WebSocket over SSL: Cloudflare - node.js

I have a website behind cloudflare. I need to enable websockets over SSL without turning off cloudflare support. I have a PRO plan and hence won't get the new websocket support. I am using Nginx to proxy a SSL connection to a web socket running on a node server. Now, I read somewhere that cloudflare could work with approved ports would support websockets. Hence, I'm using 8443 for the Nginx port and another port for the node server. Using wscat it returns a 200 error.
$ wscat -c wss://xyz.com:8443
error: Error: unexpected server response (200)
I know that the websocket is expecting a 101 code. However, if I visit https://xyz.com:8443, I can see the page displayed by the node server telling me proxy is working. Also, once I turn off cloudflare support, the websocket starts working. Any clues to get this working. I know I can create a subdomain but I'd prefer running the websocket behind cloudflare.

If you're trying to access this through CloudFlare's network you'd need to explicitly have web sockets enabled on your domain before they will work -- regardless of the port. As in, even if the port can pass through our network, that won't automatically mean that web sockets will be enabled or accessible on your domain.
You can try contacting our support team to request an exception to see if they can enable it for your domain, but typically this is still only available at the business and enterprise levels.
Disclaimer: I work at CloudFlare.


Nginx:504 Gateway Timeout

I am using Nginx as my https server to serve my http content from my node server.
I am also hosting my server on google cloud.
I have been keep getting a 504 Gateway Timeout Error; So I wonder if it is because I didnt set my upstream server (node server) 8080 port open. Then it works. Not so sure if it is the correct way to do it
But then I kept looking other docs or tutorial online. I never see people configure in such way to connect to node server. They mainly only left the port 80 opened. So I wondered if my config in server block causing the 504 gateway problem
----------second update
this is my setting, and the default_server is written by default
but i always see doc have included a variable - server_name ; Actually I dont quite understand this varibale. May I know should I consider it or not for later use, although it works now
Aside, I got an
Server Error from my app.
FetchError: request to failed, reason: self-signed certificate
Why is that it works on chrome,although I get that api directly and postman successfully.
third updated------
About self-signed certificate: You need to buy one or using a free service like https://letsencrypt.org .Beside that your questions are so basic so you have to research more on nginx docs (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/server_names.html)

node server placed behind proxy server failed to GET request to https://localhost:<port>

On my machine, im hosting a node server that is listening on port 5000. Before setting up a forward proxy (squid), i was able to perform a GET on https://localhost:<port>. However, after setting up a forward proxy and setting the environmental variable http_proxy=<ip addr:port>, this GET request no longer works.
The error that shows up is: tunnelling socket could not be established, statusCode=503
Some additional information:
The proxy server works as I am able to connect to the internet via it.
Performing curl instead, on the https:localhost:5000/api works.
Am using request.js for the requests, using agentOptions to specify TLS protocols & ca cert.
I am hoping to understand how the traffic is now different after i add in a proxy. From my understanding, now we have to go through a sort of TLS CONNECT / tunnelling since to the proxy first, since its a HTTPS request, before coming back to my localhost. But in the case without the proxy, how is it that its working?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
you must add
export no_proxy='localhost,'
the https work because you don't use proxy for https , you must set https_proxy='<tour_proxy>'

HTTPS for socket.io via Cloudflare

I have a chrome extension which uses an externel socket.io server to connect clients together.
During development I was able to connect to the server via http://localhost:2087 just fine, but right now I need socket.io to work over HTTPS so I can access it from a browser tab being server by HTTPS.
I don't want to deal with certificates, and want to keep the code on the socket.io server mostly the same, so I want to proxy the IP for the server via Cloudflare and establish SSL like that.
But I haven't been able to, the socket.io server uses no other webserver, but I can change it to use the native NodeJS http or https libraries.
But I haven't been able to access the socket.io server via the Cloudflare proxy. Clouflare returns 522 errors, which means a connection timeout.
Apparantly flexible SSL only works with with ports 443->80
Other ports are not supported...

Allow WebSockets in Google Compute Engine (GCE)

I'm using Compute Engine (GCE) to run my socket server with Socket.IO (Node.js)
It's only working with polling. When I try to use a web client I receive this error code:
WebSocket connection to 'ws://myapp-socket.appspot.com/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=Tt4uNFR2fU82zsCIAADo' failed: Unexpected response code: 400
What am I doing wrong? Is it GCE configuration problem?
You cannot use the myapp-socket.appspot.com domain in your script when using WebSockets. Instead, you will need to use the external ip of the GCE instance and connect directly to that, opening any firewall ports you may be using.
I believe traffic going to the appspot.com domain is also going through frontend webservers and socket.io needs a direct connection to the server.
The Virtual Machines in Google Compute Engine have port 80 for http and port 443 for https. Using these ports for web-sockets solved the issue.

Openshift Websocket custom domain

I've recently changed my openshift default domain myapp.rhcloud.com in www.myapp.com with a custom ssl certificate. The config works perfectly well until the web page ask the server for a websocket connection. I use node with socket.io and websockets enabled
I first tried:
But this return an error.
So I set back the socket connection url to:
But I get this error:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://www.myapp.com' is therefore not allowed access.
Is there a way to allow websocket connection via a custom domain on Openshift ? Or, do I need to set up cors?
I left socket.io prefix the websocket url I do not pass the protocol to socket.io
From my understanding, WebSockets use something like this (wss instead of ws for secure)
Make sure you setup openshift with your domain alias
When I log to https://www.myapp.com:8443/socket.io/1/ in Chrome, I get the error
Identity not verified
which is not the case on https://www.myapp.com... after few tests and searchs I think that this error is due to the websocket preview environnement on openshift. Source (https://www.openshift.com/blogs/paas-websockets):
Update: There is one more known complication. When using our
preview-deployment of WebSockets with HTTPS and WSS protocols, you
will face self-signed certificate. That is because this environment is
only temporary to give you insight into upcoming features. Once we
move the new routing layer to standard ports 80 and 443, i.e. we move
WebSockets support into production, the certificates used will be
signed and valid as they are with current deployment.
