How to place "anything" in puppet class? - puppet

There will be different mount directories on various hosts.What operator and what is best way to add "anything" in code.I have tried using "*" ,it did not work.
class database::settings {
mount { '/mydata/<anything>/data':
options => 'commit=100000000',
remounts => false,


Puppet assign class parameters in multiple places

I'm learning puppet (v6), and trying to understand how to set class parameters when a specific node needs an additional parameter, but uses the same class. Maybe a little fuzzy on the terminology, but here's what I'm working on:
MyNode1 needs sshd configured to use a banner and timeout, so using ghoneycutt-ssh, I include the ssh class with parameters:
# Configures SSH
class MyModule::MySSH {
# Using ssh module
class { '::ssh':
sshd_client_alive_count_max => 0,
sshd_client_alive_interval => 900,
sshd_config_banner => '/etc/MyBanner.txt',
Now I have a second node MyNode2, which requires MySSH above, and also needs to disable forwarding. I started with something like this, where I define only the additional parameter in its own class:
class MyModule::MySSH_Node2 {
class { '::ssh':
sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding => 'no',
Then define MyNode2 to include both in my site definition, hoping that puppet merges my ::ssh definitions:
node MyNode1 {
include MyModule::MySSH
node MyNode2 {
include MyModule::MySSH
include MyModule::MySSH_Node2
I understand that the above example doesn't work due to error Duplicate declaration: Class[Ssh]. I also tried overriding the class with a new parameter:
class MyModule::MySSH_Node2 {
Class[ssh] {
sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding => 'no',
But it seems this is not allowed either: Error: Resource Override can only operate on resources, got: Class[ssh]-Type
I'm not sure what the best way to add parameters is. I know I can create a manifest that includes all the parameters needed for this node and apply that instead, but then I end up with duplicate code everywhere.
Is there a reasonable way in modern puppet to assign and merge class parameters like this in puppet?

Puppet - Set defined types in Nodes.pp

How to overwrite defined type in nodes.pp? I want to able to set custom domain using nodes.pp. Case Default isn't an option.
I'm using puppet 6.0..
The following method doesn't work. It says Could not find declared class resolv::resolv_config.
It looks like it used to work in 3.0 according to this answer.
node "test001" {
class { 'resolv::resolv_config':
domain => "something.local",
class resolv {
case $hostname {
/^[Abc][Xyz]/: {
resolv:resolv_config { 'US':
domain => "mydomain.local",
define resolv::resolv_config($domain){
file { '/etc/resolv.conf':
content => template("resolv/resolv.conf.erb"),
domain <%= #domain %>
There are a couple of problems here, but the one causing the "could not find declared class" error is that you are using the wrong syntax for declaring a defined type. Your code should be something like this:
node "test001" {
resolv::resolv_config { 'something.local':
domain => "something.local",
There are examples of declaring defined types in the documentation,
Once you get that working, you'll find another problem, in that this definition
define resolv::resolv_config($domain){
file { '/etc/resolv.conf':
content => template("resolv/resolv.conf.erb"),
will cause a error if you try to declare more than one resolv::resolv_config, because they will both try to declare the /etc/resolv.conf file resource. You almost certainly wanted to use a file_line resource.

puppet 4.7 - how can I execute something at the end of a run?

I need to execute something as the very last thing of a puppet apply run. I tried to do that by defining a stage 'last', but the syntax restrictions on declaring a class in resource mode are a problem.
Is there a good way to use stages like this? Or is there some other way to make sure some class is executed last?
for example, this gives me an error for a duplicate declaration(sometimes, and I'm not sure why at this point):
class xyz::firstrun {
exec { 'exec_firstrun':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -e /tmp/',
command => '/tmp/',
path => ['/usr/bin/','/usr/sbin'],
creates => '/tmp/firstrun.done',
class { 'xyz::firstrun':
stage => last,
Sometimes, the firstrun class runs without error, but in the main stage.
I'm not a big fan of run stages, but they are the the right tool for this job. It's a bit unclear exactly what gives you the duplicate declaration error you describe, but if, for example, your class definition and class declaration both appear in the same file, then that might be a problem.
Here's how a solution using run stages might look:
class site::stages {
stage { 'last':
# Stage['main'] does not itself need to be declared
require => Stage['main'],
class xyz::firstrun {
exec { 'exec_firstrun':
onlyif => '/usr/bin/test -e /tmp/',
command => '/tmp/',
path => ['/usr/bin/','/usr/sbin'],
creates => '/tmp/firstrun.done',
node '' {
include 'site::stages'
include 'something::else'
# Must use a resource-like declaration to assign a class to a stage
class { 'xyz::firstrun':
stage => 'last'
Note that although include-like class declarations are generally to be preferred, you must use a resource-like declaration to assign a class to a non-default stage. You must therefore also be careful to avoid declaring such classes more than once.
You can use puppet relationship and ordering to do this.
(1) If you want to execute the entire class at the end, you can include your class in init.pp and user ordering arrow (->) to execute it after all other classes.
file: /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat/init.pp
class tomcat {
include ::archive
include ::stdlib
class { '::tomcat::tomcatapiconf': }->
class { '::tomcat::serverconfig': }
(2) If you want a specific resource in a class to execute at the end, you can use the same arrow (->) within the class or use before or require in the resource
file { '/etc/profile.d/':
ensure => file,
before => File_line['/etc/profile.d/'],
file_line { '/etc/profile.d/':
path => '/etc/profile.d/',
ine => 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr/lib:/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr-util/lib:/usrdata/apps/sysapps/tomcat-native/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH',
exec { 'configure apr-util':
cwd => "/tmp/apr-util-${tomcat::aprutilversion}/",
command => "bash -c './configure --prefix=/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr-util --with-apr=/usrdata/apps/sysapps/apr'",
} ->
exec { 'make apr-util':
cwd => "/tmp/apr-util-${tomcat::aprutilversion}/",
command => 'make',
You can also use combination of before, require and ->. Just make sure you don't create a dependency cycle.

Ordering with creating and reading a file in Puppet

I know it is something with the catalog that is the issue, I just can't figure out how to work around it.
I have the following code and I get the following error:
class test1 {
file { '/tmp/test.txt':
ensure => present,
content => 'name=joe',
class test2 {
$test = file('/tmp/test.txt')
notify { $test: }
class test3 {
class { 'test1': } ->
class { 'test2': }
puppet apply -e "include test3"
Error: Could not find any files from test.txt at ../modules/test2/manifests/init.pp
So essentially, I am trying to read a file before it exists, and the ordering doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas how I can work around this?
Based on the description of the function you are trying to utilize it will never operate in the fashion you are trying.
Loads a file from a module and returns its contents as a string.
Affectively what this means is that the file would exist in
And would be loaded using:
file('test1/test.txt') i.e. file(<MODULENAME>/<FILENAME>)

Puppet; Call another .pp

So I am using the module to try to figure out automation of NRPE across hosts.
One of the available usages is
nrpe::command {
ensure => present,
command => 'check_users -w 5 -c 10';
Is there anyway to make a "group" of these commands and have them called on specific nodes?
For example:
you have 5 different nrpe:command each defining a different check, and then call those specific checks?
I am basically trying to figure out if I could group certain checks/commands together instead of setting up a ton of text in the main sites.pp file. This would also allow for customized templates/configurations across numerous nodes.
This is the command and what it's supposed to do when called on with the 'check_users' portion. If I could have a class with a set of "nrpe:command" and just call on that class THROUGH the module, it should work. Sorry, though. Still new at puppet. Thanks again.
define nrpe::command (
$ensure = present,
$include_dir = $nrpe::params::nrpe_include_dir,
$libdir = $nrpe::params::libdir,
$package_name = $nrpe::params::nrpe_packages,
$service_name = $nrpe::params::nrpe_service,
$file_group = $nrpe::params::nrpe_files_group,
) {
file { "${include_dir}/${title}.cfg":
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('nrpe/command.cfg.erb'),
owner => root,
group => $file_group,
mode => '0644',
require => Package[$package_name],
notify => Service[$service_name],
What version are you talking about? In puppet latest versions, inheritance is deprecated, then you shouldn't use it.
The easiest way would be to use "baselines".
Assuming you are using a manifests directory (manifest = $confdir/manifests inside your puppet.conf), simply create a $confdir/manifests/minimal.pp (or $confdir/manifests/nrpe_config.pp or whatever class name you want to use) with the content below:
class minimal {
nrpe::command { 'check_users':
ensure => present,
command => 'check_users -w 5 -c 10',
Then just call this class inside your node definitions (let's say in $confdir/manifests/my_node.pp) :
node '' {
include minimal
