ACI deployment issue - azure-machine-learning-service

I’m unable to deploy machine learning models using ACI.
service = Model.deploy(workspace=ws,
Can you please suggest how can I debug the problem?

Typically run into a variety of issues usually when uploading or downloading… Here are details on single node AKS.
“User Errors” for image build failures, I’m assuming this is when you’re intentionally attempting to break it with messed up dependencies. And “Timeouts” where we are unable to talk to the ACI container which could very well be because of the size of the model.


JHipster Registry - why is it mandatory to run in the cloud for production?

I am working on an app that needs to be self-hosted on a Windows 10 PC where all the clients are inside a company network. I am using docker-compose for the various microservices and I am considering JHipster for an API Gateway and Registry service.
As I am reading the documentation, there is a line in the JHipster docs (
) that says "You can run a JHipster Registry instance in the cloud. This is mandatory in production, but this can also be useful in development". I am not a cloud expert so I not sure what is different in the environments that would cause the Registry app issues when running on a local PC. Or perhaps there is a way to give the local Windows PC a 'cloud' environment.
Thanks for any insight you have for me.
I think that this sentence does not make sense.
Of course, you must run a registry if you generated apps with this option but it does not mean that you must run it in the cloud. The same doc shows you many alternative ways to run it.
Running all your micro services on a single PC is a bit strange, it defeats the purpose of a microservice architecture because you got a single point of failure that can't scale. Basically, you are paying for extra complexity without getting the benefits, where a monolith would be so much simpler and more productive.
How many developers are working on your app?

Deploying docker-compose application on Azure Serverless

I have the following application running on a Cloud VM. That is proving to be not economical.
As you can see this is a collection of different images. Is there a way to run this application on Azure serverless. I understand perhaps AKS(Kubernetes) might be one way to go. However, the YML config part might end up becoming too daunting for me. Kindly suggest if there are other approaches to this.

Correct container technolgy on azure for long running service

I want to run a docker container which hosts a server which is going to be long running (e.g. 24x7).
Initially I looked at Azure Container Instances (ACI) and whilst these seems to fit the bill perfectly I've been advised they're not designed for long running containers, also they can prove to be quite expensive to run all the time compared to a basic VM.
So I've been looking at what else I should run this as:
AKS - Seems overkill for just one docker container
App Service for containers - my container doesn't have an http endpoint so I believe I will have issues with things like health checks
VM - this seems all a bit manual as I'd really like not to deal with VM maintenance and I'm also unsure I can use CI/CD techniques to build / spin up-down / do releases on a VM image (we're using terraform to deploy infra).
Are there any best practise guides on this, I've tried searching but I'm not finding anything relevant, I'm assuming I'm missing some key term to get going with this!
ACI is not designed for long-running (uninterrupted) processes have a look here
Recommendation is to use AKS where you can fully manage lifecycle of your machines or just use VMs

Implementing a CI/Deployment Pipeline for a Node app

I will shortly be in the process of rewriting a node app with the intention of
implementing Continuous Integration and TDD.
I also want to design and set up a deployment pipeline for development, staging, and production.
Currently I'm using Shipit to push changes to different instances that have pre-configured environments. I've heard about deploying Docker containers with the needed environments, and I'd like to learn more about that.
I'm looking at TravisCI and for automated testing/builds, and from my understanding, one can push the Docker image to a registry after the build succeeds.
I'm also learning about scaling, and looking at a design for production that incorporates Google Cloud servers/services serving 3 clustered versions of the node app, a Redis cluster, and 2 PostgreSQL nodes, which each service being behind a load balancer.
I've heard of Kubernetes being used to manage and deploy containerized applications, but I'm curious on how it all fits together.
In my head I think that it would seem like the process would be as follows:
commit changes on dev machine - push to repository.
TravisCI builds and runs tests, (what about migrations and pushing changes to the postgreSQL service?), pushes to a Google Cloud Container Registry.
Log into the Google Container Engine and run the app with Kubernetes.
What about the Redis Cluster? The PostgreSQL nodes?
I apologize in advance if this question is lacking in clarity and knowledge, but I'm trying to learn more before I move along.
Have you considered Google Cloud Container Builder? It's very easy to set up a trigger from your Github repository, which would start a new build on changes (branch or tag).
As part of the build, you can push the new image to GCR.
And you could also deploy to Kubernetes as part of the same build.

Ship docker image as an OVF

I have developed an application and am using docker to build it. I would like to ship it as a VMware OVF package. What are my options? How do I ship it so customer can deploy it in their VMware environment?
Also I am using a base Ubuntu image and installed NodeJS, MongoDB and other dependencies on it. But I would like to configure my NodeJS based application and MongoDB database as a service within the package I intend to ship. I know how to configure these as a service using init.d on a normal VM. How do I go about this in Docker? Should I have my init.d files in my application folder and copy them over to Docker container during build? Or are there better ways?
Appreciate any advise.
The reason I ask this question is - My target users need not know docker necessarily. The application should be easy to deploy for someone who do not have docker experience. With all services in a single VM makes it easy to troubleshoot issues. As in, all log files will be saved in the /var/log directory for different services and we can see status of all different services at once. Rather than the user having to look into each docker service. And probably troubleshooting issue with docker itself.
But at the same time I feel it convenient to build the application the docker way.
VMware vApps usually made of multiple VMs running to provide a service. They may have start up dependencies and etc.
Now Using docker you can have those VMs as containers running on a single docker host VM. So a single VM removes the need for vAPP.
On the other hand containerizing philosophy requires us to use Microservices. short explanation in your case, putting each service in a separate container. Then write up a docker compose file to bring the containers up and put it in start up. After that you can make an OVF of your docker host VM and ship it.
A better way in my opinion is to create docker images, put them in your repository and let the customers pull them. Then provide docker compose file for them.
