How to always open jscolor picker without clicking on button - jscolor

I am using Jscolor.I want to always open the jscolorpicker without clicking on button. I need to default open.
<button name="newreportcolor" id="reportchosecolor-btn" class="jscolor
{valueElement:'valueInput', styleElement:'styleInput',closable:true,hash:true,closeText:'Close me!',onFineChange:'selectcolor(this)'} ">
Choose Color


Puppeteer: Toggle on/off switch

Is there any capability/long press in puppeteer to toggle on/off switch? I tried to focus and click but did not work. It is of type checkbox and is a slider.
input type="checkbox" id="status" name="status" role="switch" aria-checked="true"

avoid screen getting pushed up into status bar when keyboard is open

On opening the keyboard, and on pressing the next button from the keyboard, the screen gets pushed up into the status bar, making the contents of the statusbar and the screen to overlap in react native android. I am using react-native version 0.59.2 and react-native-router-flux version 0.4.6
I have tried using keyboard avoiding view but no success.
I have also tried setting android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize", but using it pushes my tab bar over the keyboard.
Making the combination of android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize|adjustPan", however does not pushes the screen above the status bar, but does make my screen scroll automatically, thus user has to scroll manually.
StatusBar Component
<StatusBar translucent={true} hidden={false} backgroundColor={'rgba(0,0,0,0.0)'} barStyle={"light-content"}/>
This is how I am using it in the class.
<View style={{flex:1}>
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
<TextInput/> //here i have multiple textinput fields
Expected result should be "the screen should go beneath the statusbar and not over it."

Greasemonkey - adjust an input field

I want to manipulate the following code so that when you click in the search box it selects all the text in the box rather than having to double click or press ctrl+A
The current code is:
<input name="sysparm_search" id="sysparm_search" placeholder="Search"
type="search" class="form-control form-control-search">
Is this possible to do with greasemonkey scripts?
The most simple way would be the following (using jQuery):
$("#sysparam_search").click(function() {
There are some drawbacks associated with this kind of selection, though. See this topic for more details: Selecting all text in HTML text input when clicked

Is there a "popup" display mode for the Save to Foursquare button confirmation screen, rather than "modal"?

For the Save to Foursquare button
(, Is there a way for the confirmation screen to popup as an external window instead of a modal window after clicking the button? Is there a property or option to do this?
I am currently embedding the Save to Foursquare button in an iframe, which prevents the modal window from displaying properly.
You can use the old foursquare button like this:
<iframe src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="width:165px; height:25px;"></iframe>
vid is the id of the venue, the options for color are white, dark and blue, and you can use size=small for a smaller button

prevent popup from opening new window in Ie6

I create a popup using in IE6. Created popup contains a link to other page, which i want to show in the same popup window, but after clicking on the link, the target page is displayed in another brand new popup, so i have 2 popups opened at that moment.
How can i make a new page loaded in the same popup that holds a link to it?
a href="somepage.html" target="_self"
didn't help
a onclick="window.location.href = ''"
is an option ?
