Script for displaying current date in a text file? - linux

I have been trying to make a script in Linux bash that first lists all the files and folders in the homedirectory and then saves the information in a text file with the current date within the textile. So far I have tried this, but the textile is empty:
#! /bin/bash
ls -l /home/user/*/
ls /home/user/*/ > list.txt
today=`date '+%d:%m:%Y'`;
touch "$today.list.txt"

Here's a modified version:
today=`date '+%d:%m:%Y'`
# we use the $HOME variable and use tee to print and write to the file
ls $HOME | tee "$today.list.txt"

Perhaps you are looking for something like this
#! /bin/bash
#List all files in home directory
ls -l ~/
#store datetime in a variable
vartime=`date '+%d:%m:%Y'`
#store all filenames in a variable called list
list=$(ls -l ~/)
#create a variable which contains the name of the file to write to
#Append time to the date.list.txt file
echo "$vartime" >> $filename
#Append the list to the date.list.txt file
echo "$list" >> $filename
Hope this helped


Copy a file from a directory and paste it to multiple sub directories in linux(ubuntu) terminal?

I have a directory mnt/d/LIVI.
Inside the directory, LIVI, I have sub-directories:
I wanted to copy a file named tt.txt from mnt/d/LIVI/ak/tt.txt and paste to all the sub directories of LIVI, using Ubuntu terminal. How do i do it using a shell script file?
I tried the following one, but it didn't work.
I created a text file named mnt/d/LIVI/FOLDERS.txt, This listed all the sub directories names.
And saved a script file in mnt/d/LIVI directory. The following is the script
# -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
ROOTDIR=$(dirname $0 | xargs readlink -f)
for SIMDIR in cat FOLDERS.txt | xargs readlink -f ; do
cp mnt/d/LIVI/ak/tt.txt $SIMDIR
#cd ..
You may try this bash script
cd "${0%/*}" || exit
for dir in */; do
if [[ $dir != 'ak/' ]]; then
cp ak/tt.txt "$dir"
The script must reside under the diectory mnt/d/LIVI
Don't read lines with for.
(If you really wanted to, the syntax for that would look like
for dir in $(cat FOLDERS.txt); do
but really, don't. The link above explains why in more detail.)
I don't see why you want to run readlink on the directories at all?
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
while read -r dir; do
cp ak/tt.txt "$dir"
done <FOLDERS.txt
Note also Correct Bash and shell script variable capitalization

Using the ls command to hide non-executable files

I'm trying to have a command that will print only the non-executable files sorted by modification time in the current directory.
What I have so far is:
$ ls -lt | grep -i "...x......"
This is printing all of the files in the dir. Just starting to learn code, any help would be much appreciated.
The way to go :
for file in *; do test -x "$file" || echo "$file"; done
Thanks to not parsing ls output

how to filter out / ignore specific lines when comparing text files with diff

To further clarify what I am trying to do, I wrote the script below. I am attempting to audit some files between my QA and PRD environments and would like the final Diff output to Ignore hard coded values such as sql connections. I have about 6 different values to filer. I have tried several ways thus far I am not able to get any of them to work as needed. I am open to doing this another way if anyone has any ideas. I am pretty new to script development so Im open to any ideas or information. Thanks :)
# Name:
# Date: 02/12/2018
# Script Location:
# Author: Maggie o
# Description: This script will pull absolute paths from a text file
# and compare the files via ssh between QA & PRD on md5sum
# output match or no match
# Then the file the non matching files will be imported to a
# tmp directory via scp
# Files will be compared locally and exclude whitespace,
# spaces, comments, and hard coded values
# NOTE: Script may take a several minutes to run
# Usage: Auditing QA to PRD Pass 3
# nohup ./ > /output/compareMD52.out 2> /error/compareMD52.err
# checking run ps -ef | grep compareMD52*
rm /output/no_matchMD5.txt
rm /output/filesDiffer.txt
echo "Filename | Path" > /output/matchingMD5.txt
#Remove everything below tmp directory recursivly as it was created by previous script run
rm -rf /tmp/*
for i in $(cat /input/comp_list.txt) #list of files with absolute paths output by compare script
export filename=$(basename "$i") #Grab just the filename
export path=$(dirname "$i") #Just the Directory
qa_md5sum=$(md5sum "$i") #Get the md5sum
qa_md5="${qa_md5sum%% *}" #remove the appended path
export tmpdir=(/tmp"$path")
# if the stat is not null then run the if, if file is exisiting
if ssh oracle#Someconnection stat $path'$filename' \> /dev/null 2\>\&1
prd_md5sum=$(ssh oracle#Somelocation "cd $path; find -name '$filename' -
exec md5sum {} \;")
prd_md5="${prd_md5sum%% *}" #remove the appended path
if [[ $qa_md5 == $prd_md5 ]] #Match hash as integer
echo $filename $path " QA Matches PRD">> /output/matchingMD5.txt
echo $i
echo $tmpdir
echo "Copying "$i" to "$tmpdir >> /output/no_matchMD5.txt
#Copy the file from PRD to a tmp Dir in QA, keep dir structure to avoid issues of same filename exisiting in diffrent directorys
mkdir -p $tmpdir # -p creates only if not exisiting, does not produce errors if exisiting
scp oracle#Somelocation:$i $tmpdir # get the file from Prd, Insert into tmp Directory
for x in $(cat /output/no_matchMD5.txt) #do a local comapare using diff
comp_filename=$(basename "$x")
#Ignore Comments, no white space, no blank lines, and only report if different but not How different
if diff -bBq -I '^#' $x $qa >/dev/null
# Fails to catch files if the Comment then the start of a line
echo $comp_filename " differs more then just white space, or
echo $x >> /output/filesDiffer.txt
You can pipe the output into grep -v
Like this:
diff -bBq | grep -v "^#"
I was able to get this figured out using this method
if diff -bBqZ -I '^#' <(grep -vE '(thing1|thing2|thing3)' $x) <(grep -vE '(thing1|thing2|thing3)' $prdfile)

Shell or Perl script to rename folders from a text file

I'm trying t look for a way to rename folders in Linux via a shell or perl script based on the first two columns in a .txt file:
Example of text file
current_dir1 new_dir1
current_dir2 new_dir2
current_dir3 new_dir3
current_dir50 new_dir50
Then the shell/Perl script would create another file with all the mv commands to run based on what's in the list: or .pl
mv /home/pete1/current_dir1 /home/pete1/new_dir1
mv /home/pete1/current_dir2 /home/pete1/new_dir2
mv /home/pete1/current_dir3 /home/pete1/new_dir3
mv /home/pete1/current_dir2 /home/pete1/new_dir2
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r oldname newname; do
# remove echo if happy with result
# if you remove echo it will rename
echo mv "$folder_path/$oldname" "$folder_path/$newname";
done < rename.txt
If you make done < rename.txt to done < rename.txt > it will write all commands which is result of echo

How to pipe files one by one from list into script?

I have a list of files that I need to pipe into a shell script. I can list the files within a directory by using the following:
ls ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILE*
resulting in:
and so on...
I have another script that performs some processing on a single file (2121.SOMEFILEaa) which I run by using the following command:
bash runscript ../data/2121/2121.SOMEFILEaa
However, I need to make this more efficient by piping individual files from the list of files generated via ls into the script. How can I pipe the results from the ls ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILES* command--file by file--into the runscript script?
Another option
ls ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILE* | xargs -L1 bash runscript
I think you are looking for this:
for file in ~/data/2121/*SOMEFILE*; do
bash runscript "$file"
In this way, you're calling bash runscript for each file.
$ cat
## Store data from pipe to variable $PIPE ------#
_read_pipe(){ #
while read -t 10 pipe; do
if [ -n "$pipe" ] ;then
PIPE="$PIPE $pipe" ;fi ;done ;}
## your code -----------------------------------#
_read_pipe #
for kung_foo in $PIPE ;do
echo $kung_foo ;done
$ ls 2121.SOMEFILE* | ./
and so on...
[ -t ] is for timeout
I hope this helps,
cheers Karim
