Invalid and trucated data receiving while calling node API get route - node.js

While calling Node API get HTTP method data comes in truncated format, incomplete JSON.
But when calling the same api using POSTMAN getting proper response.
If is there any issue regarding NodeAPI please guide how can I solve it?


Waiting Response from Axios From Express js

i got a issue so i wrote this in my code this is the controller :
on my service i call like sdk to hit external API and i need to get the result of the response from that external API
on my sdk i use Axios like this :
i tried to execute but the response is always return when the status on my API already returned
My question is How to waiting the response from external API like my case ?

node multer posting form data with postman - no body received

I am using the example given here: However instead of using the form in the example, I am using Postman to POST some data, however I am getting an empty body. I have set Postman to use form-data. Any ideas what the problem could be?

AWS lambda api gateway with node.js express returns an error of "net::ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED 200"

The error occurs when my client sends a GET request to the node.js server hosted with AWS lambda api gateway. The server is expected to send back an array of objects with res.json({}). The weird part is that when i test with a response of object or an array of objects with lesser variables in it, it works. I have also tried to JSON.stringify() the array in the server side and JSON.parse() in the client but to no avail. Thanks in advance to everyone helping me and do guide me along as its my first time posting on StackOverflow.
Edit: However i have tried it with a curl command to the endpoint and it returns the json array without any errors.
Alright everyone i found which part of my code caused the bug!
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
As i was playing around with file transfer before with the npm package 'Busboy', imported and used some packages associated with it. However, i forgotten to comment out these codes and thus, i believe it messed up the response body and got the error. Just to be clear this was in the node.js backend.

Why am I getting gibberish for http request body?

I'm trying to create a Slack bot that uses AWS lambda api gateway as the backend. However, the event payload I'm getting has an incomprehensible payload body.
In the example im following the body should be like
Am I supposed to decode the body somehow?
I'm following this guide exactly but I'm implementing the lambda function in python. I just don't know why my event isn't even getting the proper body.
The payload isn't gibberish it's just base64-encoded and can be decoded using a library or method that supports base64-decoding. Here's the decoded value:

API get request not returning correct data in python

I am trying to get data from Uni Stats API by sending a get request. Following is my code:
import requests
dt = requests.get(url='')
Whenever I run this code it returns me <401 Response> but If I try the same url in the Postman software it returns correct data in json format.
So I wanted to know how can I send a get request with requests which can return correct data?
requests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass'))
401 is an authorization error, provide authorisation to the request.get method.
Depending on your user agent, you may be able to include the access token in the url as in the following examples:{ukprn}/Course/{kisCourseId}
Emphasis added.
