Deploying a web app that has only one user - node.js

How would I go about deploying a web app intended for only a single user (myself)? I feel like making a login that only accepts 1 user is the wrong method and also easy to hack? Would it be a good idea to make it only accessible from a certain IP? Please advise! Thank you. Backend will be using nodejs.

If I were you, I would program the back-end the proper way. This involves generalizing the entire implementation so that any hypothetical user with the correct password could use your login system. You could still authorize and authenticate the application so that when anybody else tries to log in, you automatically decline their request. If you are concerned about security, ensure that you are using SSL, basic encryption, hash passwords and, most importantly, do not use your own authorization library. It is far more secure if you use OAuth instead of using an IP, for example. Last, but definitely not least, make it as hard as you can for hackers to steal your data in the client side. This way, you also learn a lot of things that might come in handy in the near future.


Security in nodejs

I am new to NodeJS and have made a web application login feature using passport.
I know when someone registers an account, the app needs to hash their password and save the hash to the database. But when I use console.log(), the object still contains the user's password in plain text. I have a feeling it's not safe but I'm not sure how to approach this. Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here?
Irrespective of whether it is node.js or any other framework used for backend development, it is a good practice to pass the sensitive data such as passwords in encrypted format.
Typically we prefer using Json Web Tokens(JWT) -
You can use to encrypt and decrypt it.
Don't bother too much with it.
If a malicious agent has access to the runtime environment of your server he will be able to do, possibly, everything. Even if you are using jwt he will be able to get the secret and decode it easily.
Focus on:
leaving the password encrypted in the database (as you did very well)
using SSL between you and the entry point on your servers network
making sure that you only expose the necessary, having a firewall/barrier in the exterior of your server is a very good pratice
sanitize and validate your server inputs to avoid injections and exploits
I just want to say only on don't use third party API or packages for it

How to store oauth tokens and other site security information?

I'm working up a website that, among other things, connects to Twitter through its OAuth interface. I have so far been pretty sloppy about dealing with the security of my access tokens and the like, and it's time to fix that. Thus my question -- trying to understand what's the Right Thing to do here. (Twitter is a real concern for what I'm doing, but I'm sure that dealing with Facebook and other similar services, OAuthed or not, would have similar issues.)
Looking at the site overall, it seems that I'm dealing with at least the following things that have security implications:
My database's name, username, and password
The consumer key and consumer secret for my Twitter application
The username, access token, and access token secret for the user that the site will use to talk to Twitter
For each of the site's users, their Twitter access token and access token secret
So -- what's the right thing to do with all this stuff? I could offer suggestions about what I think should happen, based on the different kinds of attacks one could imagine, but it's probably better if I just plead complete ignorance (rather than my more probable 90% ignorance?) and see if there's anything in the way of consensus or best practices out there. I'll accept flames for my security newbieism, but techniques for losing my newbie status would be more appreciated. Thanks very much!
Usually, OAuth tokens are pretty secured. They are very difficult to steal, and even if you steal them it is doubtful you'll be able to use them.
In any case, I would recommend using this encryption:
They guys at built it so I'm guessing it's pretty tight and comprehensive.

Making my web api secure?

I am creating a simple web api that returns json.
It will perform simple crud operations.
What is the best way to authenticate users, OAuth seems to be the main recommendation here but I'm looking for something I can implement myself simply, token based or and API key??
Any ideas suggestions tips would be great, thanks
UPDATE: Forgot to mention, this API wont be for general comsumption, its just for my own use but I want to make sure someone cant get in too easily if they stumble on it.
First of all in order to build a good API you should use other people's API to see how they work. To be RESTful an API key is used, which is just a really big random number or "cryptographic nonce". But really this is just like immortal session id to look up a users authentication information, which isn't that great. OAuth is great, if you want your own system kerberos is very secure.
It is possible to hijack json responses, which is a pitfall against json. If the API key is required for each request, then the attacker can't use this method.

How can I authorise a client in an OAuth-esque way?

Let's say I have 2 servers (server and authenticator), and I have a client. My end goal here is to be able to identify the client on server. My solution was to come up with a token/secret system like OAuth: client has a token and secret. It passes it to server. Server passes it to authenticator. If valid, server allows the request.
Obviously, this is nonoptimal just for the number of requests being made. The reason authenticator and server are separated is because this is for a decentralised service-- any number of servers may be used, and it's impractical to ask client libraries to register on each server.
So, the question remains, what's the best/correct way to do this? The goal is to create a system that is decentralised, but can still have clients identify themselves in a relatively secure fashion to the server.
Disclaimer: I'm not a security expert so I could be off-base here and in actual implementation there seems to be a number of security issues that would need to be ironed out.
In the broadest sense, could you have the client supply credentials to the authenticator and then upon verification the authenticator supplies the client and the server both with matching security tokens and then the client and server can communicate directly?
Just curious about there a reason you don't want to implement OAuth and run your own OAuth server.
Additional reference:
Turns out the solution was to define my problem a bit better. As I'm only trying to create a way to block applications, I only need to store their name and key when they request the server. Then, as long as they're not blocked and the key matches the one in the datastore, they'll be identified. So I'm not trying to authenticate so much as identify. Thanks for the input!

Security advice: SSL and API access

My API (a desktop application) communicates with my web app using basic HTTP authentication over SSL (Basically I'm just using https instead of http in the requests). My API has implemented logic that makes sure that users don't send incorrect information, but the problem I have is that someone could bypass the API and use curl to potentially post incorrect data (obtaining credentials is trivial since signing up on my web app is free).
I have thought about the following options:
Duplicate the API's logic in the web app so that even if users try to cheat the system using curl or some other tool they are presented with the same conditions.
Implement a further authentication check to make sure only my API can communicate with my web app. (Perhaps SSL client certificates?).
Encrypt the data (Base 64?)
I know I'm being a little paranoid about users spoofing my web app with curl-like tools but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Duplicating the logic is really painful and I would rather not do that. I don't know much about SSL client certificates, can I use them in conjunction with basic HTTP authentication? Will they make my requests take longer to process? What other options do I have?
Thanks in advance.
SSL protects you from the man-in-the-middle attacks, but not from attacks originated on the client side of the SSL. A client certificate built into your client API would allow you to identify that data was crafted by the client side API, but will not help you figuring out if client side manually modified the data just before it got encrypted. Technically ssavy user on the client end can always find a way to modify data by debugging through your client side API. The best you can do is to put roadblocks to your client side API, to make it harder to decipher it. Validation on the server side is indeed the way to go.
Consider refactoring your validation code so that it can be used on both sides.
You must validate the data on the server side. You can throw nasty errors back across the connection if the server-side validation fails — that's OK, they're not supposed to be tripped — but if you don't, you are totally vulnerable. (Think about it this way: it's the server's logic that you totally control, therefore it is the server's logic that has to make the definitive decisions about the validity of communications.)
Using client certificates won't really protect you much additionally from users who have permission to use the API in the first place; if nothing else, they can take apart the code to extract the client certificate (and it has to be readable to your client code to be usable at all). Nor will adding extra encryption; it makes things much more difficult for you (more things to go wrong) without adding much safety over that already provided by that SSL connection. (The scenario where adding encryption helps is when the messages sent over HTTPS have to go via untrusted proxies.)
Base-64 is not encryption. It's just a way of encoding bytes as easier-to-handle characters.
I would agree in general with sinelaw's comment that such validations are usually better on the server side to avoid exactly the kind of issue you're running into (supporting multiple client types). That said, you may just not be in a position to move the logic, in which case you need to do something.
To me, your options are:
Client-side certificates, as you suggest -- you're basically authenticating that the client is who (or what, in your case) you expect it to be. I have worked with these before and mutual authentication configuration can be confusing. I would not worry about the performance, as I think the first step is getting the behavior your want (correctness first). Anyway, in general, while this option is feasible, it can be exasperating to set up, depending on your web container.
Custom HTTP header in your desktop app, checking for its existence/value on the server side, or just leveraging of the existing User-Agent header. Since you're encrypting the traffic, one should not be able to easily see the HTTP header you're sending, so you can set its name and value to whatever you want. Checking for that on the server side is akin to assuring you that the client sending the request is almost certainly using your desktop app.
I would personally go the custom header route. It may not be 100% perfect, but if you're interested in doing the simplest possible thing to mitigate the most risk, it strikes me as the best route. It's not a great option if you don't use HTTPS (because then anyone can see the header if they flip on a sniffer), but given that you do use HTTPS, it should work fine.
BTW, I think you may be confusing a few things -- HTTPS is going to give you encryption, but it doesn't necessarily involve (client) authentication. Those are two different things, although they are often bundled together. I'm assuming you're using HTTPS with authentication of the actual user (basic auth or whatever).
