Azure Enterprise State Roaming page load error - azure

I am looking into enabling Azure State Roaming on a test group, the user in the group has Azure P1 so I am assuming that is all that is required to get it working.
When I first clicked the tab and entered the group that seemed to work but now when I go to the State Roaming option I get an error that says:
An error occurred while loading this page. You may not have permissions to view this data.
Not sure why I would get this as I am a Global Admin so I should have the permissions and it was working earlier today.
When I try and go to a device to see what is being synced it does say that I have to enable to option but I am unable to get to the option because of the above error.
Can anyone think of why this could be?

Apologies for the trouble. There was a backend issue with Enterprise State Roaming blade earlier which prevented users to access the blade. This issue is resolved now and I am able to see the blade without any issues.
Can you please check and confirm now if are able to access it.


Unable to complete due to service connection error - Azure AD

I was follwing the steps in the title "Add an allow list" in
As listed in steps
1.Sign in to the Azure portal.
2.Select Azure Active Directory > Users > User settings.
3.Under External users, select Manage external collaboration settings.
I cannot perform the 3rd step, An error pops up like this
what to do?
Highly likely that this is a network issue, please try on another network or browser. If the issue persists please share the console log output.

IIS write permissions to web root

I created IIS website with following setting (ApplicationPool account is named Fitko)
When I run website and submit form with image, application throw an error
UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path
'C:\IISWorkspace\Fitko\upload\instructors' is denied.
System.IO.FileStream.ValidateFileHandle(SafeFileHandle fileHandle)
I gave full permissions to Fitko folder to these accounts
network service
IIS AppPool\Fitko
yet still the UnauthorizedAccessException exception still throwing.
How can I give access permissions to IIS to write to the folder ?
I solve the issue by enabling windows authentication (I had Anonymous Authentication before, but probably it can be enabled together)
the setting is in
Web Project > Properties > Debug > Web Server Settings
and the flag seems to takes control even when the publish configuration is set to release.
In my opinion, the issue typically indicates a permission error of the specific folder.
What is your Application pool identity? try to right-click the folder and grant Everyone Account full access to the folder.
Besides, under certain cases, this might relate to our website framework technology.
Feel free to let me know if the problem still exists.
In internet service manager right click on the default website, click on edit permission, click on the security tab the click on edit
Add built-in ISUR account to the website and give the appropriate access
and or add built in IIS_IUSERS account and do the same if the above does not work.

Provisioning Mode fails for existing app but works on a newly created one

Trying to edit provisioning mode in an Azure Enterprise App through SCIM but keep getting the error below:
Funny enough I created another app to test the same credentials and the credentials work. I am wondering what could be the issue with this current app. Below you can see I am not even able to change the provisioning to manual, it's stuck on automatic:
Anyone familiar with this in Azure deployment?
List item
That error shows when you've customized your mappings / schema and set something invalid such as including Id as a target attribute or you have decided to primary keys in the advanced settings.
Select the check box for restore default attribute mappings and clear state and restart and save.
Got it. That design needs to be improved. You can use graph to delete the job. Sign into graph explorer as a global admin to delete the job and you will be able to authorize access again and get the default configuration on the old app.

Azure Portal - Dashboard Not Found (new Portal)

After sharing my Azure Portal Dashboard yesterday I think I accidentally deleted my default dashboard as it had the same name as the shared one. Now when I log into the Portal I'm getting the following message:
Dashboard not found We could not load the dashboard named 'private/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Refresh the portal to
try again.
I have created a new dashboard and can select it from the drop down, but I was wondering if anyone knew a trick to make the new dashboard the default, and prevent this message from appearing.
My issue was that I had bookmarked an old dashboard link. Double-check your bookmarks and make sure that you're using the correct version:
The reason this was happening for me was permissions. Also make sure you assign the user/user group to the share access section of the dashboard as demonstrated here

Azure Remote Desktop - Access Denied

I'm currently facing an Access Denied error while connecting to an Azure VM. This VM is registered in an Active Directry. When I log with the AD credentials, I get an "Access Denied" error message with a "Ok" button without any other text on the screen. I never faced this issue before. The maching was working perfectly last week...
Do you have any idea about this issue ?
Thanks for your help
Access Denied Error Screenshot
Can you still access the VM and its using your Azure Portal login? If so, try adding the AD user via RDP.
Go to Computer Mgmt on the VM via Remote Desktop
Expand the list of Remote Desktop Users.
Select the user(s) to add.
See details in the MSDN thread:
If you're having RDP issues with the primary user account, check the Settings blade of your VM in the Azure Portal, and look at the Users list under Resource Management.
Hope that helps!
I had the same issue, in my case it was related to Terminal Service Licensing.
First save a local copy of the RDP file from the portal and run this command at a PowerShell command prompt to connect. This will disable licensing for just that connection:
mstsc <File name>.RDP /admin
after you are able to connect then open the Event Viewer an look for an Event with ID 4105 in WIndows Logs > System. this event should appear every time a logging was attempted.
If that is the case, follow this steps to solve the issue
Event ID 4105 — Terminal Services Per User Client Access License Tracking and Reporting
Hope this helps.
