start to get issues with multiple people trying to edit the same document at one time. At this point, you may need to look at more robust solutions involving a database or SharePoint backend.
As Ben said in his answer it is possible but can easily lead to problems in a multi user environment. I would suggest keeping the data in access and pulling it from excel. Or revisiting if excel is needed at all to update the date (read only reports would be ok)
