Azure web app accessing service fabric's virtual network - azure

I have a Service Fabric cluster hosting many legacy WCF services and I would like to connect an Azure App Service (running a website) to the fabric cluster's VNET, such that it can communicate with the WCF services in the cluster.
I connected my fabric cluster's VNET to an existing virtual network of our organization using VNET peering and I can connect to the WCF services from VMs within the existing virtual network.
However, when connecting from the app service, I got the following error:
Could not connect to net.tcp:// The connection attempt
lasted for a time span of 00:00:00. TCP error code 10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
I have configured an internal load balancer and its working ok if I connect from within the virtual network. Does anyone know why it doesn't work for the web app?

If you want to access the resources in a VNet from Azure App Service, you could enable networking for app service. Note that
VNet Integration gives your web app access to resources in your
virtual network but doesn't grant inbound private access to your web
app from the virtual network. Private site access refers to making
your app only accessible from a private network such as from within an
Azure virtual network. VNet Integration is only for making outbound
calls from your app into your VNet.
There are two versions of VNet integration, you could use Regional VNet Integration if service fabric's virtual network in the same region as your web app.


Configure and verify Vnet in Azure

I have created a Virtual Network next to its subnet and integrated it into three service applications and created the rule on the firewall of my SQL Azure server.
Everything is in the same Azure subscription and region
I need to know if it is enough to direct all the traffic between these instances through the virtual network or do I need to configure some other aspect.
And how can I query the data traffic to verify that the virtual network is being used?
Azure Virtual Network (VNets) allows to place Azure resources in a non-internet-routable network.
Using Azure App Service regional VNet Integration, the web app connects to Azure through an AppSvcSubnet delegated subnet in an Azure Virtual Network.
Virtual Network only routes traffic and is otherwise empty, but other subnets and workloads could also run in the Virtual Network.
The App Service and Private Link subnets could be in separate peered Virtual Networks, for example as part of a hub-and-spoke network configuration. For regional VNet Integration, the peered Virtual Networks must be located in the same Azure region.
Azure Private Link sets up a private endpoint for the Azure SQL database in the PrivateLinkSubnet of the Virtual Network.
The web app connects to the SQL Database private endpoint through the PrivateLinkSubnet of the Virtual Network.
The database firewall allows only traffic coming from the PrivateLinkSubnet to connect, making the database inaccessible from the public internet.

Can Azure App Services have fixed MAC addresses?

I've got an Azure app service that I'd like to use to run some software that requires licensing. The license is provided via a server on our internal network. The issue being finding a way to connect to this server.
The first option is to provide a fixed license that ties to the MAC address. However I don't think this will be possible from an app service, as it does not really have a MAC address? Can I provide a VNI to it and obtain a fixed MAC address that way?
What other options are there? Can the app service be tied to a VNET that can tunnel to the on-premises resource? Should I use a VM with a VNI instead of an app service? Any resources on these kind of problems would be appreciated.
I have used Azure Relay to connect my on-prem service with my app service. Not sure if you have already considered this option.
If your requirement is to establish a connection between your on-prem service and you app service, check out this
Hope this helps
You could use VNet Integration with Azure App service and Azure VPN gateway to connect to on-premise resources. VNet Integration is used only to make outbound calls from your app into your VNet. There are Regional VNet Integration and Gateway-required VNet Integration.
How regional VNet Integration works
Regional VNet Integration works by mounting virtual interfaces with
addresses in the delegated subnet. Because the from address is in your
VNet, it can access most things in or through your VNet like a VM in
your VNet would. The networking implementation is different than
running a VM in your VNet. That's why some networking features aren't
yet available for this feature.
How gateway-required VNet Integration works
Gateway-required VNet Integration is built on top of point-to-site VPN
technology. Point-to-site VPNs limit network access to the virtual
machine that hosts the app. Apps are restricted to send traffic out to
the internet only through Hybrid Connections or through VNet
Integration. When your app is configured with the portal to use
gateway-required VNet Integration, a complex negotiation is managed on
your behalf to create and assign certificates on the gateway and the
application side. The result is that the workers used to host your
apps are able to directly connect to the virtual network gateway in
the selected VNet.
For more information, you could read this blog---How to Connect Azure Web Apps To On-Premises
In addition, If you need more control of the application deployment and less scale out or in than the Azure app service. You could host your application on the Azure VM, then set up a VPN gateway in that VNet where Azure VM locate, it allows access to the on-premise resources from your Azure VM as usual in the internal network.

How to integrate Azure Web App with a VNet with gateway transit

I have two VNets: A and B.
VNet B has a VPN gateway and connected to an on-premise network. VNet A is peered with VNet B with transit gateway enabled. This works perfectly for virtual machines. I deploy VMs to VNet A and can access on-premise resources from there VMs.
Now I want to deploy a Web App and connect it to VNet A, so the web app will have access to on-premise resources. But to do so, I need to add a VPN gateway into the network A, which is impossible when the network is peered with another network with Use remote gateway option on. But I need this option to be on to have access to on-premise resources.
What should I do? How I can give access from Web App to on-premise resources without using App Service Environment? Is it possible?
Basically, I need the combination of these two schemes
In this case, you should integrate with VNet B from the Azure web app. Also, It will be integrated with a point-to-site VPN enabled VNet. There is a new version of the VNet Integration feature that is in preview. It doesn't depend on point-to-site VPN. From your scenario, the web app is working like " VPN clients" in a P2S connection on the second picture.
Here are some things to keep in mind before connecting your web app to a virtual network:
A target virtual network must have point-to-site VPN enabled with a
route-based gateway before it can be connected to app. The VNet must
be in the same subscription as your App Service Plan(ASP). The apps
that integrate with a VNet use the DNS that is specified for that

Connect web app with cross subscription Vnet to Vnet connect to virtual machine

Currently I have a web app deployed on an Azure subscription and a VM deployed on another subscription.
I would like to connect both the web app and the VM to the same virtual network. I've set up a virtual network on the web app subscription with a virtual network gateway. I've also set up a virtual network on the VM subscription with a corresponding virtual network gateway.
However, after establishing the Vnet to Vnet connection between the two gateways, my app is unable to connect to the VM using the internal ip of the VM. Furthermore, the connection status between the two gateways occasionally show up as "unknown".
Does anyone know what's going wrong here? Is there some better way I can connect a web app with a VM on another Azure subscription?
The app is deployed as a web service.

What ip address do you use to connect to a VM from a Web App through point-to-site VNET Integration?

I have a .Net Web API deployed as a Web App and am trying to connect it to a MySQL db on a VM in a virtual network, but it's responding with a 500 internal server error.
My VNET just consists of one VM with no DNS or site-to-site configuration.
The preview portal says VNET Integration is connected, my certificates are in sync and the gateway is online.
I gave my VM a static IP address which I'm using in my web.config connection string, thinking requests would be routed through the gateway to the VM, but according to my general mysql log their aren't any connection attempts to the mysql server.
The address I gave my VM is within the range of addresses being routed to the VNET, and I setup an endpoint on the VM for the port I'm trying to connect to mysql on with an access rule that allows all connections, so I'm not sure why the connection doesn't appear to be getting through the gateway to my VM.
You may check this link which provides instructions on how to connect Azure App Service - Web App with Azure Virtual Network, so that it can use resources visible within network itself:
App Service supports three ways to connect to VNETs.
ASE - (App Service Environment) is a dedicated Cloud Service that includes all the needed pieces for App Service and as such can be joined to a VNET. A good starting point on ASE is this blog (
Hybrid Connections - an agent based way to punch an application specific "wormhole" through network boundaries (
Virtual Networks - a way to "dial up" from an App Service App into an network (
