Application Insights for WebAPI application - azure

Is it possible to tell Application Insights to use a different InstrumentationKey depending on the request URL?
Our application works with different clients and we want to separate the logs for them in different instances of Application Insights.
Url format:{client_name}/bla/bla
It would be great to setup configuration to select InstrumentationKey by client_name from request.

If the goal is to send different telemetry items to different instrumentation key, the correct way to achieve that is by modifying the individual item with a TelemetryInitializer to have the correct ikey.
An initializer like the following:
item.Context.InstrumentationKey = ikey.
This initializer should access HttpContext and decide the ikey dynamically from request route/other params.
Modifying TC.Active is not recommended for this purpose as its a global shared setting.
(This is not a very common use case - but there are teams inside Microsoft who does this for PROD scale apps)

You can do that. If you have a logger, have the ApplicationInsightsKey parameter-ized and pass the Key for the client on every call, or inject it on load if your application is tenant based.
Checkout the Docs here: Separating telemetry from Development, Test, and Production
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = <App-Insights-Key-for-the-client>
Just change the Application Insights key before logging and it will do the job.

It would be great to setup configuration to select InstrumentationKey
by client_name from request.
You can dynamically select the ikey as per the client_name from the request. First, you need to get the request url, then check the client_name.
To do that, you can add the following code to the Global.asax file:
void Application_BeginRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
var app = (HttpApplication)source;
//get the request url
var uriObject = app.Context.Request.Url.ToString();
if (uriObject.Contains("/client_name_1"))
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "ikey_1";
else if (uriObject.Contains("/client_name_2"))
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "ikey_2";
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "ikey_3";
The test result:
But I want to say we rarely use 1 more ikeys in one environment. If your goal is to make the data not being cluttered, I suggest you can use only 1 ikey, and then use Kusto query for your purpose.

Thanks to the answers from #cijothomas and #danpop (link) I was able to understand the whole picture.
Step 1: Create custom ITelemetryInitializer (Microsoft Documentation):
public class MyTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
var appKey = CallContext.LogicalGetData("ApplicationKey")?.ToString();
switch (appKey)
case "App1":
telemetry.Context.InstrumentationKey = "d223527b-f34e-4c47-8aa8-1f21eb0fc349";
telemetry.Context.InstrumentationKey = "f8ceb6cf-4357-4776-a2b6-5bbed8d2561c";
Step 2: Register custom initializer:
<ApplicationInsights xmlns="">
<Add Type="Application.WebAPI.MyTelemetryInitializer, Application.WebAPI"/>
protected void Application_Start()
// ...
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new MyTelemetryInitializer());
Step 3: Make some adjustments to the logger (source code taken from #danpop answer Logger target configuration):
var config = new LoggingConfiguration();
ConfigurationItemFactory.Default.Targets.RegisterDefinition("ai", typeof());
ApplicationInsightsTarget aiTarget = new ApplicationInsightsTarget();
aiTarget.InstrumentationKey = "your_key";
aiTarget.Name = "ai";
config.AddTarget("ai", aiTarget);
LogManager.Configuration = config;
ILogger configuration exmples: Log4Net, NLog, System.Diagnostics


Azure AppInsights end to end correlation

I am looking into Azure AppInsights for my telemetry correlation requirement. I have created 3 simple APIs that call one another in succession as below:
First Api -----> Middle Api -----> Another Api
The Api calls are made using Typed HttpClient through a simple service class. All the Api projects have Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ApplicationInsights NuGets references added. I have program and service classes for all the APIs as below:
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer.TelemetryChannel;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
//App Insights
new ServerTelemetryChannel() { StorageFolder = "/tmp/myfolder" });
builder.Services.AddScoped<IWeatherService, DummyWeatherService>();
builder.Services.AddHttpClient<IWeatherService, DummyWeatherService>();
var app = builder.Build();
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using AppInsightsDemo.Api.Models;
namespace AppInsightsDemo.Api.Services;
public class DummyWeatherService : IWeatherService
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
public DummyWeatherService(
IConfiguration configuration,
HttpClient httpClient)
_configuration = configuration;
_httpClient = httpClient;
_httpClient.BaseAddress = GetMiddleApiBaseUri();
new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
private Uri GetAnotherApiBaseUri()
var configurationSection = _configuration.GetRequiredSection("Dependencies");
var baseUri = configurationSection.GetValue<string>("MiddleApiUri")
?? throw new ArgumentException("Another Api base uri is empty");
return new Uri(baseUri);
public async Task<Weather?> GetWeatherAsync()
Weather? weather = null;
var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync("middle");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
weather = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Weather>();
return weather;
This is what I end up with in AppInsights sample. The third API event has the same operation id as the first two Api events have but the third event has a different parent id. I expect the third event to have the id of my middle (second) api event (localhost://7290) as its parent id and the three events show up accordingly in a hierarchy.
Can anyone please advise if I am missing some configuration or not using this SDK right? Thank you
This is rather silly of me. I configured the ApplicationInsights connection string for my first api(:7176) and last api(:7206) but missed to configure it for my middle api (:7290) though I have added ApplicationInsights service to all Api projects. It took me a while to figure out the missing connection string. Now I get a nice dependency hierarchy as below:
I guess a connection string validation might come handy. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks.

Azure connection attempt failed

I'm using the following code to connect. I can connect to other Azure Resources ok.
But for one resource I get the following error: URL and Key are correct.
{"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond"}
The Code is as follows
_searchClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-key", apiKey);
_searchServiceEndpoint = String.Format("https://{0}.{1}",
searchServiceName, _searchClient.SearchDnsSuffix);
bool result = RunAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Any ideas? thx in advance? How can I troubleshoot this?
I will show how this is done in c#
you will need a appsettings.json
you will need this code in the program.cs file
there are a lot of other files in the example from the document
that you may need to use , learn and edit for ur usecase
When working in c# and azure, always know what is unique about the file structured your solution first. This is why we build the examples from the docs as we learn the solution. Next we must study the different blocks of code that when executed deliver one feature or functionality to the solution as a whole.
"SearchServiceName": "[Put your search service name here]",
"SearchIndexName": "hotels",
"SearchServiceAdminApiKey": "[Put your primary or secondary Admin API key here]",
"SearchServiceQueryApiKey": "[Put your primary or secondary Query API key here]"
namespace AzureSearch.SDKHowTo
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Azure.Search;
using Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Spatial;
// This sample shows how to delete, create, upload documents and query an index
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json");
IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build();
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = CreateSearchServiceClient(configuration);
string indexName = configuration["SearchIndexName"];
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Deleting index...\n");
DeleteIndexIfExists(indexName, serviceClient);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Creating index...\n");
CreateIndex(indexName, serviceClient);
ISearchIndexClient indexClient = serviceClient.Indexes.GetClient(indexName);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Uploading documents...\n");
ISearchIndexClient indexClientForQueries = CreateSearchIndexClient(indexName, configuration);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Complete. Press any key to end application...\n");
private static SearchServiceClient CreateSearchServiceClient(IConfigurationRoot configuration)
string searchServiceName = configuration["SearchServiceName"];
string adminApiKey = configuration["SearchServiceAdminApiKey"];
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new SearchCredentials(adminApiKey));
return serviceClient;
private static SearchIndexClient CreateSearchIndexClient(string indexName, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
string searchServiceName = configuration["SearchServiceName"];
string queryApiKey = configuration["SearchServiceQueryApiKey"];
SearchIndexClient indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(searchServiceName, indexName, new SearchCredentials(queryApiKey));
return indexClient;
private static void DeleteIndexIfExists(string indexName, SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
if (serviceClient.Indexes.Exists(indexName))
private static void CreateIndex(string indexName, SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
var definition = new Index()
Name = indexName,
Fields = FieldBuilder.BuildForType<Hotel>()
Azure concepts to learn
How and why we create azure clients
Why do we use appsettings.json
What is some example file structures for azure search solutions
What coding lanague do you want to use to build that solutio
do u want to use the azure sdk
How to find and create api keys
C# concepts to learn
What is an interface and how do you use it
How to import one file in the file structure into another
How the main function works
How to call variables in to a function
How to call a function with a function
How to write server side code vs client side code
How to deploy c# code to azure
What version of c# are u using What’s is and what version will u use
What is core and what version will u use
As u can see azure and c# have a high learning curve.
Luckily you have stack overflow and documentation to research all of the above questions and more:)
For how u would troubleshoot...what I do is research each block of code in the documentation example and run all of the code locally. Then I test each block of code one at a time. Ur always testing data flowing thought the block of code. So you can just console log the result of a block a code by creating a test varable and print that varable to the console.
Because each block of Code represents one feature or functionality, each test will output either a pass or fail delivery of that feature or functionality. Thus you can design functionality, implement that design and create a test for new Feature.

How to add more entries in customDimensions in to Application Insights Telemetry in Azure Function

I am trying to integrate Azure App Insights with an Azure Function App (HttpTriggered). I want to add my own keys and values in the "customDimensions" object of the requests table. Right now it only shows the following:
On query
| where iKey == "449470fb-****" and id == "5e17e23e-****"
I get this:
LogLevel: Information
Category: Host.Results
FullName: Functions.FTAID
StartTime: 2017-07-14T14:24:10.9410000Z
param__context: ****
HttpMethod: POST
param__req: Method: POST, Uri: ****
Succeeded: True
TriggerReason: This function was programmatically called via the host APIs.
EndTime: 2017-07-14T14:24:11.6080000Z
I want to add more key values such as:
EnvironmentName: Development
ServiceLine: Business
Based on this answer, I implemented the ITelemetryInitializer interface as follows:
public class CustomTelemetry : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
var requestTelemetry = telemetry as RequestTelemetry;
if (requestTelemetry == null) return;
requestTelemetry.Context.Properties.Add("EnvironmentName", "Development");
Here is how the run.csx code for the Azure Function App looks like:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run(HttpRequestMessage req, ExecutionContext context, TraceWriter log)
// Initialize the App Insights Telemetry
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
TelemetryConfiguration.Active.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new CustomTelemetry());
TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
var jsonBody = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
GetIoItemID obj = new GetIoItemID();
JArray output = obj.GetResponseJson(jsonBody, log, telemetry);
var response = req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
response.Content = new StringContent(output.ToString(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
return response;
But this did not work...
I believe, since you're creating the TelemetryClient yourself in this example, you don't need to bother with the telemetry initializer, you could just do
var telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
telemetry.Context.Properties["EnvironmentName"] = "Development";
directly, and everything sent by that instance of that telemetry client will have those properties set.
You'd need that telemetry initializer if you don't have control over who's creating the telemetry client and want to touch every item of telemetry created wherever?
I don't know how that TelemetryClient instance gets used downstream in azure functions though, so i'm not entirely positive, though.
Edit: from azure functions post about this, it says:
We’ll be working hard to get Application Insights ready for production
workloads. We’re also listening for any feedback you have. Please file
it on our GitHub. We’ll be adding some new features like better
sampling controls and automatic dependency tracking soon. We hope
you’ll give it a try and start to gain more insight into how your
Functions are behaving. You can read more about how it works at
and the example from that func-ai link has a couple things:
1) it creates the telemetry client statically up front once (instead of in each call to the function)
private static TelemetryClient telemetry = new TelemetryClient();
private static string key = TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process);
and inside the function it is doing:
telemetry.Context.Operation.Id = context.InvocationId.ToString();
to properly do correlation with events you might create with your telemetry client so you might want to do that too.
2) it appears that the telemetry client you create you can use, but they create their own telemetry client and send data there, so anything you touch in your telemetry client's context isn't seen by azure functions itself.
so, to me that leads me to something you can try:
add a static constructor in your class, and in that static constructor, do the telemetry initializer thing you were doing above. possibly this gets your telemetry initializer added to the context before azure functions starts creating its request and calling your method?
If that doesn't work, you might need to post on their GitHub or email the person listed in the article for more details on how to do this?

Swagger authentication in Azure App Service

In my Azure Mobile .NET backend I want to use Azure Mobile .NET Server Swagger . I'm looking for fast way to hide swagger UI from public access ? Is there any way to provide access only for selected users ?
First a disclaimer: Even if you protect your Swagger UI from public consumption, you are not protecting your APIs from public consumption. You have to assume that everyone knows all of your routes and have the appropriate security in place to protect any requests that may come in.
That being said, there's still not a simple way to do this. Swashbuckle (the piece that adds Swagger to Web API) adds a custom HttpMessageHandler to the /swagger/ui route (as seen here). If you look at the Web API pipeline, you can see that if you specify a custom handler, you can bypass all of the Controller selection, Auth filters, etc. This is what happens here.
Some solutions:
Use an app setting to conditionally call ConfigureSwagger(config) in debug modes only. This would prevent all /swagger routes from making it into production. Or you could use a staging slot and only add it there.
You can wrap the SwaggerUiHandler with something like this Basic Auth MessageHandler. This would prompt the user for basic creds if they went to the /swagger/ui route. See below for my modified version of this code.
Maybe with a little more thought we can come up with a better solution -- I see a couple of issues (here and here) in the Swashbuckle repo that indicate you're not the first one to hit this.
Modified BasicAuthHandler (from here):
Warning: minimally tested (and be sure to change how you verify user/pass)
public class BasicAuthMessageHandler : DelegatingHandler
private const string BasicAuthResponseHeader = "WWW-Authenticate";
private const string BasicAuthResponseHeaderValue = "Basic";
public BasicAuthMessageHandler(HttpMessageHandler innerHandler)
this.InnerHandler = innerHandler;
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
AuthenticationHeaderValue authValue = request.Headers.Authorization;
HttpResponseMessage unauthorizedResponse = request.CreateUnauthorizedResponse();
if (authValue != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authValue.Parameter))
Credentials parsedCredentials = ParseAuthorizationHeader(authValue.Parameter);
if (parsedCredentials != null)
// TODO: Check that the user/pass are valid
if (parsedCredentials.Username == "user" &&
parsedCredentials.Password == "pass")
// If match, pass along to the inner handler
return base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
// Prompt for creds
unauthorizedResponse.Headers.Add(BasicAuthResponseHeader, BasicAuthResponseHeaderValue);
return Task.FromResult(unauthorizedResponse);
private Credentials ParseAuthorizationHeader(string authHeader)
string[] credentials = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Convert
new[] { ':' });
if (credentials.Length != 2 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials[0])
|| string.IsNullOrEmpty(credentials[1])) return null;
return new Credentials()
Username = credentials[0],
Password = credentials[1],
Registering with Swagger route
// Do this after calling ConfigureSwagger
// Remove the swagger_ui route and re-add it with the wrapped handler.
var route = config.Routes["swagger_ui"];
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute("swagger_ui", route.RouteTemplate, route.Defaults, route.Constraints, new BasicAuthMessageHandler(route.Handler));

Change database in connectionstring from app

I have created a Xamarin where I want to query one database on a Azure SQL Server and regarding which result I get back I want to query one of X numbers of certain databases.
So far I have been able to create two different APIs where the first API gets information from the first database.
And I have hardcoded (in the TableController) to use one specific database (in the same SQL Server).
string dbString = "database2";
myContextClass context = new myContextClass(dbString);
This works like a charm. However. I would like to be able to pass which database I want to connect to from my app.
I.e. when calling my mobileservice all I do is this:
this.client = new MobileServiceClient(
Is there something I can add to this methodcall that will set the database connectionstring in the controller?
You should not be connecting to the database from the mobile App, you should have a backend REST service built for example using Web API and hosted in Azure API Service, this is where the connection to the database will occur, and the connection string will be added to the web.config file which can be easily changed from the Azure portal.
I think you need 2 dbContext instances. Here is an example in the controller how to initialize 1 dbContext. So, I guess, you could have the parameter you want to specify which db you want, and use the main controller or call another controller which is initialized with the other dbContext. (or try overwriting the DomainManager with different context)
public class TodoItemController : TableController<TodoItem>
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
AppContext context = new AppContext();
DomainManager = new EntityDomainManager<TodoItem>(context, Request);
// GET tables/TodoItem
public IQueryable<TodoItem> GetAllTodoItems()
return Query();
Then you have 2 dbContext instances like this:
public class AppContext : DbContext
private const string connectionStringName = "Name=MS_TableConnectionString";
public NeptuneAppContext() : base(connectionStringName)
where you can specify different connectionStrings.
Hope it helps
