I'm using Oracle APEX 5.0 and I want to create some line charts in my application. The default flash charts don't look very nice, so I tried importing some plugins of Flot Line Chart and D3 Line Chart from the Sample Charts dashboard. They look much better however the attributes don't have an option to display the labels. The only option is via a Tooltip. Is it possible to display labels on the lines instead?
The line chart example without any labels:
Expected output is the data points on the line would show the data labels as well.
This is the D3 Line chart plugin i'm using.
I'm just using the sample chart that's provided and the SQL is simply
The available attributes of the chart are:
You can refer to the documentation, please check this url, you will find some good examples
Please find attached example image, mark red color as zoom points.
I want to achieve interactive zooming in line chart, I come to know using SSRS its not feasible. Can you please suggest any software or tool can achieve zoom functionality which can be integrated in SSRS.
Currently i am using drill-down to show another chart
If user drag on particular mark the chart should be zoom on that point.
I am using Vaadin charts from vaadin 7.7.6. When I create a chart where I have several values obtained in different dates, the chart is created correctly. Here I put an image of the obtained result where each value is a pair to be represented.
The issue comes, when I want to convert this chart to a PDF file or create a web service that returns this chart as an image to be included elsewhere.
For creating an image from the chart, I use the SVGGenerator as recommended in the documentation. In general, it works really fine and I am able to create PDFs with charts inside. But with this chart I have an issue if the X axis is using dates. Here I copy the chart after converted to SVG:
(I have removed some chart controls as the Navigation and the Range selector because are useless in an image or PDF).
At the image we can observe that now in the X axis the dates are not showed correctly. I have checked for several hours the issue, and I am pretty sure that the issue is related to the SVGConversor.
Reading the SVGConversor code, I found a withLang(String lang) method. My thought was that maybe, if I set the language, the date is showed correctly (something similar to localization). I am not able to found any documentation of the value needed to this function and therefore, I have tried some values such as en, en_EN, en-EN, English, .... But does not matter the value I put there, always this error is launched:
java.lang.RuntimeException: SVG generation failed: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: en
Still, I am not sure that the withLang(String lang) method is the solution to my issue.
The question is: How can I show the correct dates in the X axis of my chart when converted to SVG?
Seems that the solution at the end was really easy. The issue is that I have not set the xAxis type. It is not a problem when using the chart in a Vaadin view, but it is mandatory for the SVGConverter to know the axis. Then adding this line of code:
Fix the issue with the SVGConverter. Now the chart is represented correctly in my PDF documents.
Is it possible to have the label pointer lines to point within the pie chart area? I found that you can control the line size and bend with the Custom Attributes, "LabelsHorizontalLineSize" and "LabelsRadialLineSize" on the Chart Series, but can they point inside instead of outside?
Basically, I currently have a chart that looks like this:
but I would like it to look like this (with the dots at the end if possible):
Is there a way to do this in Visual Studio SSRS Report Designer?
Short answer, no. This is one of the (many) limitations of SSRS
I was wondering if there is a way to integrate a bar chart and a line chart into "one single chart", where the bars are "on top of the line plot? See picture for a clearer view.
(Obviously the bar-chart is not supposed to be outside the actual plot...)
This is a bit of a hack, but you could create two charts with the chart area fill transparency turned to 100%. This allows charts to be placed on top of each other, but in a way that both can be seen. Turning off any elements in the chart that you don't want (for example, duplicate axis) would enhance the presentation.
Problem solved. It was actually just a matter of scaling data, and using two "line with markers" type charts. The lines in between each dot in the one showing the percentage, were then removed. Then, using a certain layout, a line connecting the two series could appear (as shown in pic).
I made a diagram to show unique columns with several colors in each, as shown in the picture.
I have hundreds of that to make and I have no idea about how to do that.
I would like to know if it's possible to extract each color bar separately and copy them under "Icons". I am not sure if the word "extract" is the correct term, but I would like to display a raw-image of that color bar.
Maybe a formula?
I am able to use Office Excel and Libreoffice Calc.
Thank you so much.
These are instructions to do this manually, but this would be an ideal project to apply VBA and automate these tasks.
The idea is to create each category of stacked bar as its own individual chart, which can then be exported or copied to an image file.
This is based on the "spark lines" concept, which is small, eye-catching graphics embedded within the text of a document, as opposed to large graphics. MS added some sparklines functionality in recent versions of Office apps, and although MS "spark lines" doesn't support stacked bar chart type, the same thing can still be accomplished with a little work.
Step 1: Select one row of the data and do Insert Chart, stacked bar.
Step 2: Select data and Switch Rows & Columns.
Step 3: Delete the gridlines, axes, chart border, etc., .
Step 4: Expand the Plot Area so that it covers the entire Chart Area, and format the data series to 0% gap width.
Step 5: Apply your colors to each point in the series.
Step 6: Resize the chart to fit on a cell.
Finally now that you have created some ChartObjects you can manipulate them. ChartObjects can be Exported as image files, or copy/paste-special as images, bmp, or enhanced metafiles, etc.