cereal::defer and CEREAL_NVP? - cereal

I am trying to use the name-value-pairs functionality and the deferred serialization features of Cereal together, but I can't seem to get it to work.
It seems that cereal::defer( CEREAL_NVP( vecOfSharedPtrs ) ) works in the save(Archive& ar) const function, producing correctly-named output, but writing the same in load(Archive& ar) produces a compilation error.
I get the feeling I'm using it wrong, or it's not supported?

I recently faced the same scenario. I believe you do not need to use cereal::defer in your load function. I have posted a working excerpt below.
template <class Archive>
void load(Archive& archive) {
//deserializes components
template <class Archive>
void save(Archive& archive) const {
//serializes components


Testcafe: using Test Controler in boundTestRun not working

I'm trying to work with shadow roots in my Testcafe project. It's a little bit complicated to deal with it. I create a custom function that behaves the same as Selector().find() but I struggle with this error :
The "boundTestRun" option value is expected to be a test controller.
when I'm doing as documented here :
import { Selector, t } from 'testcafe'
getInShadowRoot = Selector(
// More code here
const boundedGetInShadowRoot = this.getInShadowRoot.with({ boundTestRun: t })
I create a gist to illustrate my problem: https://gist.github.com/HugoDel/a600f3e120674e3f255884f3dc84fee3
Thanks for your help!
I finally get rid of it since I don't need to add .with({ boundTestRun: t }) to make it work.

VC++ UWP app OnNavigatedTo( NavigationEventArgs^ ) won't compile

I'm writing a simple UWP app and get errors with a pretty basic (I think so) thing.
I want to pass some data between pages:
void BusStat::NewTripPage::CreateTrip_Click( Platform::Object^ sender, Windows::UI::Xaml::RoutedEventArgs^ e )
this->Frame->Navigate( Windows::UI::Xaml::Interop::TypeName( TripPage::typeid ), "sometext" );
Which is okay.
Problems occur on second page:
void TripPage::OnNavigatedTo( NavigationEventArgs^ e ) {}
That gives compiler error C2509: OnNavigatedTo': member function not declared in 'BusStat::TripPage'.
And when I declare the function:
void OnNavigatedTo( NavigationEventArgs^ e );
That gives compiler errors C2601 [syntax error] and C2511 ['void BusStat::TripPage::OnNavigatedTo(Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation::NavigationEventArgs ^)': overloaded member function not found in 'BusStat::TripPage']
I must add that an example shown here: https://learn.microsoft.com/pl-pl/windows/uwp/design/basics/navigate-between-two-pages#3-pass-information-between-pages also won't compile for me because of the same reasons.
Any possible solutions?
In the header file, you should declare the method as follows:
virtual void OnNavigatedTo(Windows::UI::Xaml::Navigation::NavigationEventArgs^ e) override;
You can see this in the UWP Samples repository, for example here.

Haxe - Why can I not access a child's attribute without getting an error that the parent does not have the given attribute?

I've recently been getting into Haxe and just started to use HaxeFlixel to load a Tiled .TMX file.
I am creating a TiledMap object and passing it the TMX file path, then I want to iterate over the layers in that object to add them to the game scene. However when I try to access .tileArray (which is a property of TiledTileLayer) I get the following error :-
flixel.addons.editors.tiled.TiledLayer has no field tileArray
Here is the code:
import flixel.FlxState;
import flixel.tile.FlxTilemap;
import flixel.addons.editors.tiled.TiledMap;
import openfl.Assets;
class PlayState extends FlxState
private var _tiled_map:TiledMap;
override public function create():Void
_tiled_map = new TiledMap("assets/data/Map1.tmx");
for(layer in _tiled_map.layers){
var layerData:Array<Int> = layer.tileArray;
override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void
I've found the following example - http://coinflipstudios.com/devblog/?p=182 which seems to work fine for people.
So I wanted to check whether the layer object was a TiledTileLayer as it should be, or TiledLayer, with the following:
Which sure enough yields:
PlayState.hx:24: TClass([class TiledTileLayer])
So if it is a TiledTileLayer which has the field tileArray why is it moaning?
I had a look at the source code (https://github.com/HaxeFlixel/flixel-addons/blob/dev/flixel/addons/editors/tiled/TiledMap.hx#L135) and TiledTileLayer inherits from TiledLayer. Layers is an array of type TiledLayer, so I think this is why it is moaning. I can clearly see that the array is storing child objects of TiledLayer, but as soon as I access any props/methods of those children, it complains that the parent does not have that field? Very confusing!
To run I'm using this command: C:\HaxeToolkit\haxe\haxelib.exe run lime test flash -debug -Dfdb
Thank you!
So if it is a TiledTileLayer which has the field tileArray why is it moaning?
It may be a TiledTileLayer in this case, but that may not always be the case. layers is an Array<TileLayer> after all, so it could be a TiledObjectLayer or a TiledImageLayer as well (which don't have a tileArray field). This can nicely be seen in the code you linked. The concrete type can only be known at runtime, but the error you get happens at compile-time.
If you know for sure there won't be any object or image layers, you can just cast it to a TiledTileLayer. However, just to be safe, it's good practice to check the type beforehand anyway:
for (layer in _tiled_map.layers) {
if (Std.is(layer, TiledTileLayer)) {
var tileLayer:TiledTileLayer = cast layer;
var layerData:Array<Int> = tileLayer.tileArray;
It works without this for the tutorial you linked because it was made for an older version of flixel-addons.

Annoying error "Missing method: public TypeOfResult ..."

I have a DoFixture in the package be.acred.b2c.ws.creditRequest.service.MyFixture
When I run a test using Fitnesse I get the following error message.
Missing method: public TypeOfResult
getBeDotAcredDotB2cDotWsDotCreditRequestDotServiceDotMyFixture() { }
OR: public TypeOfResult
beDotAcredDotB2cDotWsDotCreditRequestDotServiceDotMyFixturee() { }
in class be.acred.b2c.ws.creditRequest.service.MyFixture
I can see that I'm not the only one having that problem but I can't find a solution on the Web.
Ok, I could as well define that method in my fixture, but I'd like to understand why it's there and if there is any cleaner way to get rid of that error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the page code. The same structure works fine when I'm using a ColumnFixture instead of a DoFixture.
!*> Classpath
!pomFile C:\Users\otonglet\WORKSPACES\b2c\pom.xml#test
|form_data|{some json data}|language|en_us|

C#<-->JScript: invisible array?

I have a bit of a complex program which is giving me this apparently phantom error...
I'll start explaining with the help of this little example program I rigged that can throw my beautiful exception for anyone who runs it.
<!-- language: c# -->
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace so_redux {
static class Program {
static void Main(){
CS2JS _class=new CS2JS();
}//class Program
class CS2JS{
public CS2JS(){
Func<String,Object> js_eval=initJS();
Object cs_ic=initCS();
string xc;
object res;
xc=#"function edata(fieldname:String,ival:String):Object{
var sob=System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData('trespasser');
var v1=sob.GetType().GetField(fieldname).GetValue(sob);
function HASH(s1:String,s2:String):Object{
var q1=sob.GetType().GetField(s1).GetValue(sob);
return q1.ITEM(s2);
var v2=v1.ITEM(ival);
return eval(v2);
// var xx;xx=new Hashtable();xx['sda']='1';eval(xx['sda']); OK
Func<String,Object> initJS(){
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider jcc;
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters jcp;
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults jcr;
System.Reflection.Assembly jas;
object jis;
string code;
Type t_ii;
code=#"#set #debug(off)
import System;
import System.Collections;
import System.Collections.Generic;
package internal_namespace{class internal_class{
public function internal_method(_code:String):Object{
return eval(_code);
jcp=new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
return (s1)=>t_ii.InvokeMember("internal_method",System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null,jis,new object[]{s1});
Object initCS(){
var v1= Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters v2=new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
string _code="public Hashtable2 HT;"+
"public void init(){"+
"HT=new Hashtable2();"+
var v3="using System;using System.Collections;using System.Collections.Generic;"+
"namespace internal_namespace{public class Hashtable2:Hashtable{"+
"public Hashtable2():base(){} public Hashtable2(int N):base(N){}"+
"public Object ITEM(Object K){return this[K];} }"+
"[Serializable]public class internal_class{"+
"public internal_class(){}"+
var v4=v1.CompileAssemblyFromSource(v2,v3);
var v5=v4.CompiledAssembly;
var v6=v5.GetType("internal_namespace.internal_class");
var v7=v5.CreateInstance("internal_namespace.internal_class");
return v7;
}//class CS2JS
}//namespace so_redux
The exception that is thrown is "index out of bounds", and it's thrown from JScript. The problem? It's that there is no array!
What this code is doing: first a JScript interpreter is initialized by compiling at runtime a class that "exports" an eval (one could do a dll, but in this case I didn't).
Then a C# assembly is compiled, an assembly that "exports" some user code (the variable _code in initCS is originally loaded by reading a text file).
After the initialization of the newly compiled class (the invoking of init()), I need the two assemblies (JScript and C#) to interact, so I need to pass data between them, and I thought of using AppDomain.
Note: in the C# assembly an Hashtable2 is defined because I put in there an ITEM method that one can use in alternative to the common property this[]: in this way debugging is easier (for examply by showing a holy MessageBox when accessing the values).
So, I pass the class instantiated in initCS to JScript, and JScript reads the internal Hashtable (HT). What I need to do is evaluate the data in the Hashtable, because it is supposed to be able to alter itself dynamically.
Everything works fine if I eval a string not taken from the Hashtable -- in the moment I take whatever is in the Hashtable and pass it to eval, then exceptions happen. Attention: the strings are absolutely the same (even comparing them with Equals) and they work, the difference is only from where they come from.
When the JScript function edata evals a string taken from the Hashtable, JScript says "index out of bounds", but as I was saying: I don't see any array there... (and maybe the problem is exactly that, dunno).
I admit I have my limitations in JScript, so if anybody could lend a hand to help understand WTF is going on, I would be really happy.
Temporary solution/workaround splitting the JScript function:
xc=#"function odata(fieldname:String,ival:String):Object{
var sob=System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData('trespasser');
var v1=sob.GetType().GetField(fieldname).GetValue(sob);
return v1.ITEM(ival);
xc=#"function HASH(s1:String,s2:String):Object{
var sob=System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData('trespasser');
var q1=sob.GetType().GetField(s1).GetValue(sob);
return q1.ITEM(s2);
but if anybody really got any idea of why is wrong in the first example, please explain me!
