Security in nodejs - node.js

I am new to NodeJS and have made a web application login feature using passport.
I know when someone registers an account, the app needs to hash their password and save the hash to the database. But when I use console.log(), the object still contains the user's password in plain text. I have a feeling it's not safe but I'm not sure how to approach this. Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong here?

Irrespective of whether it is node.js or any other framework used for backend development, it is a good practice to pass the sensitive data such as passwords in encrypted format.
Typically we prefer using Json Web Tokens(JWT) -
You can use to encrypt and decrypt it.

Don't bother too much with it.
If a malicious agent has access to the runtime environment of your server he will be able to do, possibly, everything. Even if you are using jwt he will be able to get the secret and decode it easily.
Focus on:
leaving the password encrypted in the database (as you did very well)
using SSL between you and the entry point on your servers network
making sure that you only expose the necessary, having a firewall/barrier in the exterior of your server is a very good pratice
sanitize and validate your server inputs to avoid injections and exploits

I just want to say only on don't use third party API or packages for it


Setting up a different encryption key for each record of a model in a Laravel 9 website

For a website I'm working on, I will be storing confidential information that I need encrypted.
The way Laravel currently handles things, they encrypt each record with the same APP_KEY that's stored in the .env by default. I think I should be able to take that same APP_KEY and decrypt all the information in my production database as long as I have access to the production .env.
If so, I don't think that's a proper away to handle security for my case. Let's say I hire an admin for my production site and they turn out to be malicious. All they need to do to get access to all the users' sensitive details is take that APP_KEY and run the decryption.
If that's the case, I would rather have it work like this:
The user creates a record that has a "secret" field
A random string is generated to encrypt the data passed to the "secret" field and is then given to the user
If the user wants to access the data in the "secret" field, they have to use the key given to them; I nor anyone else should be able to decrypt that field without knowing the key given to the user
For my specific case, a client program will handle accessing the site's API and storing the encryption key and other details safely, so the user doesn't have to think about this.
My questions are the following:
Is the current encryption scheme Laravel uses safe from malicious admins?
If not, how would I go about best implementing the latter scheme?
Are there vulnerabilities with the latter schema as well, and if so, how can I improve it?
What I've Done
I've looked at the docs on this issue. I've also looked into the Model::encryptUsing feature, which allows for custom encryption.
I think I can implement the above if, when running the action that creates the record, I use Model::encryptUsing, but I haven't tested it yet.
If it ends up working, I will post the answer here.

is electron's `safeStorage` for passwords and login credentials?

I need to store login credentials with electron js because it doesnt save them like all browsers. I have seen a lot of questions like this, but I never found a solution. I have seen in the electron docs about the safeStorage feature. is the it safe enough/good enough to store login credentials on the client side? if not what other tools are available to do that? I have heard about keytar but is it good?
The safeStorage api in electron exposes OS-level encryption/decryption using current user's secret key - please refer to electron source and chromium's os_crypt. On windows it utilizes DPAPI while on *nixes it uses whatever password manager the OS has as the documentation suggested.
is the it safe enough/good enough to store login credentials on the client side?
Depends, you should define "secure" first.
Ask yourself, should the same user allowed to read whatever value inside the encrypted text? A tech-literate person might write his own tools to decrypt things you store using that API you are out of luck. See this QA for further discussion.
if not what other tools are available to do that?
There are a lot of tools (and encryption algorithm) to encrypt stuff in nodejs. However, you have to remember an encryption require you to have a key of some sort and the key need to be protected too. Hence, try your best to avoid egg-chicken problem with your key of keys.
OS-based key storage avoids the key of keys problem by storing the "master key" in a way that only accessible using its API. At runtime, you can't retrieve the key at all, you just send a set of bytes for the OS to magically encrypt/decrypt. While at rest, the OS may rely on secure storage such as TPM (Trusted Platform Module).
is electron's safeStorage for passwords and login credentials?
Depends, if you are running a web service it is preferrable to not doing so. You should never dump end user's user name/password directly on a storage that you can't guarantee its safety by yourself (e.g. your server). You should, put an identifier which can be revoked or may expire at later date - token or cookies.
Imagine the trouble when your end user device get stolen. If it's a token/cookie, they can request you to revoke their access from that device - similar to "Log me out from all other device."
However, if its an in-situ application that authenticates to itself then its a fair game - though keep in mind about the first point. Its all down to your security model.

Deploying a web app that has only one user

How would I go about deploying a web app intended for only a single user (myself)? I feel like making a login that only accepts 1 user is the wrong method and also easy to hack? Would it be a good idea to make it only accessible from a certain IP? Please advise! Thank you. Backend will be using nodejs.
If I were you, I would program the back-end the proper way. This involves generalizing the entire implementation so that any hypothetical user with the correct password could use your login system. You could still authorize and authenticate the application so that when anybody else tries to log in, you automatically decline their request. If you are concerned about security, ensure that you are using SSL, basic encryption, hash passwords and, most importantly, do not use your own authorization library. It is far more secure if you use OAuth instead of using an IP, for example. Last, but definitely not least, make it as hard as you can for hackers to steal your data in the client side. This way, you also learn a lot of things that might come in handy in the near future.

Google App Engine good way to send and store passwords

I am getting to the point in my Google App Engine development where I am signing users up. I collect the signup info, do some initial validation to make sure that things are the correct length/format, then send that info to the App Engine for server side validation and ultimately signup and login. I understand that I can think of the App Engine as extremely secure (it's Google anyway) and my client side is a Cordova application, which is also secure because it is wrapped in an app package. The only insecure part of the interaction is the HTTP POST request that I send containing the password. I see really only one option for making this more secure. I may be right, I may be wrong. I honestly have no idea.
I'm thinking that I could encrypt the password locally and decrypt it once it hits the app engine. The problem with this is that anyone monitoring my requests can read this decrypted value and they don't even need to decrypt it. They can just send it encrypted as it is. I can adjust this by making the encryption dependent on other variables that only the app engine knows about, but I'm not sure if that is a good way either.
I know next to nothing about web security, and very little about encryption techniques. What is the best way to send and store passwords with Google App Engine?
Don't reinvent the wheel and (as already mentioned in the comment) just use SSL.
It works out of the box for * domains (example) but if you want to enable it for your custom domain you will have to go through documentation.
Send over HTTPS - App Engine provides SSL for free - USE IT! Then at the server encrypt for storage. Never save passwords in plain text. If your using Python, check out the webapp auth api, which takes care of everything for you ->

How to verify an application is the application it says it is?

Here's the situation: we have a common library which can retrieve database connection details from a central configuration store that we have setup. Each application uses this library when working with a database.
Basically, it will call a stored procedure and say "I am {xyz} application, I need to connect o " and it will return the connection details for that applications primary database (server, instance, database, user, and password).
How would one go about locking that down so that only application {xyz} can retrieve the passwords for {xyz} databases (there is a list of database details for each application... i just need to secure the passwords)?
The usual way is to have a different config store per app and give each app a different user/password to connect to the config store.
That doesn't prevent anyone from changing the app and replacing the user/password for app X with the values from app Y but it's a bit more secure, especially when you compile this data in instead of supplying it via a config file.
If you want to be really secure, you must first create a secure connection to the store (so you need a DB drivers that supports this). This connection must be created using a secure key that is unique per application and which can be verified (so no one can just copy them around). You will need to secure the executable with hashes (the app will calculate its own hash somehow and send that to the server who will have a list of valid hashes for each app).
All in all, it's not something trivial which you can just turn on with an obscure option. You will need to learn a lot about security and secure data exchange, first. You'll need a way to safely install your app in an insecure place, verify its integrity, protect the code against debuggers that can be attached at runtime and against it running in the virtual machine, etc.
Off the top of my head, try PKI.
Are you trying to protected yourself from malicous programs, and is this a central database that these applications are connecting to? If so you should probably consider a middle layer between your database and application.
I'm not sure this applies to your case, depending on how what your answers to the abovementioned would be, but by the comments it sounds like you are having a similar case to what this question is about.
Securing your Data Layer in a C# Application
The simplest/most straightforward way would be to store the passwords in encrypted format (storing passwords in plaintext is just plain bad anyhow, as recently demonstrated over at PerlMonks) and make each application responsible for doing its own password encryption/decryption. It would then not matter whether an app retrieved another app's passwords, as it would still be unable to decrypt them.
One possibility is to keep the passwords in the database in an encrypted form, and convey the encryption key to the allowed application(s) in a secure connection.Then, only the application with the encryption key can actually get the passwords and not others.
