Running ACI with SQL Server on premises - azure

I have a container (linux .NET Core) running in Azure. This application reads from Azure Service Bus and writes information in a database on-premises.
The connection to ASB is working fine but when the application tries to connect to SQL Server, I get a timeout. Initially, I was running the container with no network setup (the 'None' option). Then I went to public and it now gives me an IP address.
My infrastructure team added this IP to our firewall but either Azure is trying to access it with a different IP address OR the connection never leaves the Docker environment.
ps.: I have an App Service running (.NET Core API) and it does connect to the same SQL Server (same IP address) correctly.

Since the IP address that outgoing from the Azure container group is random from Azure cloud IP list, you can not directly add its IP to the firewall. You can vote up this feature request for using the same exposed public IP for outbound traffic starting from the container group.
Currently, you could deploy container instances into an Azure virtual network, then the container could communicate with on-premises resources through a VPN gateway or ExpressRoute. For more details, you could see enable containers to use Azure Virtual Network capabilities.


Azure Linux Container Web App does not resolve name within the vnet using private DNS

vnet is connected to my Web App through which I can communicate with other services and applications. When I specify the internal IP of another application to my application, everything works fine. But now the task has come from the management to remake it to use the internal DNS server and internal DNS names. In Azure vnet, in the DNS servers settings, I specified the IP of my DNS servers. I added - now work. If you connect Windows VM to the network everything works fine. Perhaps something needs to be added to the Dockerfile or Linux Container Web App settings so that integration with vnet and DNS works.
If your web application is integrated with the virtual network, your application would be able to communicate with the applications in the virtual network
After integrating your web application with the virtual network, you need to perform sync network action
Go to Azure portal --> Go to your App Service plan where the web app is hosted --> Under Networking, select Virtual Network Integration --> select Sync Network
Once the sync action is complete, you would be able to communicate with your internal application using the DNS name from your web application
Reference: Name resolution for resources in Azure virtual networks | Microsoft Docs

Azure web app accessing service fabric's virtual network

I have a Service Fabric cluster hosting many legacy WCF services and I would like to connect an Azure App Service (running a website) to the fabric cluster's VNET, such that it can communicate with the WCF services in the cluster.
I connected my fabric cluster's VNET to an existing virtual network of our organization using VNET peering and I can connect to the WCF services from VMs within the existing virtual network.
However, when connecting from the app service, I got the following error:
Could not connect to net.tcp:// The connection attempt
lasted for a time span of 00:00:00. TCP error code 10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
I have configured an internal load balancer and its working ok if I connect from within the virtual network. Does anyone know why it doesn't work for the web app?
If you want to access the resources in a VNet from Azure App Service, you could enable networking for app service. Note that
VNet Integration gives your web app access to resources in your
virtual network but doesn't grant inbound private access to your web
app from the virtual network. Private site access refers to making
your app only accessible from a private network such as from within an
Azure virtual network. VNet Integration is only for making outbound
calls from your app into your VNet.
There are two versions of VNet integration, you could use Regional VNet Integration if service fabric's virtual network in the same region as your web app.

What ip address do you use to connect to a VM from a Web App through point-to-site VNET Integration?

I have a .Net Web API deployed as a Web App and am trying to connect it to a MySQL db on a VM in a virtual network, but it's responding with a 500 internal server error.
My VNET just consists of one VM with no DNS or site-to-site configuration.
The preview portal says VNET Integration is connected, my certificates are in sync and the gateway is online.
I gave my VM a static IP address which I'm using in my web.config connection string, thinking requests would be routed through the gateway to the VM, but according to my general mysql log their aren't any connection attempts to the mysql server.
The address I gave my VM is within the range of addresses being routed to the VNET, and I setup an endpoint on the VM for the port I'm trying to connect to mysql on with an access rule that allows all connections, so I'm not sure why the connection doesn't appear to be getting through the gateway to my VM.
You may check this link which provides instructions on how to connect Azure App Service - Web App with Azure Virtual Network, so that it can use resources visible within network itself:
App Service supports three ways to connect to VNETs.
ASE - (App Service Environment) is a dedicated Cloud Service that includes all the needed pieces for App Service and as such can be joined to a VNET. A good starting point on ASE is this blog (
Hybrid Connections - an agent based way to punch an application specific "wormhole" through network boundaries (
Virtual Networks - a way to "dial up" from an App Service App into an network (

Connect Azure Cloud Service in Virtual Network to Azure SQL database

I have an Azure Cloud Service (Worker Role) that needs to connect to my Azure SQL database and also connect to an external database.
In development the external database was on the public Internet and connectivity was not a problem.
However, the solution now needs to be deployed in a production environment and access to the external database is to be restricted by setting up a Virtual Network.
The Cloud Service, when deployed in the Virtual Network, gets an IP from the subnet, but seems to become inaccessible to the outside world, and is not connecting to the Azure SQL database (I also cannot RDP to it).
This seems to be beyond my level of understanding of networking, but I don't see why it should lose access to its neighbours in the Azure environment.
What am I missing? Do I need to get involved with Endpoints? Is the Virtual Network misconfigured?
Thanks in advance.
Your question is quite vague, in terms that it does describe the whole picture in the best possible way. Let me put my answer based on my understanding about your issue.
First of all - Azure virtual Network is Virtual Network. It is designed to enable secure cross-premisses connectivity with Windows Azure Data Center.
When you deploy a proper PaaS Cloud Service (Worker Role / Web Role) in a Virtual Network, the role instances get IP Addresses allocated from the defined DHCP pool (the VNet Definition).
When you deploy any service in an Azure Virtual Network you have to take care of Name Resolution! Meaning that, if you do not provide a proper DNS Server, your cloud instances will not be able to resolve any address. That includes Azure SQL Database servers. More on Name Resolution can be read here.
Next, but not less important - Azure SQL Database servers are not part of, and, as of March'2013, cannot be added to Azure Virtual Network!
The last statement means that in order for your Worker Role to access Azre SQL Database server, you need to provide a proper DNS server in your Azure Virtual Network.
And lastly, when you deploy a PaaS service into a Virtual Network, in order to access it via Remote Desktop need to:
* Properly enable and configure RDP extension. it will anyway create Input Endpoint. But this is the only way to enable RDP on PaaS right now;
* You could probably enable RDP via PowerShell startup script and access RDP via the VPN tunnel for the Virtual Network - say you configured a Site-to-Site or Point-to-site VPN for your Azure VNet.
Check the building cross-premises Virtual Network guide here.

Database hosted in Azure virtual machine is the same as if hosted on normal remote hosts?

I would like to host a firebird database in an Azure virtual machine.
Normally, I would indicate in a program a connection like this:
hostname:databasename connect to remote host. In azure, you cannot do that.
I would need to connect with something like:
The client would be talking to ? thinking that someport is the port to communicate with the database server.
So it seems I would need a proxy to login-connect to windows azure cloud resources and the client would then use the proxy to talk with the database server. This looks like a hassle - are there any alternatives?
I'm not entirely sure of your Cloud architecture in Azure, but assuming you have one VM with your DB installed you should be able to open up a a public endpoint (via the portal for your Cloud Service) and connect to that via it's public IP address & the port).
Windows Azure does have more advanced features that allows you to connect to specific VM's within a Cloud Service via Port Forwarding.
Michael Washam has a great blog post on this 'Windows Azure Virtual Machines':
The architecture of cloud services makes endpoint configuration
interesting. Since each cloud service has a single public IP address
but multiple virtual machines can reside in it how do you address
individual servers directly in a non-load balanced fashion?
Port forwarding allows you to configure an endpoint on a specific VM
listening on any of the ephemeral ports that will then be forwarded to
the correct internal port.
