Why is this twurl command (run on linux, by golang exec) not being authenticated? - linux

I'm currently working on a Golang website (running on Ubuntu) that will update a twitter status. I used twurl customer key authentication on the system and I can successfully update the status if I type directly into the linux terminal. For example
ssh/putty into target system
type in terminal: twurl -d 'status=is this thing on' /1.1/statuses/update.json
twitter status successfully updated
When I try to do the same through Golang exec, twitter gives me an authentication error.
func UpdateMainStatus(status string) {
statusarg := `'` + "status=" + status + `'`
out, err := exec.Command("twurl", "-d", statusarg, "/1.1/statuses/update.json").Output()
I've tried a couple of different methods for formatting the statusarg. Printing the above statusarg to the console shows: 'status=Windows worked, Testing update on ubuntu.'
Twurl does seem to be run as out shows an error response from twitter, {"code":32,"message":"Could not authenticate you."}. I suspect it has to do with the setup of the command...??? Or maybe the interpretation of the single quotes in the status argument???

Don't include the single quotes:
statusarg := "status=" + status
In Golang, "twurl" is a string containing twurl. In particular, the string data does not include the double quotes. Those quotes are just Go syntax for strings.
In Bash, 'status=Foo' is a string containing status=Foo. In particular, the string data does not include the single quotes. Those are just Bash syntax for uninterpolated strings.


Prevent exec command running on module unload ibm load sharing facilty

I have a tcl script which is a modulefile within the IBM Load Sharing Facitily (lsf) used to configure some environment variables and launch a python script by using the exec command.
When the module is unloaded normally the opposite of all the commands are run, but also the exec command is run as normal. I would like it so that the exec part is only run on module load and not on module unload.
Here is what I tried so far
if { !(is-loaded mymodule)} {
exec .venv/bin/python mypython.py
I also tried this
if { module-info command load } {
exec .venv/bin/python mypython.py
For each one I get a similar error
Module ERROR: invalid bareword "module"
in expression " module-info command [load] ";
should be "$module" or "{module}" or "module(...)" or ...
both exceptions complain either about an invalid bareword (either "is" or "module") depending on which snippet I try. Is my snytax invalid?
My syntax was incorrect, in the end I was able to solve the problem with the following:
set is_load_command [module-info command load]
if { $is_load_command == 1 } {
exec .venv/bin/python mypython.py
I had two problems, correctly understanding comparisons in tcl and using return values from a called function. Neither really behaved how I am used to.

'SB-KERNEL:UNKNOWN-PARSE-TYPE' when connecting Vim to SBCL using Vlime

I have Vim 8.0.1365 with Vlime plugin (065b95f) installed and an SBCL (1.2.11) session with the start-vlime.lisp loaded, running on macOS 10.14.6 (18G87).
When I connect from Vim using \cc, the SBCL session shows vlime-sbcl - New connection from #<AIO-SBCL:AIO-FD {10048DFD63} (so the connection works) but then the debugger is invoked with an SB-KERNEL:PARSE-UNKNOWN-TYPE condition signalled.
The debugger restarts are:
1: [ABORT ] Exit debugger, returning to top level.
(VLIME-SBCL::SOCKET-ERROR-CB #<unavailable argument> #<SB-KERNEL:PARSE-UNKNOWN-TYPE {1004BE9B23}>)
I've tried both restart options. Removing the handler gives no response, and aborting returns SBCL to the * prompt.
The connection appears to exist in Vim (though there is no success message) and can be selected when using the \ss command (I tested on (+ 3 3)).
The SWANK window just displays a -- for each use of \ss and an error message below shows:
Error detected while processing function vlime#plugin#SendToREPL[100]..vlime#ui#input#MaybeInput[33]..<SNR>42_CheckInputValidity[2]..<SNR>32_SendToREPLInputComplete:
line 2:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: ListenerEval, [a:content, function('s:OnListenerEvalComplete')]))
E116: Invalid arguments for function(a:conn.ListenerEval, [a:content, function('s:OnListenerEvalComplete')]))
E116: Invalid arguments for function vlime#WithThread
I don't have much experience with SBCL or Lisp - this is basically a hurdle at the starting line.
What does the first restart option mean?
The PARSE-UNKNOWN-TYPE condition seems uncommon from a Google search, and not at all in relation to Vlime. What are some next steps I can take to work this out?
(Posting the comment as an answer)
A common source of error when dealing with client/server protocols is a mismatch in versions for the different parts involved. The gihub page for vlime lists dependencies and supported implementations, I'd start from there.
Also, try starting sbcl in a standalone terminal (first install quicklisp, use "rlwrap sbcl" for readline support) and then load Swank manually:
(ql:quickload :swank)
Create a server
(swank:create-server :port 4005)
And connect to it, so you can still debug errors from the terminal if there are problems with the client/server interface.

folder path with space giving error in subprocess.call

drivesToMap = ["R: \\\\server1\folder", "G: \\\\server1\folder withSpace"]
for eachDrive in drivesToMap:
call("net use " + eachDrive)
In python 3 on a windows 10 machine I am getting the following error for the code above :
System error 1232 has occurred.
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help.
How do I resolve the space? When I type in the command from a doc cmd it works succussfully:
net use G: \server1\folder withSpace
You likely need to wrap the drive in an additional set of quotes, since net use is a command prompt command it is anticipating that the drive name (which has spaces) is actually multiple arguments instead of one.
For instance:
drivesToMap = ["'R: \\\\server1\folder'", "'G: \\\\server1\folder withSpace'"]

Scala.js - pass command line arguments from SBT run

When running the app using the sbt run while developing normal JVM app, I can pass command line arguments using run <args>. When I try the same with Scala.js, I get an error "No valid parser available". When trying runMain variant like runMain Main.main arg, the error is "Expected non-whitespace character", with arrow pointing just behind Main.main.
Is there some way how to pass arguments to the Scala.js / Node.js application when running it from SBT?
(I am using Scala.js 0.6.15).
No, there isn't, because JavaScript does not have a notion of command-line arguments. Node.js does, but only if started from the command-line, and that use case is not supported by the sbt plugin, I'm afraid.
Feel free to file a feature request. I'm not sure it can be accommodated, but we can look into it eventually.
One can define a custom task calling node.js, and parse arguments using SBT parsers. Add this into build.sbt:
import complete.DefaultParsers._
lazy val runa = inputKey[Unit]("Run app with arguments")
runa := {
(fastOptJS in Compile).value // build it first
val args: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed
val npmRun = "node index.js" + args.map("\"" + _ + "\"").mkString(" "," ","")
You also need to create a file index.js in your project root, containing something like this:
In the intervening years, a library has emerged to address this:

IIS appcmd called via Go app - Invalid XML input

I have this command, which works when running in command line directly.
import "os/exec"
out, err := exec.Command("cmd", "/C", `%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list APP /site.name:"My website" /text:[path='/'].physicalPath`).Output()
When I run it via Go app, it throws exit status 3222072890 with this error message:
Failed to process input: Invalid XML input - please make sure that your XML is well-formed and follows the required format (HRESULT=c00cee3a).
I've already tried to change slashes, use various quotation marks, but still does not work.
I use IIS 8.5 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
It seems that command is corrupted before execution. Is there any way how to see the output command?
It seems to be a bug in golang library - related to a Golang Github issue #15566.
Issue is caused by quotation marks in /site.name argument ("My website") which are escaped, but should not be.
Solution for this time is this:
import "os/exec"
import "syscall"
cmd := exec.Command(`cmd`)
cmd.SysProcAttr = &syscall.SysProcAttr{
CmdLine: `/C %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd list APP /site.name:"My website" /text:[path='/'].physicalPath`,
out, err := cmd.Output()
For more information see: http://www.josephspurrier.com/prevent-escaping-exec-command-arguments-in-go/ and exec with double quoted argument
I just deleted all carriage returns in xml
and removed Tag
appcmd add apppool /in < C:\Installs\AppPool.xml
worked for me.
