Azure action group not sending emails for outlook contact group - azure

I want to configure an alert in Azure portal. When it fires, I want to send a notification to a contact group, for example:
I choose action type: Email/SMS/Push/Voice
Interesting thing: when I set up action group not for a contact group, but for my personal email - I see the alert in my mailbox.
Is there any way to configure action group for a contact group consisting of emails?
Is there a whitelist/blacklist configuration somewhere?

Verify that emails from these three addresses are not blocked:
It is common that internal
mailing lists or distribution lists block emails from external email
addresses. You need to whitelist the above email addresses. To test,
add a regular work email address (not a mailing list) to the action
group and see if alerts arrive to that email.

Note also that sometimes MS/Azure IPs get blacklisted as well, and the Azure Portal will still say the notification was "fired" with no indication it failed. Sad, but true.
Check this link for more detail: Azure Action Group email notifications - fail, not reliable


System-generated email for Azure Logic app

I would like to know whether there is a possibility for a Logic app with system assigned managed identity to create its own email address from which it would send an email to predefined users. Or maybe to use some kind of office 365 email for sending notifications that would not be managed directly by me but also would be maintained in that way so it could be used at any time.
The point is that currently, I have a perfectly working logic app that sends emails. But those emails are sent from an employee's email address that authorized Office 365 connection in the logic app. Since this is dependent on his or her email address if something happens to the email (employee changes jobs and email address needs to be decommissioned) logic app won't be executed and these emails which are critical for us to get will not be delivered.
Is there a way so the logic app would not be dependent on the email address of one person but instead of that on some kind of system-generated email address for sending emails?
There are several options. The most popular is the SendGrid service
There is a free option that includes 100 emails per day.

Azure Devops Deployment Approval

I am setting a release pipeline with pre deployment condition that someone have to approve the deployment . When I set that to one person that works very well ,and that person gets the notification email .
If I set this to a group then members of this group do not get the notification emails .
I can still go an approve through the user interface but never get the emails .
Is there a solution for this ?
I can still go an approve through the user interface but never get the emails . Is there a solution for this ?
You could follow the document Not getting emails from subscriptions or notifications for some troubleshooting.
If above not resolve your question, you could try to add a new subscription An approval for a deployment is pending, the detail settings as below:
Just add the email address(es) who need to receive this kind of email, for multiple email addresses, separate with comma (,).

Azure Logic Send email as group with outlook connector

We have logic app which sends an email with office 365 outlook connector. Our requirement is to send an email as group from particular email account.
For example:if has Send as permissions on email group => and if sends an email as the group, it shouldlook like group has sent an email.
We have followed the below documentation given and given right permissions, but still it is not working for us.Has anyone faced similar issue? Please guide us on this.
The Send an email action has an optional parameter, From (Send as), which you can add to the action and use your service account's email address as the sender. To add this parameter, follow these steps:
In the Send an email action, open the Add a parameter list, and select the From (Send as) parameter.
After the parameter appears on the action, enter the service account's email address.
As per the below image you can set the options
For Complete Information follow Office365 Connector.
Check Mailbox Permissions on how to set mailbox permissions to other user.

How to auto-receive all Gmail messages in a Google Group

I am using a Google Workspace account and wanted to create a backup of all the emails received in my Gmail Inbox so that even after cleaning the inbox (deleting the emails from Gmail), the backup of emails would be there in Google Groups.
To do this, I am thinking of creating a google group with only one member (me).
After deleting the emails from my Email ID, the emails will still be present in the Google group.
But to achieve this, if I add a Gmail forwarding rule, then I might receive all the messages from my name instead of the original sender's name.
Is there a way through which I can auto-receive the original messages on Google Group which I received on my Email ID?
You won't be receiving the email from your email address when adding a forwarding rule.
Therefore, if you plan on forwarding all the incoming mail to your group, you should proceed by adding a forwarding rule and adding the email address of the group.
Afterwards, you will end up receiving the email in the group looking something similar to this:
Automatically forward Gmail messages to another account.

Creating a shared support email in GSuite

Currently the small business I work for has a support email address setup as the following: (changed domain for anonymity).
We need to make it so that multiple people can manage this email address, and the way we have it currently setup is causing some issues.
The way it is currently setup is that all emails are forwarded to myself and three other coworkers that manage the support emails that come in, and each of us have setup the following rule:
"Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "BusinessDomain Support", Never send it to Spam"
So we get all of the emails sent to that label, they skip our inbox and we delegate/respond from there. This was causing issues with my coworkers responding to the same emails and has our customers replying to our actual work email addresses rather than the support email.
We setup a process/procedure to make sure my coworkers and I were only answering things once, and to solve the problem of customers responding to the wrong email address we added the email as a "Send mail as" for each of us. However, now we are all sending emails from the same email address and it is a bit confusing as to who responded AND all sent emails are showing in our sent folder.
So, what is the best way to setup this support email so that multiple people can manage it and so that customers that reply to emails sent are always sent to
Any help would be great!!
You need to use a group as a collaborative inbox.
Collaborative inboxes are especially useful for technical support or
customer service teams. For example, you could create a group with the
address You could then add your
support staff as group members, and allow people outside your
organization to send messages to the group. Your support staff would
then receive customer messages and take any of the following actions:
Assign responsibility for topics to group members
Mark topics as resolved
Edit tags associated with topics
Filter topics according to tag, resolution status, or assignee
