vi keep only first 10 characters of a column - vim

how do i do this in vi?
awk -F"," awk '{print substr($1,1,10)}'
I only want to keep the first 10 characters of my date column (example 2014-01-01) and not include the timestamp.
I tried to do it in awk but i got this error:
sed: RE error: illegal byte sequence
I believe it is a bash_profile setting error.
This is what i have in my bash_profile:
#export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
#export LOCALE=UTF-8
export LC_CTYPE=C
export LANG=C

in vim, do:
:%norm! 11|D
this will affect all lines in your buffer.
If you like, :s could do this job too.

:%s/: apply the substitution to all the lines
.\{,10}: match anything up to 10 times (greedy)
\zs: indicates the beginning of the match
.*: match the rest of the line
/: end of the first part of :s
/: end of the second part of s (since there's nothing between the two /, replace with nothing, ie delete)

For editing blocks of text there is a -- VISUAL BLOCK -- mode accessible via CTRL-V (on Windows ussually CTRL-Q). Then you can press d to delete your selection.
Or with a simple substitute command
\%>10c - matches after tenth column
. - matches any single character but not an end-of-line
* - matches 0 or more of the preceding atom, as many as possible
Or you can use range
This would substitute for the first three lines.


how to visualise and delete trailing newline at the end of file in vim\nvim

Sometimes I need to edit files which should not end with a newline.
However vim\nvim by default do not visualise in any way the newline character at the end of file. Therefore I am not able to:
visually confirm if the file has a newline character at the end or not
remove that character
Are there any setting which would allow me to see the tailing newline character and edit it in the same way as any other characters?
For example, after create 2 files as follows:
echo test > file-with-newline
echo -n test > file-without-newline
opening first one with nvim file-with-newline shows:
opening second one with nvim file-without-newline shows:
Navigating with the cursor to the end of line in either case yields the same result (the cursor stops after last visible character: t). There is no way to tell if the newline is there or not, let alone remove it using familiar commands used to remove ordinary characters (or newlines within the file).
You can enable the option :help 'list':
:set list
to show that "newline character" as a $ at the end of the line (among other things):
Note, however, that the option doesn't make the character "editable" in any way.
if the file has a newline character at the end or not
:set eol?
remove that character
:set noeol nofixeol

Re run previous command with different arguments

If you want to re run a command with the same arguments you can do something like this:
vim long_filename
cat !$ #same as 'cat long_filename'
This saves having to type out the previous argument again when it is passed to cat.
However, how would I pass arguments that are not the same to the last run script/command?
long_annoying_script_name arg1 arg2
? arg3 arg4 #? signifies shortcut symbols such as '!$'
Of course I could just press the 'up' arrow and delete the arguments and type the new ones, but is there a shorter/faster way?
I DO NOT want to assign an alias.
!:0 should do the trick. From the zsh documentation:
Word Designators
A word designator indicates which word or words of a given command line
are to be included in a history reference. A `:' usually separates the
event specification from the word designator. It may be omitted only
if the word designator begins with a `^', `$', `*', `-' or `%'. Word
designators include:
0 The first input word (command).
n The nth argument.
^ The first argument. That is, 1.
$ The last argument.
% The word matched by (the most recent) ?str search.
x-y A range of words; x defaults to 0.
* All the arguments, or a null value if there are none.
x* Abbreviates `x-$'.
x- Like `x*' but omitting word $.
(It works with bash, too.) There’s also !-1 if you find that more convenient to type.
Alt+0+.: inserts last command without the arguments
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with the default keybinding settings (i.e Emacs keybindings)
You can combine keyboard shortcuts
Let's consider the last command to be:
mv foo bar
up , Ctrl+w: last command without the last word = mv foo
Alt+0+.: first argument of last command = mv
Some useful shortcuts:
Alt+.: insert last argument from last command (repeat to go back in history)
Alt+number+.: insert #nth last argument from last command (repeat to go back in history)
Alt+- , number , Alt+., zsh: Alt+-+#+.: insert #nth first argument from last command (repeat to go back in history)
Cut commands (relative to cursor's position)
Ctrl+w: cuts last word
Alt+d: cuts next word
Ctrl+k: cuts everything after
Ctrl+u, zsh: Alt+w: cuts everything before
zsh: Ctrl+u: cuts the entire command (In bash you can combine Ctrl+u , Ctrl+k)
Ctrl+y: paste characters previously cut with any Cut command. In bash You can chain cut commands, and Ctrl+y will paste them all.
Ctrl+_: undo last edit (very useful when exceeding Ctrl+w)
Ctrl+left: move to last word
Ctrl+right: move to next word
home or Ctrl+a: move to start of command
end or Ctrl+e: move to end of command
To see all shortcuts available
bash: bind -lp
zsh: bindkey -L
Unfortunately there are some limitations
"words" only includes a-zA-Z characters, so any symbol character will stop word-shortcuts.
So if last argument was a url and you want to erase it with Ctrl+w it will be a pain.
E.g: curl -I --header "Connection: Keep-Alive"
To erase that url using Ctrl+w, you'd have to repeat it 12 times.
It would be great to have similar shortcuts that only stops at the space character
I'm keeping this up-to-date here:

Replace a line containing certain characters using vi

I'd like to replace all line containining "CreateTime=xxxxx" with "CreateTime=2012-01-04 00:00". May I know how should I do it with vim?
CreateTime=2012-01-09 22:00
CreateTime=2012-01-09 00:00
CreateTime=2012-01-08 17:00
You can use the global substitute operator for this.
:%s/CreateTime=.*$/CreateTime=2012-01-04 00:00/g
You can read the help for the s command from within Vim using:
:help :s
You can read about patterns with :help pattern-overview.
As requested, a bit more about the regular expression match (CreateTime=.*$):
CreateTime= # this part is just a string
. # "." matches any character
* # "*" modifies the "." to mean "0 or more" of any character
$ # "$" means "end of line"
Taken together, it matches CreateTime= followed by any series of characters, consuming the rest of the line.

What is the shorthand for the first argument of the previous comment in bash? last is '$!'

What is the special character which indicate first ?
if we do
$ vi .bashrc
$ source !$
this !$ will replaced by .bashrc
because ! means previous line(am I correct?), $ means last word (for sure)
then what is first?
I want to insert some string in every line in vi editor using
in here, if I put
in vi editor, it will append in all lines with example.
I want to insert all in front of all string every line.
I know I can use visual block (ctrl+v) and select all front lines and insert (shift+i) insert some word and escape(esc) will do the same... but I want to do in one shot..
please let me know how to do..
Thanks in advance
There are two questions, so you are getting two kinds of answers :)
The bash command history has only a passing similarity to the vi regular expression syntax.
^ is the beginning of line in vi. $ is the end of line in vi.
!!:0 is one way of accessing the first word of the previous command in bash
!$ is one way of accessing the last word of the previous command in bash
To indicate beginning of line, the symbol used is:
See an example:
$ cat a
this is me
testing some
$ sed 's/^/XXX/' a
XXXthis is me
XXXtesting some
The character you are looking for is ^.
For example, :%s/^/example/g will prepend all lines with the string example.
In bash, !^ refers to the first argument of the previous command, and !$ the last argument.

How do I remove the first string on every line in vim?

I have a text file that's thousands of lines long. Every line starts with a string of 8 hex numbers. I need to remove this string on every line. How do I do this in vim?
Use ^V for block select, highlight your eight columns, and delete as normal.
Or use :s:
Replace first 8 hex chars (0-9 digits, a-f/A-F letters) on any line with empty string:
If the line is
12345678 Something else
a total of 9 chars is to be removed from the head of each line, in VIM
should do the trick (9 dots),
: to tell vim you want to enter a command
1,$ means the command affects from line 1 to the last (or g global)
s means substitute
^ means beginning of line
..... means 5 (any) chars
s/^.....// means replace 5 chars at start of line with nothing
edit to match the number of hex chars from the question..
use cut command. This way is much more straight forward.
echo '12345678 Something else' | cut -c 10-
Something else
Just remind, cut index string start from 1 instead of 0.
In vi, we could just run cut in vi:
:%!cut -c 10-
