how to click on ext JS drop down menu items using watir - watir

I have the ext js drop down menu as shown in the image.
is there any watir method to click on this button?
its respective HTML code is in the image.
Naveen Kandakur

See my answer to How to click a strange link looks like button in watir which appears to the the exact same code, and thus gets the same answer.
for which btw I have code that works on the sample site that appears to be the same control, and is why we constantly ask people if there is a site we can access that has the control on it, because nothing works as well as a real example when you are trying to figure out what makes these custom controls tick.


Download functionality in Tabulator

i would like to use the functionality to allow table data to be downloaded by a simple button click as described on
I hoped i could get a working example on "view source", but its only code snippets needed to configure it.
Could someone give me a complete example how to use it?
I got so far, that i have the table running and the buttons are also present, i am just missing the buttons actually doing something on clicking them.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day
The complete example is right there on the page you linked. Click the green "View Source" button located under the table, which will expand some snippets. Under the "JavaScript" snippets there are button click handlers commented with //trigger download of data.*** file. That code uses jQuery to specify what the button calls when it is clicked. The buttons call with parameters to specify the format and download filename.
You can also see it here:

JSF, Primefaces: when I quickly click a button on a menu, rendering of a UI is not correct. How to find a cause?

I have a project with a standard template (header-menu-content). When I quickly click button several times, my UI doesn't render correctly. (The header just remains and it is on a center of the page). But at the same time, no one button on the header does not work. Nothing works. <ui:debug> at this time does not work as well. I can solve this problem after updating a page in a browser. It seems like elements haven't been downloaded.
What should I do? How can I find the solution?
Thanks in advance!

XPAGE Modal Dialog [duplicate]

I am using the extlib Dialog component to display some data. I want the user to only close the dialog via a button I have in it.
I can't see any option to disable the close icon in the title bar. Can someone point me to the documentation on doing this? So far I've checked the wiki + extlib book (maybe I missed it?).
css rules, again! As far as I can see there's no "native" way to get rid of that close button (and to be honest, I don't think it's a really good idea to do so; see below). But using some css you of course can hide anything you want on your page.
Just give your dialog some custom styleClass; at runtime this custom class is then added to the dialog's outer div-container.
The close button itself is an link inside a span; the has tow style classes, one being "lotusClose".
Finally adding this piece of code to your style sheet will hide the button:
div.yourCustomClass a.lotusClose {display:none;}
The "close" button is there on purpose. And instead of hiding it I would rather add some kind of validation code to your dialog's close event. There are numerous examples, but maybe you just want to refer to's reference for
(section "Forms and Functionality in Dialogs).
Btw: since the dialog is based on dijit.Dialog you may also want to browse stackoverflow's dojo section.

SharePoint default modal dialog box not showing buttons

I've been doing searches trying to find help on this, but so far all I have found is how to set options for popping up a SharePoint modal dialog box from custom code.
However, I haven't created any custom web parts to display modal dialogs. What's happening, is if someone clicks the upload document button in a library, the upload document modal dialog comes up, but the ok and cancel buttons are half off of the bottom of the box. Users can click on them, but it just doesn't look very good.
I started playing with the CSS to make the modal dialog box bigger to reveal the buttons, and that works for the most part, but the real problem is the grant user permission dialog box.
When that is clicked, it doesn't show the ok and cancel buttons, and maximizing the dialog box doesn't reveal them. The user has to hit tab about 5-10 times before the focus moves to the ok button and is then clickable.
I would post an image, but I don't have enough reputation to do so.
Has anyone come across this? It seems very strange that the out of the box setting would have this problem.
The CSS that I use to adjust the height and width of the modal dialog is:
.ms-dlgFrame, .ms-dlgContent, .ms-dlgBorder, .ms-dlgFrameContainer
I'm just trying to set the height/min-height values, but I haven't had much luck.
We're using Internet Explorer 11 to view the pages.
Stevangelista actually pointed me in the right direction, I wish I could mark comments as answers, and since I'm new I can't upvote the comment, but here's the solution:
I am using a customized master page, and that comment had me take a look at the elements in the page.
Since the master page is being used in the dialog boxes as well, I used the s4-notdlg class to remove parts that weren't needed in the dialogs. Those parts were pushing the buttons below the bottom of the screen.
I'm not a css expert, so there may be ways of keeping those parts and still have the buttons accessible, but the particular issue I was trying to fix was resolved by using the s4-notdlg class to objects in my custom master page.

How to scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent (LWUIT 1.5)?

How can I scroll past the last link in a HTMLComponent? I am using LWUIT 1.5.
Moreover if the link spans over multiple lines, it stops on the first line, so the whole link is not visible.
HTML file for testing:
UPDATE: The issue is here
Any workaround tips before the issue gets resolved?
Scrolling past the last link works properly in our test cases although its always possible there is a bug in the HTMLComponent implementation. If you found such a case please file an issue in the lwuit issue tracker in the LWUIT website and include the HTML that triggered the problem. The same probably applies to the long links issue.
A simple solution is to add an empty button to the end of the form, format the button to look like the background, without borders etc. This way after the HtmlComponent there is still a button that doesnt have focus but allows you scroll to the bottom.
