notepad++ - search and replace for a word and remove line - search

hopefully I can make this understandable:
Just say I have this text in a file:
bash-4.2$ 336
bash-4.2$ 401
bash-4.2$ 403
bash-4.2$ 404
bash-4.2$ 735
bash-4.2$ 894
bash-4.2$ 909
I want to remove everything on the lines that start "bash", so I am looking for this output:
I have been using the regular expression search (with the help of and if I use this search "bash.*" it removes the line but not the carriage return.
When I change this search to "bash.*\n" it does not find anything (despite regex101 saying it would work).
I think I am missing something obvious and simple but I cannot see the trees for the woods.
Any help is much appreciated.

Find what: ^bash-.+\R
Replace with: LEAVE EMPTY
CHECK Match case
CHECK Wrap around
CHECK Regular expression
UNCHECK . matches newline
Replace all
^ # beginning of line
bash- # literally
.+ # 1 or more any character but newline
\R #any kind of linebreak
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):


vi keep only first 10 characters of a column

how do i do this in vi?
awk -F"," awk '{print substr($1,1,10)}'
I only want to keep the first 10 characters of my date column (example 2014-01-01) and not include the timestamp.
I tried to do it in awk but i got this error:
sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence
I believe it is a bash_profile setting error.
This is what i have in my bash_profile:
#export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
#export LOCALE=UTF-8
export LC_CTYPE=C
export LANG=C
in vim, do:
:%norm! 11|D
this will affect all lines in your buffer.
If you like, :s could do this job too.
:%s/: apply the substitution to all the lines
.\{,10}: match anything up to 10 times (greedy)
\zs: indicates the beginning of the match
.*: match the rest of the line
/: end of the first part of :s
/: end of the second part of s (since there's nothing between the two /, replace with nothing, ie delete)
For editing blocks of text there is a -- VISUAL BLOCK -- mode accessible via CTRL-V (on Windows ussually CTRL-Q). Then you can press d to delete your selection.
Or with a simple substitute command
\%>10c - matches after tenth column
. - matches any single character but not an end-of-line
* - matches 0 or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible
Or you can use range
This would substitute for the first three lines.

Replace a line containing certain characters using vi

I'd like to replace all line containining "CreateTime=xxxxx" with "CreateTime=2012-01-04 00:00". May I know how should I do it with vim?
CreateTime=2012-01-09 22:00
CreateTime=2012-01-09 00:00
CreateTime=2012-01-08 17:00
You can use the global substitute operator for this.
:%s/CreateTime=.*$/CreateTime=2012-01-04 00:00/g
You can read the help for the s command from within Vim using:
:help :s
You can read about patterns with :help pattern-overview.
As requested, a bit more about the regular expression match (CreateTime=.*$):
CreateTime= # this part is just a string
. # "." matches any character
* # "*" modifies the "." to mean "0 or more" of any character
$ # "$" means "end of line"
Taken together, it matches CreateTime= followed by any series of characters, consuming the rest of the line.

bash: Execute a string as a command

See my previous question on assembling a specific string here.
I was given an answer to that question, but unfortunately the information didn't actually help me accomplish what I was trying to achieve.
Using the info from that post, I have been able to assemble the following set of strings: gnuplot -e "filename='output_N.csv'" 'plot.p' where N is replaced by the string representation of an integer.
The following loop will explain: (Actually, there is probably a better way of doing this loop, which you may want to point out - hopefully the following code won't upset too many people...)
1 #!/bin/bash
2 n=0
3 for f in output_*.csv
4 do
5 FILE="\"filename='output_"$n".csv'\""
6 SCRIPT="'plot.p'"
7 COMMAND="gnuplot -e $FILE $SCRIPT"
9 n=$(($n+1))
10 done
Unfortunately this didn't work... gnuplot does run, but gives the following error message:
line 0: invalid command
line 0: invalid command
line 0: invalid command
line 0: invalid command
So, as I said before, I'm no expert in bash. My guess is that something isn't being interpreted correctly - either something is being interpreted as a string where it shouldn't or it is not being interpreted as a string where it should? (Just a guess?)
How can I fix this problem?
The first few (relevant) line of my gnuplot script are the following:
(Note the use of the variable filename which was entered as a command line argument. See this link.)
30 fit f(x) filename using 1:4:9 via b,c,e
32 plot filename every N_STEPS using 1:4:9 with yerrorbars title "RK45 Data", f(x) title "Landau Model"
Easy fix - I made a mistake with the quotation marks. ("")
Essentially, the only reason why the quotation marks " and " are required around the text filename='output_"$n".csv' is so that this string is interpreted correctly by bash, before executing the command! So indeed it is correct that the program runs when the command gnuplot -e "filename='output_0.csv'" 'plot.p' is entered into the terminal directly, but the quotation marks are NOT required when assembling the string beforehand. (This is a bit difficult to explain, but hopefully it is clear in your mind the difference between the 2.)
So the corrected version of the above code is:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 n=0
3 for f in output_*.csv
4 do
5 FILE="filename='output_"$n".csv'"
6 SCRIPT='plot.p'
7 COMMAND="gnuplot -e $FILE $SCRIPT"
9 n=$(($n+1))
10 done
That is now corrected and working. Note the removal of the escaped double quotes.

Add blank line before a certain phrase in a text file in Linux?

I'm using Kali Linux, trying to sort out some input from Nmap. Basically, I ran a scan from NMap, and need to extract specific pieces of information from it. I've got it to show everything I need using the following command:
cat discovery.txt | grep 'Nmap scan report for\|Service Info: OS:\|OS CPE:\|OS guesses:\|OS matches\|OS details'
Essentially, each section of information I need will start with "Nmap scan report for [IP ADDRESS]"
I'd like to add to my command to have it create a blank line before every appearance of the word "Nmap", to clearly separate each chunk of information.
Is there any command I can use to do this?
sed '/Nmap/i
' file
That's a literal newline after the i
A demo: add a newline before each line ending with a "0" or a "5"
seq 19 | sed '/0$\|5$/i
Sure, you can use Perl.
perl -pe 's/^Nmap/\nNmap/'

How do I remove the first string on every line in vim?

I have a text file that's thousands of lines long. Every line starts with a string of 8 hex numbers. I need to remove this string on every line. How do I do this in vim?
Use ^V for block select, highlight your eight columns, and delete as normal.
Or use :s:
Replace first 8 hex chars (0-9 digits, a-f/A-F letters) on any line with empty string:
If the line is
12345678 Something else
a total of 9 chars is to be removed from the head of each line, in VIM
should do the trick (9 dots),
: to tell vim you want to enter a command
1,$ means the command affects from line 1 to the last (or g global)
s means substitute
^ means beginning of line
..... means 5 (any) chars
s/^.....// means replace 5 chars at start of line with nothing
edit to match the number of hex chars from the question..
use cut command. This way is much more straight forward.
echo '12345678 Something else' | cut -c 10-
Something else
Just remind, cut index string start from 1 instead of 0.
In vi, we could just run cut in vi:
:%!cut -c 10-
