How to do code coverage for protractor cucumber - node.js

I know there are lots of tools available for doing code coverage test for Mocha/Jasmine tests. But my automation framework is protractor-cucumber framework. Is there any code coverage process that can be done for this? Any tools or example can be appreciated.

As far as I know, code coverage is to understand how much of the application code is covered in unit testing as it will have access to almost every line of application code.
Protractor is a end to end based automation testing tool. You should be thinking about functional/scenario coverage rather than code coverage.


Node.js test coverage

Could anyone, please, recommend simple test coverage tool for Node.js without using Mocha because I use simple functions from assert module of Node in my own test framework.
The standard library for code coverage is nyc, so that's my suggestion; however, you aren't going to get code coverage to work with a test framework you came up with yourself for free -- you'll need to make sure you are instrumenting the appropriate source files so the report contains what you expect.
The following links, which discuss non-standard uses of nyc (non-standard meaning, not jasmine or mocha) might be useful - one for classic istanbul, one for the newer nyc:
You can use Jest and Supertest.
Jest ->
SuperTest ->

How to test using Jest

I am new to Jest. Looking Jest as a unit testing framework, How can it be used for testing a website. I could found Jest examples applies to validation of Java script business functionalities but how can it be used for a website testing similar to Selenium. It would be really great if somebody could provide an update.
Thanks in Advance.
Jest can't be used for end to end integration tests. It is focused on testing isolated features of your application's logic.

Need a Code Coverage tool for application in NodeJS

My Application runs on NodeJS and my Test Automation is in Java. I am looking for an appropriate code coverage tool.
Kindly excuse if inappropriate question. I am a beginner.
#AnshulG, I think you can not make a code-coverage report without tricks.
Code Coverage is a measurement of how many lines/blocks/arcs of your
code are executed while the unit tests are running.
You don't have unit tests, because the application written in Node.js, tests are written in Java.

node-qunit, code coverage tool

For nodejs backend server code Unit Testing, I am using node-qunit with grunt.
Is there any code coverage tool using node-qunit module?
Maximum code coverage tool I am seeing needs headless browser support, ex. PhantomJS, but if I run using this, then I get syntax errors for nodejs keywords, like "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: require" etc.
So which tool I can use for code coverage for nodejs backend code testing using node-qunit.
If you're solely testing backend code, there's no need to run the tests in a headless browser like PhantomJS. For running code coverage analysis in node, I can recommend istanbul.
But I'm not sure if it works out of the box with node-qunit. However mocha is a popular node.js test runner with a qunit-interface, and qunit-mocha-ui delivers QUnit's assertions for mocha. So you could migrate your tests with only little effort.

Can I generate code coverage from deployments on azure?

We would like to be able to deploy our code to azure and then run integration/acceptance tests on the deployed instances to validate the functionality, as using the emulator does not always give realistic results.
We would also like to have these tests generate code coverage reports which we could then merge in with the code coverage from our unit tests. We are using TeamCity as our build server with the built in dotcover as our code coverage tool.
Can we do this? Does anyone have any pointers on where to start?
Check out this video
Kudu can be extended to run Unit Tests and much more more using Custom Deployment Scripts.
