How to test using Jest - jestjs

I am new to Jest. Looking Jest as a unit testing framework, How can it be used for testing a website. I could found Jest examples applies to validation of Java script business functionalities but how can it be used for a website testing similar to Selenium. It would be really great if somebody could provide an update.
Thanks in Advance.

Jest can't be used for end to end integration tests. It is focused on testing isolated features of your application's logic.


What is the difference between Serenity BDD Framework and Cucumber tool

Today I've got some theoretical question. I have a little experience in BDD with Cucumber. Now I started working in API testing and I faced with Serenity BDD framework on my new project. It is used with Cucumber. So I would like to clarify what is the difference between Serenity BDD Framework and Cucumber and why can't we use just Cucumber for our tests, because it seems to me, like these two tools are doing the same job. Could anybody give me some explanation or maybe some link to correspondent documentation. Thanks in advance!
No, those are 2 different things.
Cucumber is the layer to map BDD syntax, which is written in .feature file, with actual code that does the job.
Serenity BDD is the framework supporting 3 different approaches:
Cucumber: same features as stand-alone cucumber, can work with UI or API Automation
Page Object: works with UI automation (selenium)
Screenplay: a design pattern for UI and API automation
Serenity BDD does many things for auto testers that:
Config-oriented: or serenity.conf. For example: take screenshot when FOR_EACH_ACTION, BEFORE_AND_AFTER_EACH_STEP, AFTER_EACH_STEP, FOR_FAILURES, DISABLED. This is really helpful for debugging.
Living report: much more better comparing to cucumber.
Wrap other libs in nice and clean APIs: serenity-appium, serenity-browserstack, serenity-cucumber, serenity-rest-assured, serenity-saucelabs, serenity-shutterbug1x ... You see all of them at

How to do code coverage for protractor cucumber

I know there are lots of tools available for doing code coverage test for Mocha/Jasmine tests. But my automation framework is protractor-cucumber framework. Is there any code coverage process that can be done for this? Any tools or example can be appreciated.
As far as I know, code coverage is to understand how much of the application code is covered in unit testing as it will have access to almost every line of application code.
Protractor is a end to end based automation testing tool. You should be thinking about functional/scenario coverage rather than code coverage.

Is it possible to generate the test coverage for a project using Jest which is tested with Chai JS?

I have a project which has various unit tests running successfully using chai js.
Is it possible to use Jest and generate the coverage for this project without rewriting unit tests with Jest JS?
Please provide any documentation to support
It is not possible to do so without rewriting unit tests with Jest JS.
You can search for plugins otherwise
It isn't because Jest has no way to understand your Chai tests.
You will have to migrate them to Jest. As their interfaces are pretty much similar it will not be a painful task.
Airbnb details why and how they do it from Mocha to Jest on a large codebase in this Medium post.
It is possible to migrate from chai using jest-codemods. However you might have to rewrite some configurations and tests(for version compatibility). You can automate changes to your codebase through this.
Please go through these links for further details.

API testing using protractor+jasmine

Does anybody using protractor with jasmine to do API testing. While searching for this I get to know that using frisby.js we can do API testing. But, my doubt is that whether protractor or jasmine directly supports/provides functions for API testing. Did anybody tried this? If so, what is the approach that I need to follow ?
Thanks in advance.
Protractor is meant for e2e testing and e2e tests are supposed to test the flow of an application from user standpoint, in spite of that you should test your API calls not directly but rather through testing user actions and if actions perform as intended it means the API that they rely on work.
If you want to do tests for API to catch errors early without having to run full e2e test suite you should use frisby.js as you've mentioned to confirm all APIs are A-OK and you can follow then with e2e tests when you are sure that all should be working.
IMO it's better to use the tools for what they were designed.

unit testing for node.js

I looked into various frameworks for writing unit tests for an application developed in node.js. There exists multiple options like: nodeunit, jasmine-node, should.js library in Mocha. All seems to be pretty much capable of testing everything. I couldn't find any limitation of any of above mentioned options.
I will prefer to use nodeunit as it seems easy to use as a beginner. Any suggestion about any limitation of nodeunit would be highly helpful before I start working on this. Or any suggestion if anyone thinks that there exists a easier and better option for unit testing in node.js.
I previously used JUnit in Java and want to find similar testing framework. It was hard for me to getting started with BDD frameworks like Mocha. Finally I stoped on node unit. All advanced functions which I couldn't find in node unit was finded in expect.js. Also important testing framework in web application context is superagent(which helps to make requests, and get responce on tests), it was easy to mix with node unit, and easy to test async code. One more nice thing there is plugin for WebStorm :)
