Annoying error "Missing method: public TypeOfResult ..." - fixtures

I have a DoFixture in the package
When I run a test using Fitnesse I get the following error message.
Missing method: public TypeOfResult
getBeDotAcredDotB2cDotWsDotCreditRequestDotServiceDotMyFixture() { }
OR: public TypeOfResult
beDotAcredDotB2cDotWsDotCreditRequestDotServiceDotMyFixturee() { }
in class
I can see that I'm not the only one having that problem but I can't find a solution on the Web.
Ok, I could as well define that method in my fixture, but I'd like to understand why it's there and if there is any cleaner way to get rid of that error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the page code. The same structure works fine when I'm using a ColumnFixture instead of a DoFixture.
!*> Classpath
!pomFile C:\Users\otonglet\WORKSPACES\b2c\pom.xml#test
|form_data|{some json data}|language|en_us|


Mockito how can simule record doesn't exist

.exception.INSSTaxNotFoundException: INSS Tax not found with ID 1
Could someone help me?
I want mokite "inssTaxService.findById", I don't know how do.
I get this error: INSSTaxNotFoundException: INSS Tax not found with ID 1.
But I could like found the record and go on.
Can I do that in Service or Not?
void whenINSSTaxIdInformedThenReturnThisINSSTax() throws INSSTaxNotFoundException {
INSSTaxDTO expectedSavedInssTaxDTO = INSSTaxBuilder.builder().build().toINSSTaxDTO();
INSSTax expectedSavedInssTax = inssTaxMapper.toModel(expectedSavedInssTaxDTO);
assertEquals(expectedSavedInssTax.getId(), expectedSavedInssTaxDTO.getId());
assertEquals(expectedSavedInssTax.getDescription(), expectedSavedInssTaxDTO.getDescription());
assertEquals(expectedSavedInssTax.getSocialSecurityRatePercent(), expectedSavedInssTaxDTO.getSocialSecurityRatePercent());
What you might be missing is actually injecting the mock of inssTaxService inside your class which you are testing,
Your code would be something like this. Considering its a pure java code(not spring boot etc, you can change the code accordingly in that case).
Mock the service(Which i feel you have done else Mockito would have thrown and error)
InssTaxService mockedInssTaxService = Mockito.mock(InssTaxService.class);
//other impl on this mock for this e.g
Inject the mocked object to the ClassToTest.
ClassToTest classToTest = new ClassToTest(mockedInssTaxService);
If you are using spring boot test you can use #MockBean or #Mock and #InjectMocks instead of new keyword

Preferences library is causing E/libc & E/Pref errors

I'm building a weather app using MVVM and retrofit and i recently added a PreferencesFragmentCompat subclass to implement some user settings using the preferences lib. After doing so, my app won't run and i keep getting these few lines of errors :
2020-04-08 00:54:12.346 18079-18079/? E/de.flogaweathe: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000
2020-04-08 00:54:12.410 18079-18079/com.nesoinode.flogaweather E/libc: Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.df.effect.conflict"
2020-04-08 00:54:12.421 18079-18110/com.nesoinode.flogaweather E/Perf: Fail to get file list com.nesoinode.flogaweather
2020-04-08 00:54:12.421 18079-18110/com.nesoinode.flogaweather E/Perf: getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array
2020-04-08 00:54:12.421 18079-18110/com.nesoinode.flogaweather E/Perf: Fail to get file list oat
2020-04-08 00:54:12.422 18079-18110/com.nesoinode.flogaweather E/Perf: getFolderSize() : Exception_1 = java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to get length of null array
I've got no idea what these are and i can't find any specific answers on stack or google.There are no indications on what is causing the error so i can't figure out if i'm doing something wrong or if it is a library issue. Any ideas?
Here's the SettingsFragment where i'm adding the preferences from an xml resource file :
class SettingsFragment : PreferenceFragmentCompat() {
override fun onCreatePreferences(savedInstanceState: Bundle?, rootKey: String?) {
And here's how i'm reading some values from the sharedPrefs:
class UnitProviderImpl(context: Context) : UnitProvider {
private val appContext = context.applicationContext
private val preferences:SharedPreferences
get() = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(appContext)
override fun getUnitSystem(): String {
val selectedUnitSystemName = preferences.getString(UNIT_SYSTEM_KEY,
return selectedUnitSystemName!!
I managed to figure out a solution to the issue after doing some more research. Firstly, i commented out all the code related to the preferences library (and the lib itself) and run the app again. The run was successful without any errors so that narrowed it down to the androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.1.0 library itself since my code was reviewed and couldn't find any issues with it. Looking through the preference docs i figured i could try out a beta or alpha version that may have fixed this issue. And lo and behold, after using the androidx.preference:preference-ktx:1.1.0-beta01 beta version and uncommenting the relative code, everything worked once again.

Testcafe: using Test Controler in boundTestRun not working

I'm trying to work with shadow roots in my Testcafe project. It's a little bit complicated to deal with it. I create a custom function that behaves the same as Selector().find() but I struggle with this error :
The "boundTestRun" option value is expected to be a test controller.
when I'm doing as documented here :
import { Selector, t } from 'testcafe'
getInShadowRoot = Selector(
// More code here
const boundedGetInShadowRoot = this.getInShadowRoot.with({ boundTestRun: t })
I create a gist to illustrate my problem:
Thanks for your help!
I finally get rid of it since I don't need to add .with({ boundTestRun: t }) to make it work.

My first basic Cucumber program (Scenario) fails - Java

I wrote my first Cucumber program today, and it fails. I wrote a very basic one, a simple scenario and it's step definition. Below is the feature file code and the step definition code.
Step Definiton code:
public class Testing_Example1 {
#When("^I am on x page$")
public void i_am_on_x_page() throws Throwable {
System.out.println("I am on xPage");
#Then("^I see that element$")
public void i_see_that_element() throws Throwable {
System.out.println("I can see that page");
Feature File Code:
Feature: Testing
Scenario: s1
When I am on x page
Then I see that element
I have added the system variables as well - The JAVA_HOME and the maven variables as well and linked it to the PATH variable I system variables.
I have added dependencies in the POM file, such as the Cucumber-Java, Cucumber-Junit and for selenium as well and yet my program fails and says the steps are undefined.
1 Scenarios (1 undefined)
2 Steps (2 undefined)0m0.000s
You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
#When("^I am on x page$")
public void i_am_on_x_page() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
#Then("^I see that element$")
public void i_see_that_element() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
Undefined step: When I am on x page
Undefined step: Then I see that element
Process finished with exit code 0
I guess it's because my feature file is not getting linked with the step definition file, but I don't understand what is missing that the feature file does not execute properly and scenarios fail. Someone who has knowledge about this, do help.
Thank You!
I found the solution to this. I just edited the configuration of the feature file - > edit configurations -> Paste the path of the package in which your step definition file is present -> apply.
I just has to link the feature file to the step definition using Glue.
Specify the stepdefintion & feature file details in your cucumber runner class.
plugin={"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report","json:target/cucumber-report.json"},
features = "src/test/resources",
glue ="",
public class CucumberRunner {

TypeInitializationException/ArgumentException when referencing initialized variable

I just received an exception when I try to reference a static variable in another class, which is also statically initialized. This worked before, and for some reason it fails now. The only changes I made were resetting Visual Studio (2010) to its default setting, which I can't imagine to be the reason for this. Any other code I added didn't touch any of the affected parts either.
This is my code
WinForms class 'MainForm':
partial class MainForm : Form
// ...
private RefClass convMan;
private Dictionary<EnumType, string> LogNames = RefClass.LogNames;
// ...
public MainForm() { .... }
Referenced class 'RefClass':
class RefClass
// ...
public enum EnumType { TypeOne = 0, TypeTwo = 1, TypeThree = 2 };
public static Dictionary<EnumType, string> LogNames = new Dictionary<EnumType, string>()
{ EnumType.TypeOne, "Text0" },
{ EnumType.TypeTwo, "Text1" },
{ EnumTypy.TypeThree, "Text2" }
The error I get now is (translated from German):
An unhandled exception of type "System.TypeInitializationException" occurred.
Additional information: The type initializer for "RefClass" threw an exception.
which has the InnerException
So, as far as I'm concerned, my static dictionary should be initialized once it gets accessed, thus when my Form class references it. I tried debugging to see if the static dictionary is initialized before it gets referenced in the Form class, which is not the case. Also, when I stop at a breakpoint for the reference line, the variable LogNames is null.
I'm really confused as to why this happens, it all worked before.
I found my error, the exceptions I got were quite misleading though. It was a problem with a different dictionary than the one I referenced. It probably didn't get initialized in the first place because something before that failed (If someone can clear this up, please feel free to do so!). Basically what I did wrong was using a two-directional dictionary and adding a value twice. This should normally produce a normal exception, but since it was done statically it got wrapped into a TypeInitializationException. I had a deeper look into the exact stacktrace of the inner exception and found where the exception originated from. Maybe this helps someone in the future...
I had a simular issue getting the same exception. Found that my static constructor for my utility class was generating the exception. Took some time locating since the description of the exception was misleading.
As #Yeehaw mentioned, it appears that the exception gets wrapped, so the common denominator here I would say is that the class/object is static.
