Zabbix Wesite monitoring email notification - web

Configured Zabbix server to monitor websites if status code 200 is ok or not. I did created also the triggers and actions like you can view in the screenshots but so far still no email notification at all, email server work ok.
Configured Trigger
Configure Actions
Any though on this?
Thank you in advance

You need to set up your SMTP server settings, add the recipient email in the desired user's media and configure an action accordingly.
The quickstart guide covers all the required steps.


Can we get a mail from gitlab , If the pipeline started itself?

We're using gitlab for ci/cd .By using gitlab notification setup , we are getting mails but If the pipeline ends only, mail will triggered the status of the pipeline. Is there any possibility for getting mail when pipeline starts status?
and another one thing , by using SMTP ,gitlab.rb , Please any one explain about this. The recipients whoever getting my mail, they need more information regarding the pipeline status. I searched for that , it shows relatedly gitlab.rb and smtp .But I didn't getting clear about that. Please anyone explain about the SMTP .We want the deployment for email notification. Thanks in advance
Call a Web API that sends email (e.g. - mailgun, sendgrid) via curl/wget as the first command in the script: section of the deploy Job within .gitlab-ci.yml
Or, use a CLI tool such as sendmail or ssmtp.
Either option will require configuration in the form of an API token or SMTP credentials.
See an example for using the Mailgun API, here.

Unable to receive callback from DocuSign for failed email delivery

We are trying to get a callback from DocuSign to our application when an email failed to be delivered to a signer.
So far, we have set up an ‘AutoResponded’ listener, but did not manage to get a callback.
In our developer account admin settings, we have also enabled following settings:
Account > Updates: Send Individual Messages [Switched status to
See screenshot
Integrations > Connect: In our custom configuration, under
Trigger Events, we have enabled Recipient Delivery Failed See screenshot
Any advise if we need to enable any other setting? Thanks!
There is a setting which needs to be enabled and it is available only in back-end in DocuSign. You need to create a ticket through our support center provide your account number and ask support to enable it.
You need to be admin on the account to request this change

Grafana webhooks - failed to send

I'm trying to set up Grafana to send webhooks to Microsoft Teams. I'm able to curl via terminal to the address but it's not possible via Grafanas interface.
I add the URL to Grafanas "webhook" and when I click "Test" it only shows me an error. Anyone know the solution?
I have not entered username/password since i don't know what to supply.
I tried this also.
With a variety of settings (post, put, slack, webhook)
Long story short, Grafana doesn't support the team webhook format.
I Can curl the webhook and get the hello world example to work (without credentials so it isn't the username and password).
Error grafana gives is:
Webhook response status 400 Bad Request
Getting started with connectors
Action reference

How can I setup an Outlook notification webhook on Azure?

Currently we have subscription in Office 365. All users has access to Outlook emails. We are planning to build a batch job using Daemon or Server application (as described here The reason for the batch job to be as Daemon service is because we wanted to access all user emails, filter and forward to another mail server with one app identity.
Question 1 : How can we grant an app in Azure to access all users emails ?
As an alternative we could also build a webhook that is subscribed to inbound/outbound emails and once we get a notification in our system we can filter/forward to another mail server.
Instead of building a job and calling a REST API, is there a way to
register a webhook in Azure for all users at once and redirect the
url to our system ?
That will save us from building a batch job that has to run everyday to grab all incoming emails and then filter. If we can integrate a webhook all we have to build is just the filter/forward part.
The Webhooks are only supported for user level credentials. i.e Each user has to give the app a permission to request data on behalf of users. However, in our case, we need to get notifications for all user emails to reach our application and this is impossible to do at the time of writing (Sep 2016).
The solution we went forward is to build a batch job to pull all data. An Admin has to give an access to the application (the application will have its own identity) and make subsequent requests. For the app to identify itself, we have used X.509 certificate
We followed this documentation and this
If you want to redirect the specific messages with Office 365, a easy way is config the mail flow on the Exchange Admin Center.
For example, we can config a rule to redirect to the messages to the mailbox you wanted as below:
Here is the document for the mail flow rules for your reference.

Outgoing emails not being sent from workflow

I created a simple issue tracking list. when completed it should send the details to the person in the to: field.
Problem is when workflow completes I get this error: system account - The e-mail message cannot be sent. Make sure the outgoing e-mail settings for the server are configured correctly.
We have checked our smtp settings firewall etc.. setup the email address and it still isn't working. What else could be the issue??? I can't seem to find anything that works thanks
