Puppeteer: Toggle on/off switch - switch-statement

Is there any capability/long press in puppeteer to toggle on/off switch? I tried to focus and click but did not work. It is of type checkbox and is a slider.
input type="checkbox" id="status" name="status" role="switch" aria-checked="true"


How to always open jscolor picker without clicking on button

I am using Jscolor.I want to always open the jscolorpicker without clicking on button. I need to default open.
<button name="newreportcolor" id="reportchosecolor-btn" class="jscolor
{valueElement:'valueInput', styleElement:'styleInput',closable:true,hash:true,closeText:'Close me!',onFineChange:'selectcolor(this)'} ">
Choose Color

Greasemonkey - adjust an input field

I want to manipulate the following code so that when you click in the search box it selects all the text in the box rather than having to double click or press ctrl+A
The current code is:
<input name="sysparm_search" id="sysparm_search" placeholder="Search"
type="search" class="form-control form-control-search">
Is this possible to do with greasemonkey scripts?
The most simple way would be the following (using jQuery):
$("#sysparam_search").click(function() {
There are some drawbacks associated with this kind of selection, though. See this topic for more details: Selecting all text in HTML text input when clicked

Move cursor to beginning of MaskedTextBox on focus

When a user is tabbing through a form and focus gets set on a Kendo-Ui for Angular2 MaskedTextBox, the input cursor is at the end of the mask. This is very inconvenient for a user when doing data entry.
I have tried to use the onfocus event to reset the cursor, but the event does not seem to fire for this object.
onfocus="console.log('focused'); this.setSelectionRange(0,0);"
Any suggestions are appreciated....
The most recent versions of the controls fixed my problems.

Ionic: Autocomplete div hidden behind keyboard (ng-tags-input)

How to focus on tags-input including autocomplete when keyboard is open. There is no problem with input's visibility however, the autocomplete div is hidden behind keyboard.
Example Plunker: Plunker

JavaServer Faces keyboard layout changes

I got a few Input components on page and while I set focus on one of them by mouse keyboard layout doesn't change, but if I do it by TAB-batton on keybord then keyboard layout changes on US. Using GlassFish server by the way. Why it happens and how to fix it?
This is the OS X feature to input text in <input type="password" /> only in English
