Azure Portal - Dashboard Not Found (new Portal) - azure

After sharing my Azure Portal Dashboard yesterday I think I accidentally deleted my default dashboard as it had the same name as the shared one. Now when I log into the Portal I'm getting the following message:
Dashboard not found We could not load the dashboard named 'private/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'. Refresh the portal to
try again.
I have created a new dashboard and can select it from the drop down, but I was wondering if anyone knew a trick to make the new dashboard the default, and prevent this message from appearing.

My issue was that I had bookmarked an old dashboard link. Double-check your bookmarks and make sure that you're using the correct version:

The reason this was happening for me was permissions. Also make sure you assign the user/user group to the share access section of the dashboard as demonstrated here


Azure Search Invalid Auth Token

Im currently in the process of building a webapp that utilizes azure cognitive search to get data from a cosmos db container I have set up. For the past 3 days, the azure search has been working perfectly, and ive been able to access the search container from the azure portal just fine. Today I was working on my application and I started getting 400 response codes from my get requests to the azure search URI.
I went to the portal and was prompted with the following message when I clicked on "overview" in the azure search container.
Clicking it simply makes it disappear. Im now unable to see any usage statistics, and unable to enter queries through the search explorer. I then replaced the 'api-key' header in my get request to the api key instead of the admin key, and am able to now get search results.
I know the azure search itself is working but it seems that the portal is completely broken. I cant change any settings, cant add any indexes, and cant search through the search explorer on the portal.
Here is what I have tried so far to fix:
close browser and reopen - didnt work
restart computer - didnt work
refresh tab - didnt work
log out of microsoft, and log back in - didnt work
deleted and recreated a new azure search container - didnt work
had coworker attempt to log into a completely different resource group and create a new search, but he saw the same exact auth failed error that I was seeing.
When I check my access to the database, under the IAM tab, my role is "contributor" which grants me full access to the search container, so this should not be an issue.
Im completely stuck and being unable to index a field is holding me back. If you need any more relevant information, please let me know.
Looks like Microsoft is aware of the issue and a correction is coming:

Deleted azure app service still accessible

I deleted azure webapp through azure portal. It seems it is deleted because when I run:
az webapp list
my deleted web app is not showing. But I can still access it
And it's showing in google search as well. Is there any cache I need to clear or other places I can check to fully remove it?
Also checked other places if there is any connection to this old web app, but didn't find any or don't know where to look.
I have also encountered a similar situation and found that the resource has been deleted after checking in portal. Sometimes visit it using InPrivate window also succeed.
It seems that this is a bug, and you don't need to care about it, or if necessary, you can also submit a bug in a GitHub Issue.
If you need to use the url again by creating a new webapp with the same name, try deploy a new project and access it, it should be refresh to the new one.

Provisioning Mode fails for existing app but works on a newly created one

Trying to edit provisioning mode in an Azure Enterprise App through SCIM but keep getting the error below:
Funny enough I created another app to test the same credentials and the credentials work. I am wondering what could be the issue with this current app. Below you can see I am not even able to change the provisioning to manual, it's stuck on automatic:
Anyone familiar with this in Azure deployment?
List item
That error shows when you've customized your mappings / schema and set something invalid such as including Id as a target attribute or you have decided to primary keys in the advanced settings.
Select the check box for restore default attribute mappings and clear state and restart and save.
Got it. That design needs to be improved. You can use graph to delete the job. Sign into graph explorer as a global admin to delete the job and you will be able to authorize access again and get the default configuration on the old app.

Azure Enterprise State Roaming page load error

I am looking into enabling Azure State Roaming on a test group, the user in the group has Azure P1 so I am assuming that is all that is required to get it working.
When I first clicked the tab and entered the group that seemed to work but now when I go to the State Roaming option I get an error that says:
An error occurred while loading this page. You may not have permissions to view this data.
Not sure why I would get this as I am a Global Admin so I should have the permissions and it was working earlier today.
When I try and go to a device to see what is being synced it does say that I have to enable to option but I am unable to get to the option because of the above error.
Can anyone think of why this could be?
Apologies for the trouble. There was a backend issue with Enterprise State Roaming blade earlier which prevented users to access the blade. This issue is resolved now and I am able to see the blade without any issues.
Can you please check and confirm now if are able to access it.

How to get subscription details on azure portal.

I have recently updated my azure subscription and after that I am unable to see my content or resources on the Azure portal and unable to download the publish profile.
So please help me to find the latest subscription in the new azure portal.
From the top right end, you will have your profile. There you will be able to see the Active Directories available for you. Click on that and it will show a page containing info on "Directories+ Subscriptions". In case you are not able to see the respective subscription in any of those directories, it is requested to raise a Support ticket in the portal itself.
You should ask azure support to help you with this. They can see what you have registered in the portal and if something when wrong. One thing you can try is to open the portal in a private browser session to see if anything is cached or not.
