HTTPS for via Cloudflare - node.js

I have a chrome extension which uses an externel server to connect clients together.
During development I was able to connect to the server via http://localhost:2087 just fine, but right now I need to work over HTTPS so I can access it from a browser tab being server by HTTPS.
I don't want to deal with certificates, and want to keep the code on the server mostly the same, so I want to proxy the IP for the server via Cloudflare and establish SSL like that.
But I haven't been able to, the server uses no other webserver, but I can change it to use the native NodeJS http or https libraries.
But I haven't been able to access the server via the Cloudflare proxy. Clouflare returns 522 errors, which means a connection timeout.

Apparantly flexible SSL only works with with ports 443->80
Other ports are not supported...


how to access own Node.js server in https web site which deployed in nginx

i do deploy a website in nginx and translate it from http to https using let's cerbot before. it runs well.
My question is, in my website, i need to access my own Node.js Server using axios. As before, i used http, it goes well expect security.But now, below the Https connect, the browser blocks my http connect.So i tried update my Node Server to support Https connect using Self-signed SSL certificates, but the browser blocks it as well.
Who can tell me how can i fix this problem and make the site work well.Thank you!
You should setup nginx as reverse proxy for nodejs server

Submitting HTTPs from node socket with no certificate

A web application i developed is sitting on a server that serves it under https, some of my js code requires to open a socket to another server (nodejs) who is currently not set for https. and thus browser wont allow it to run.
all i want is a simple way without getting involved with certificates just to initiate a https socket connection, i don't mind the lack of security,
just need app to run.
The certificates are not your problem. Your problem is CORS. You need to configure your server to answer with a header allows foreign-origin
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '');
because in your case the technical difference between http (port 80) and https (443) is the port.
EDIT: ... I mean from the browsers point of view

WebSocket over SSL: Cloudflare

I have a website behind cloudflare. I need to enable websockets over SSL without turning off cloudflare support. I have a PRO plan and hence won't get the new websocket support. I am using Nginx to proxy a SSL connection to a web socket running on a node server. Now, I read somewhere that cloudflare could work with approved ports would support websockets. Hence, I'm using 8443 for the Nginx port and another port for the node server. Using wscat it returns a 200 error.
$ wscat -c wss://
error: Error: unexpected server response (200)
I know that the websocket is expecting a 101 code. However, if I visit, I can see the page displayed by the node server telling me proxy is working. Also, once I turn off cloudflare support, the websocket starts working. Any clues to get this working. I know I can create a subdomain but I'd prefer running the websocket behind cloudflare.
If you're trying to access this through CloudFlare's network you'd need to explicitly have web sockets enabled on your domain before they will work -- regardless of the port. As in, even if the port can pass through our network, that won't automatically mean that web sockets will be enabled or accessible on your domain.
You can try contacting our support team to request an exception to see if they can enable it for your domain, but typically this is still only available at the business and enterprise levels.
Disclaimer: I work at CloudFlare.

secure websocket for https

I have a local PHP server for my website and a local PHP server for websocket but websockets doesn't work anymore since I installed self-signed SSL certificats in WAMP. I have read that I have to use wss:// but when I change ws://localhost/xxx/server.php to wss://xxx/server.php but it doesn't solve my problem. I have accepted the certificat in firefox and chrome but it doesn't change anything. Any idea of what i supposed to do to repair websocket? Do I have to install certificat or key in my websocket PHP server?
You have to put the same certificate for the web page, and access the page with https://, therefore the browser will prompt you to accept the self-signed certificate and the websocket will be able of connecting using ws://
Also, be sure you use different ports for ws:// and wss://, some browsers get messed up if you start changing the connection of the same port.

Integrate websockets with apache

I would like to add a some real time data updates using push to an existing CakePHP application. It seems to me that websockets are the best way to do so and from what I've read, the easiest way to start using websockets is with node.js. Now the issue I have is that my application server is very very limited portwise and there is virtually no way to change that.
I have apache currently running on *:80 and *:443 and sslh listening on port *:4433. Requests from the outside are sent to my server on :4433 and sslh takes care of handling ssh and https traffic, however on the inside, all my clients machines are using :443 directly. I could potentially open more ports for inside clients, but from outside, there is currently no way to do this. Most of my clients connect from the inside network, but more and more are using the application from outside too.
Note that port 80 is only used to redirect users entering to as all my services are encrypted. So if node.js was able to to send every http request to https and use port 80 for secure websockets, this would work too!
My question: Is it possible to run Apache and Websockets (probably in the form of Node.js) on the same port, and have either Node.js working as a proxy for Apache or Apache working as a proxy for Node.js?
