v-icon of vuetify with class 'edit-icon' is not displaying the icon rather it shows the 'edit' text - material-design

I am using vuetify 2.2 in my project. In my code, I am using v-icon with class 'edit-icon'. It is supposed to display an edit icon but it is displaying 'edit' as text.
This was working properly but issue started coming once i merged my code to upstream branch. And both the branches have exact same package.config. I even ran my code after npm install but still issue is not gone.
Can someone please guide me to the right direction.

So the problem was indeed with the material icons not being rendered properly as mentioned by #Zim.
This link has the complete list of material icons that can be used.
And in this list, there is no edit icon. Instead they have mdi-pencil for the same purpose. After making that change, I could see the icon being rendered.


After upgrading to Android Studio 4.1 why doesn't the text in my CheckBox controls display in runtime (but does display in design mode)?

Here's a snapshot of my app where you can see the running app which has missing text and you can see the text that should be displaying (which is properly displaying in design mode).
Why isn't the text displaying at runtime?
This only started happening when I updated to version 4.1 of Android Studio and rebuilt my app.
Additionally, here is how they are defined in the layout xml:
Here's a view of the layout details of the one checkbox that is not displaying the text:
Notice that it is showing text size in PT (points).
I changed it to sp after choosing from droplist and now it displays properly.
Not sure why this has always worked in the past and suddenly stopped working.
If it is a change I would expect an auto-update functionality when Android Studio upgrades the project.
Should Not Work In Design Mode Either
If it is a problem I would also expect it to display improperly in the Design Mode also. Instead it looks correct in design mode even though runtime doesn't display it. In this way I would've understood that I was using an incorrect unit.
TextView Also
I found that this was also happening in many of my TextView controls.

Rendering Problem in Android Studio Layout Preview

I've looked at the suggested answers and none of them get the layout preview to render properly. I have tried changing the theme and lowering the API.
With "AppTheme" selected as the theme, the layout preview does not render elements properly and does not match the emulator. The error messages, .xml, emulator and layout preview are shown in the screenshot.
Please let me know what information is needed. I am new-ish to android studio.
// Edit
The solution given by Jadhu worked with my previous IDE version. However, I also wanted to see the Action Bar in the preview. I tried to use the solution listed in the Jadhu's link but it still did not show the Action Bar.
After updating the IDE, I no longer need to make any changes but the Action Bar still will not appear.
// Edit 2
Make the Action Bar appear by clicking the "Eye Symbol" drop-down on the upper-left corner of the preview and selecting Show Layout Decorations.
Go to your res/values/styles.xml and change the:
"style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar""
"style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar""
if it doesnt work, you may find the answer Here, please feel free to take a look.

Is this a z-index issue?

I have a menu (this is the menu I'm using with a few modifications: http://multi-level-push-menu.make.rs/) that floats over an image that is linked. Whenever a link is click that is in front of the image, both links are activated.
I've tried added a higher z-index to the menu wrapper, but still not working. Thoughts?
Here is a screen cap of the problem:
I know the obviously answer is to make the image not clickable, which I will change but I'm concerned this could cause problems somewhere else on the site.

How to scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent (LWUIT 1.5)?

How can I scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent? I am using LWUIT 1.5.
Moreover if the link spans over multiple lines, it stops on the first line, so the whole link is not visible.
HTML file for testing: http://bit.ly/uJ8RbN
UPDATE: The issue is here http://java.net/jira/browse/LWUIT-487.
Any workaround tips before the issue gets resolved?
Scrolling past the last link works properly in our test cases although its always possible there is a bug in the HTMLComponent implementation. If you found such a case please file an issue in the lwuit issue tracker in the LWUIT website and include the HTML that triggered the problem. The same probably applies to the long links issue.
A simple solution is to add an empty button to the end of the form, format the button to look like the background, without borders etc. This way after the HtmlComponent there is still a button that doesnt have focus but allows you scroll to the bottom.

how to click on ext JS drop down menu items using watir

I have the ext js drop down menu as shown in the image.
is there any watir method to click on this button?
its respective HTML code is in the image.
Naveen Kandakur
See my answer to How to click a strange link looks like button in watir which appears to the the exact same code, and thus gets the same answer.
for which btw I have code that works on the sample site that appears to be the same control, and is why we constantly ask people if there is a site we can access that has the control on it, because nothing works as well as a real example when you are trying to figure out what makes these custom controls tick.
